Aerial of SLAC, 2021

SLACspeak U-V-W

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U Wastes     A federal list of non-acute hazardous wastes.

U.S.C.     United States Code.

UA1     Underground Area 1. The name of a detector, and the related experiment, at CERN.

UA2     Underground Area 2. The name of an experiment, and the related detector, at CERN.

UA5     UA5 detector at CERN.

UAT     User Acceptance Test. (Computing)

U-AVLIS     Uranium-Atomic Vapor Laser Isotope Separation (LLNL)

UC     UltraCentrifugation.

UCN     UltraCold Neutron

UCP     Unique Continuation Property.

UCPF     Universal Chiral Partition Function

UDP     User Datagram Protocol. A transport protocol in the Internet suite of protocols. UDP, like TCP, uses IP for delivery however, unlike TCP, UDP provides for exchange of datagrams without acknowledgments or guaranteed delivery.

UEC     Users Executive Committee.

UED     Ultrafast Electron Diffraction.

UEL     Upper Explosive Limit or Upper Flammable Limit (UFL). The maximum percentage of a substance in air which will ignite. See also LEL and Flammability Range.

UEM     Ultrafast Electron Microscopy.

UF     UltraFiltration.

UFC     Uniform Fire Code.

UFC     UltraFast science Center. (Stanford)

UFL     See UEL.

UFVA     Unclassified Foreign Visits and Assignments. (DOE)

UGC     Uppsala General Catalogue of Galaxies.

UGPS     University Grant Program Subpanel.(DOE and NSF)

UH     Undulator Hall (LCLS).

UHE     Ultra High Energy.

UHECR     Ultra High-Energy Cosmic Rays.

UHF     Ultra High Frequency. Allocated band of radio frequencies from 300 Megahertz (MHz) to 3,000 MHz.

UHV     Ultra High Vacuum. The vacuum condition below about 10 exp (-6) TORR. Storage rings operate two to four orders of magnitude under UHV.

UI     User Interface.

UIC     Underground Injection Control. (from SDWA)

UIMS     User Interface Management System. UIMSes are high-level GUI building tools. On the same underlying data, you can relatively easily create different types of user interfaces. UIMSes are also called GUI builders.

UKQCD     United Kingdom Quantum Dynamics Collaboration.

UL     Underwriters Laboratory.

Ultra High Frequency     See UHF.

Ultra High Vacuum     See UHV.

ULXs     Ultra-Luminous compact X-ray sources.

UML     Unified Modeling Language.

UN/NA     United Nations/North American hazardous materials code.

UND     UNDulator.

UND     UNDer

Underground Area 1     See UA1.

Underground Area 2     See UA2.

Undulator     A permanent magnet, used like a wiggler, to generate more synchrotron light by causing the beam to bend rapidly back and forth.

UNESCO     United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.

Uninterruptible Power Supply     See UPS.

Universities Research Association     See URA.

UNIX     A computer operating system developed by AT&T. It is available on a wide variety of computing platforms. It is noted for its portability and interactive software tools.

Unix to Unix Copy Program     See UUCP.

UNP     Unbounded Nano Particle.

Unsaturated Zone     A subsurface zone containing water under pressure less than that of the atmosphere, including water held by capillarity, and containing airs or gases generally under atmospheric pressure. It is limited above by the land surface and below by the water table. Synonym: Vadose Zone.

UO     Users Organization.

UOEC     Users Organization Executive Committee.

UOR     Unusual Occurrence Report.

UPK     User Productivity Kit. (PeopleSoft).

Upper Explosive Limit     See UEL.

Upper Flammable Limit     See UEL.

UPS     Uninterruptible Power Supply. An emergency power supply used in PPS systems where power must not be interrupted for safety reasons. Consists of a large bank of batteries and control circuitry.


URA     User Research Administration (SSRL, LCLS)

URA     Universities Research Association. The governing body for Fermilab and the former SSC.

URI     Uniform Resource Identifier. The generic term for all types of names and addresses that refer to objects on the World Wide Web. A URL is one kind of URI.

