Aerial of SLAC, 2021

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E     Experiment.

EA     Enterprise Architecture.

EA     Environmental Assessment.

EA     Office of Enterprise Assessments. (DOE)

EAC     Estimate At Completion.

EACT     The energy in GeV for a quad strength as computed by LEM. It is based on data from klystron Enoload. See also ENLD.

EAPR     Enterprise Architecture Project Review

EARN     The European Academic Research Network. Started in 1983, EARN was the first and largest network serving academic and research institutions in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Initially begun with help from IBM, it evolved to become a non-profit, non- commercial traffic-based network serving academic and research institutions.

EAS     Extensive Air Shower

East Turn Around     See ETA.

EBCCD     Electron-Bombarded CCD

EBCDIC     Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code. An 8-bit code for defining 256 different characters used on many IBM main frame computers. See also ASCII.     

EBD-FEE     Electron Beam Dump - Front End Enclosure. single zone furthest downstream accelerator area

EBI     Energy Biosciences Institute.

EBK     Einstein-Brillouin-Keller

EBL     Extragalactic Background Light.

EBT     Extended Business Team.

EC     European Commission.

EC     Executive Committee. (ILC)

ECal     Elctromagnetic Calorimeter. (ILC)

ECCO     Eikonal Cascade COde

ECFA     European Committee on Future Accelerators

ECI     Electron Cloud Instability.

ECM     Enterprise Content Management. Strategies and tools used to capture, manage, store, preserve, and deliver content and documents related to organizational processes. ECM tools and strategies allow the management of an organization's unstructured information, wherever that information exists.

Ecology     The relationship of living things to one another and their environment, or the study of such relationships.

eConf     Electronic Conference proceedings archive. (

ECP     Employee Concerns Program (DOE)

ECP     Exposure Control Plan.

ECP     Exascale Computing Project.

ECR     Electron Cyclotron Resonance

ECSC     Enterprise Computing Steering Committee.

ECSK     Einstein-Cartan-Sciama-Kibble.

ED     ElectroDialysis.

ED     Engineering Design (ILC).

ED & M     Electrical Development and Maintenance group, a department. (SSRL)

EDF     Environmental Defense Fund.

EDG     European DataGrid.

EDIA     Engineering Design Inspection Acceptance (cost estimates).

EDM     Electric Discharge Machining.

EDM     Electric Dipole Moment

EDM     Extensible Display Manager

EDMS     Electronic Document Management System.

EDMS     Engineering Data Management System (ILC).

EDR     Engineering Design Report. (ILC)

EDS     Electronics Drafting Shop.

EDS     Engineering Demonstration System (LLNL)

EE     EmployeE.

EE     Electronics Engineering. Division of the SLAC Accelerator Directorate.

EED     Electronics Engineering Division. (SLAC)

EEF     Environmental Evaluation Form.

EEHG     Echo-Enabled Harmonic Generation.

EEIP     Electrical Equipment Inspection Program (SLAC).

EELA     E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America.

E-ELT     European-Extremely Large Telescope.

EEOICPA     Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act.

EEP     Emergency Evacuation Plan.

EEQT     Event Enhanced Quantum Theory

EERE     Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. (DOE Office of)

EEW     Energized Electrical Work request and approval permit.

EFE     Einstein Field Equation-type.

Effluent     Wastewater--treated or untreated--that flows out of a treatment plant, sewer, or industrial outfall. Generally refers to wastes discharged into surface waters.

Effluent Limitation Restrictions     established by a State or EPA on quantities, rates, and concentrations in wastewater discharges.

EFMEA     External Failure Modes and Effects Analysis

EFRC     Energy Frontier Research Center. (DOE)

EFT     Effective Field Theory.

EGEE     Enabling Grids for E-sciencE. (Consortium)

EGP     Exterior Gateway Protocol. The protocol used by a gateway in one autonomous system to advertise the Internet addresses of networks in that autonomous system to a gateway in another autonomous system. Every autonomous system must use EGP to advertise network reachability to the core gateway system.

EGS     Electron-Gamma Shower. A system of computer codes for Monte Carlo simulation of the coupled transport of electrons and photons in an arbitrary geometry for particles with energies ranging from above a few keV up to several TeV.

EGS     Ehlers-Geren-Sachs

EGS4     Electron Gamma Shower 4 (Computer Code).

EGUN     Electron optics and GUN design program.

EH     Office of the Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety and Health.

EH&S     Environmental Health & Safety (Stanford).

EHF     European Hadron Facility

EHM     Extremely Hazardous Materials.

EHNS     Ellis-Hagelin-Nanopoulos-Srednicki

EHS     Four-pi detector at CERN.

EHSS     Environment, Health, Safety & Security (DOE)

EIA     Electrical Institute Associates.

EIA     Energy Information Agency.

EIE     Electronics and Instrumentation section (Controls Department).

EIL     Environmental Impairment Liability.

EIP     Energy Isolation Plan

EIR     Environmental Impact Report. (CEQA)

EIR     External Independent Review. (DOE)

EIS     Environmental Impact Statement. (NEPA)

ELEC     Electronic combination.

Electromagnet Current     See EMC.

Electron Volt     See eV.

Electron-Gamma Shower     See EGS.

Electronic Bulletin Board System     See BBS.

Electronic Mail     See E-Mail.

ELENA     Extra Low ENergy Antiproton ring. (CERN)

ELETTRA     Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, a national laboratory in Basovizza, Italy.

ELFE     Electron Laboratory For Europe

ELISA     Electron LInear Superconducting Accelerator.

ELM     ELectroMagnetic

ELP     Equipment-specific Lockout Procedure.

ELSA     ELektronen-Stretcher-Anlage (electron stretcher facility). (Germany)

EM     Engineering Model. (FGST)

EM     office of Environmental Management. (DOE)

EM     ElectroMagnetic.

EM     Emission Monitor.

EMACS     Editing MACroS. Written by Richard Stallman at the MIT AI lab, EMACS is a program editor in UNIX with an entire LISP system which features high memory utilization and functions and programs that return values.

EMAG     ElectroMagnet.

E-Mail     Electronic Mail. A network application that allows users to send mail electronically. E-mail systems can be included as a basic piece of a network operating system (with relatively limited functionality) or as full applications (with significantly enhanced functionality) that run on top of the network operating system.

E-Mail Address     A name that identifies an electronic post office box on a network where e-mail can be sent. Different types of networks have different formats for e-mail addresses. On the Internet, all e-mail addresses have the form [name]@[domain name].

EMBL     European Molecular Biology