URL     Uniform Resource Locator. Standardized formatted entities within hyper-text documents which specify a network service or document to establish a link.

URM     Under Represented Minorities

URQMD     UltraRelativistic Quantum Molecular Dynamic.

USA     Unconventional Stellar Aspect satellite experiment.(Group K)

USAXS     Ultra Small-Angle X-ray Scattering.

USC     Ultrafast Science Center (SLAC)

USCG     United States Coast Guard.

USDA     United States Department of Agriculture.

USDW     Underground Source of Drinking Water.

USGBC     U.S. Green Building Council.

USGS     United States Geological Survey.

USI     Unreviewed Safety Issue.

USLCSG     United States Linear Collider Steering Group.

USN     United States Navy.

USPAS     United States Particle Accelerator School. A twice-yearly school that rotates among research universities throughout the U.S. and draws faculty from a variety of institutions to teach intensive courses on beam science and technology.

USPHS     United States Public Health Service.

USR     Ultimate Storage Ring.(proposed) A light source designed to produce brighter X-ray beams than the current synchrotrons can offer.

USSKA     United States Square Kilometer Array Consortium.


Underground Storage Tank.

USTC     University of Science and Technology of China.

USW     United Stanford Workers.

UT    Upper Transformer

Utah Steel    460 tons of mild steel was obtained by SLAC from the University of Utah Neutrino Facility in 1975 that was subsequently used to fabricate a large number of magnets at SLAC for SLC, PEP and LCLS

UTEP     University of Texas at El Paso. (SSRL Gateway Partner)

UTIC     Universal Time Interval Counter.

UTR     University Technical Representative.

UTS     Ultramedia Tools Series. OS/2, Windows, and DOS multimedia software products for authoring, graphics, audio, animation, and video that share common file formats and a similar user interface.

UUCP     Unix to Unix Copy Protocol. A protocol used for copying files between consenting UNIX systems, and for handling e-mail. Mostly superseded, but still used in low budget situations.

UV     UltraViolet

UX     User eXperience.

UXSS     Ultrafast X-ray Summer Seminar



V.32, V.32bis, V.42, V.42bis     CCITT-based standards for modem communication. V.32 covers speeds up to 9,600 bps. V.32bis covers modem communication at speeds up to 14,400 bps. V.42 covers error correction by V.32-compliant modems. V.42bis covers data compression by V.32-compliant modems.

VAC     VACuum Group.

VAC     Volts Alternation Current

VACG     VACuum Gauge.

VACT     Value ACTual. Equivalent to BACT for devices other than magnets that use DAC / SAM control and read-back.

Vadose Zone     See Unsaturated Zone.

Value Actual     See VACT.

VAP     Vendor-Acquired Property.

VAP     Vector Axial-vector Pseudoscalar

Vapor     A gaseous form of a liquid or a solid, such as water vapor.

Vapor Density     The ratio of the density of a vapor to the density of air.

Vapor Pressure     The pressure exerted by a vapor against the sides of a closed container. It is temperature dependent.

VAR     Voltage Amp Reactive

Variable Voltage Substation     See VVS.

Variance     Government permission for a delay or exception in the application of a given law, ordinance, or regulation.

VATLY     Vietnam Auger Training LaboratorY.

VATValve     A type of vacuum valve. VAT is the brand name of this fully closing valve. Vat valves are also called `Slow Valves.'

VB     Vertical Bend.

VBF     Vector Boson Fusion.

VC      Vertex Chamber.

VCO     Voltage Controlled Oscillator.

VCS      Virtual Compton Scattering

VD     Volume Damper

VDC     Volts Direct Current

VDI     Voluntary Disability Insurance.

VDU     Vernier Delay Unit. Allows 0-10 nsec of time delay for a NIM trigger.

VE     Value Engineering.

VEC     Volitional Engineering Controls. (ES&H)

VECC     Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (Calcutta)

VEF     Vietnam Education Foundation. (US)

VELO     VErtex LOcator. (LHCb)

VEP     Violations of the Equivalence Principle


VERITAS     Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array. Cherenkov telescope at the Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory (FLWO) in southern Arizona, USA.

Vernier Delay Unit     See VDU.

Versaterm     A file transfer and communication protocol for using a MAC or a PC as a terminal. Versaterm is a commercial communication program for interfacing PCs to mainframes.

Very High Frequency     See VHF.

VES     Vertex Spectrometer Facility at 70 GeV IHEP accelerator.

VETO     A CAMAC module that receives fault information and sends it to micros in order to flag corrupted data to BPMPs or other detectors. The klystron veto system provides a fast signal to all micros that a klystron has missed firing on a beam pulse. Originally designed to gate the experimenter's detection equipment off on pulses that are of the wrong energy due to a misfiring klystron.

VGC     Vacuum Gauge Controller. Monitors vacuum at every klystron/ modulator. Interrupts trigger to modulator when klystron vacuum is bad.

VHAP     Volatile Hazardous Air Pollutant.

VHC     Vaden Health Center. (Stanford)

VHDL     VHSIC Hardware Description Language.

VHE     Very High-Energy

VHF     Very High Frequency. Allocated band of radio frequencies from 30 Megahertz (MHz) to 300 MHz.

VHRA     Very High Radiation Area.

VHSIC     Very High Speed Integrated Circuit.

Vi     Visual Interface. Developed by Bill Joy, Vi became the de facto standard UNIX editor until the rise of EMACS after 1984. It is still widely used.

Video Digitizer Clock Interface     See VDCI.

Video Distribution System     See VDST.

VIDMAN     Virtuelle Institut für Dunkle Materie und Neutrinophysik. (dark matter and neutrino physics)

VIKHOS     Virtuelles Institut für Hochenergiestrahlungen aus dem KOSmos. (high-energy radiation from the cosmos)

VIPAC     Virtual Institute for PArticle Cosmology.

VIPER     VIsualization for PingER.

VIRGO     a Michelson laser interferometer.

Virtual Memory System     See VMS.

VIRUS     Visible Integral-field Replicable Unit Spectrograph.

Virus     A program or piece of code that is loaded onto your computer without your knowledge and runs against your wishes. Most viruses can also replicate themselves. All computer viruses are man-made. A simple virus that can make a copy of itself over and over again is relatively easy to produce. Even such a simple virus is dangerous because it will quickly use all available memory and bring the system to a halt. An even more dangerous type of virus is one capable of transmitting itself across networks and bypassing security systems.

VISA     Visible to Infrared SASE Amplifier.

VISAR     Velocity Interferometer System for Any Reflector (LCLS)

VIWG     Vertical Integration Working Group (ES&H).

VLA     Very Large Array.

VLAM     Vertical LAMbertson. See Septum.

VLBA     Very Long Baseline Antenna (Arizona).

VLF     Very Low Frequency

VLHC     Very Large Hadron Collider. A facility, now in the planning stages, to collide beams of protons and antiprotons with energies of 50 - 100 TeV per beam.

VLI     Violations of Lorentz Invariance

VLK     Very Large Key (LCLS).

VLM     Very Low Mass

VLPC     Visible Light Photon Counter

VLQ     Very Low Q**2.

VLSI     Very Large-Scale Integration.

VLSP     Virtual Lightest Supersymmetric Particle

VLT     Very Large Telescope. (Chile)

VLT     Valiant Little Terminal. A terminal emulation program for the Amiga.

VLT     Visible Light Transmission. The amount of visible light passing through a filter, weighted for the response of the human eye, expressed as a percentage.

VM    Virtual Memory.

VMD     Vector Meson Dominance

VMDD     Vacuum microwave Devices Department. (SLAC)

VME     Versa Module Eurocard. A computer architecture. The VMEbus is a standard of industry used in data acquisition in detectors (BaBar) and controls for the accelerator (feedback system)

VMI     Velocity Map Imaging spectrometer.

VMO     Very Massive Objects

VO     Vacuum oscillations

VOC     Volatile Organic Compounds.

VoIP     Voice over Internet Protocol

Volatilization     Vaporizing or evaporating quickly. Volatilization rate is a function of turbulence, temperature, and vapor pressure of the liquid.

VPN     Virtual Private Network

VPP-ISMS     Voluntary Protection Program - Integrated Safety Management System .

VRO     Vera Rubin Observatory (LSST)

VRVS     Virtual Room Videoconferencing System.

VSE     Vision for Space Exploration. (NASA)

VSED     Vacuum Science and Engineering Department.

VSFT     Vacuum String Field Theory.

VT     Video Terminal. See VDT.

VT100     A type of computer terminal made by Digital Equipment Corporation. Many terminals emulate VT100 to be compatible with servers and software. Macs and PCs can also emulate VT100.

VTK     Visualization Tool Kit.

VTO     Variable Tap-Off

VTR     Vent Thru Roof

VUE     Visitor, User and Employee center. (SLAC)

VUV     Vacuum UltraViolet.

VVDZ     Van Dam-Veltman-Zakharov.

VVS     Variable Voltage Substation. The AC power supplies for the klystron modulators in the LINAC. Each VVS feeds two sectors of the LINAC. They are remotely controlled to provide from three to six hundred volts to the modulator power supplies. Also called Variable Voltage Sources.

VXD     VerteX Detector



W     Watt.

W     Wall (abbreviation used in SLAC drawings)

W3     See WWW.

W3C     World Wide Web Consortium. An international consortium of organizations involved with the Internet and the Web. W3C's purpose is to develop open standards so that the Web evolves in a single direction.

WA     Work Authorization.

WAA     Waste Accumulation Area.

WAC     Waste Acceptance Criteria.

WAH     Word-Aligned Hybrid, a type of compression method.

Wakefield     The field created by a bunch of charged particles as it passes through a beam pipe. The charges induced in the wall of a beam pipe by the leading edge of the bunch have an effect (usually bad) on the tail of the bunch. If the beam is centered, wakefields will cancel each other by symmetry, but if the beam is closer to one wall, the tail will be attracted to this wall resulting in a `banana' shaped bunch (Transverse Wakefield). A wakefield also can be created in RF cavities by the loading effect: the tail gets less energy than the head of the bunch (Longitudinal Wakefield). The deceleration on parts of the bunch caused by wakefields can be up to 2 GeV.

WALTA     Washington Large-scale Time-coincidence Array.

WAMC     Wrap-Around Mode Converter.

WAN     Wide Area Networking.

WAPA     Western Area Power Administration.

Warm Ion Calorimeter     See WIC.

Warning Property     A sign, such as odor, taste, or irritation, that a respirator is beginning to lose its effectiveness.

WaRP     WIMP Argonne Programme.

Warp     LBNL accelerator simulation code.

WarpX     LBNL accelerator simulation code combined with the BoxLib high-resolution refinement tool to create a new code for future exascale computing architectures.

WAS     Work AuthorizationS

WASM     A simple standalone x86 assembler, originally shipped with Version 10.0 of Watcom C/C++.

Water Table     The surface of an unconfined aquifer at which the pressure is atmospheric. It is the level at which water stands in wells that penetrate the uppermost part of an aquifer.

WAX     Wide-Angle Xray.

WB     WeBer unit

WBS     Work Breakdown Structure.

WBT     Web-Based Training.

WCLG     Water CooLinG

WD     White Dwarf.

WDR     Waste Discharge Requirements. (issued by RWQCB)

WDTS     Workforce Development for Teachers & Scientists (DOE)

WDVV     Witten-Dijkgraaf-Verlinde-Verlinde

Web Page     An HTML file viewable on the World Wide Web. Associated with the page itself, there may be other kinds of Web files like Postscript , PDF, image, movie, and sound files.

Web Server     A computer that delivers (serves up) Web pages. Every Web server has an IP address and possibly a domain name. For example, if you enter the URL in your browser, this sends a request to the server whose domain name is The server then fetches the page named detailed.html and sends it to your browser.

WEFTEC     Water Environment Federation's annual Technical Exhibition and Conference.

West Turn Around     See WTA.

WET     Whole-Earth Telescope.

WET     Waste Extraction Test. (CCR Title 22)

WFIRST     Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope.

WFO     Work For Others.

WFO     Wave Function Origin

WFPC2     Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2

WG     Working Group.

WG1     A klystron summary display message indicating that there is a problem with the waveguide water cooling system (flow switch #1).

WGV     A klystron SDS message indicating that there is wave-guide vacuum fault.

WHA     tungsten heavy alloy

WHDL     Watt-Hour Demand Limiter

WHIM     Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium.

WHONDRS    Worldwide Hydrobiogeochemistry Observation Network for Dynamic River Systems (DOE)

Wiggler     A type of bend magnet designed for the purpose of creating synchrotron radiation by `wiggling' the beam rapidly to and fro. See Undulator.

WIMP     Weakly Interacting Massive Particle.

WIP     Work Integration Plan. Used to document the coordination of red work. (SLAC ES&H)

WIPP     Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (Carlsbad, NM).

WIRE     Wide-field InfraRed Explorer.

WIRE     Wire chamber.

Wire Scanner     Wire scanners are beam profile monitors used to provide accurate measurements of beam size and position in all three planes (vertical, horizontal and longitudinal) for beam feedback systems and beam optimization procedures. Components include wires capable of being moved precisely through the path of a beam, and a detector which can accurately measure the amount of charge striking a wire. When in use, a wire is scanned across the path of a beam, and a plot of wire position versus beam intensity is generated that represents the beam profile. Wire scanners are used to measure the emittance of the beam.

WIRED     World-wide-web Interactive Remote Event Display. A general purpose particle physics event display program developed by Mark Donszelmann of CERN.

WISE     Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer. (NASA)

WISP     Weakly Interacting Suv-eV Particle.

WKB     Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (a method of calculating wave functions)

WKL     A klystron summary display message indicating that there is a problem with the klystron water system.

WL     Working Level. A unit of measure for documenting exposure to radon decay products. One working level is equal to approximately 200 picocuries per liter.

WLCG     Worldwide Lhc Computing Grid.

WLD     Water LoaD


WLM     Working Level Month. A unit of measure used to determine cumulative exposure to radon.

WM     Waste Management / Minimization. (ES&H)

WMAC     Wrap-around Mode Converter

WMAP     Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe.

WONDER     Workshop On Next Dark-matter Experimental Research.

Working Level     See WL.

Working Level Month     See WLM.

Workstation     A networked computer which typically has more power than a PC or Macintosh, but less power than a minicomputer.

WORM     Write Once, Read Many.

Worm     A computer program which replicates itself. The Internet Worm was perhaps the most famous. It successfully (and accidentally) duplicated itself on systems across the Internet.

WP     Work Package.

WPAC     Work Planning And Control.

WPC     Work Planning and Control (Also shown as WP&C)

WPI     World Premier International research center initiative. (Japan)

WS    Wire Scanner.

WSBK     W-Band Sheet Beam Klystron.

WSCNR     Wire SCaNneR.

WSF     A klystron summary display message indicating that the water summary has a fault.

WSP     Work-Study Program.

W/SR     Watt per SteRadian

WSRF     Web Service Resource Framework from OASIS.

WSS     Work Smart Standards.

WTA     West Turn Around. A reference to that part of the positron beam transport line that makes a 180 degree turn and returns to sector 1.

WUS     Workshop on Undulator Systems (for Free Electron Lasers).

WWS     WorldWide Study (of physics and detectors for the ILC).

WWSOC     WorldWide Study Organising Committee (ILC).

WWTP     Waste Water Treatment Plant.

WWW     World-Wide-Web. The leading information retrieval service of the Internet (the worldwide computer network). The Web gives users access to a vast array of documents that are connected teach other by means of hypertext or hypermedia. Developed by Tim Berners-Lee and his colleagues at CERN in 1990.

WYSIWYG     "What You See Is What You Get." Used to describe word processors and editors which allow you to edit an exact facsimile of what will be printed, including equations, figures, etc.

WZ     Wess-Zumino

WZNW     Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten

WZW     Wess-Zumino-Witten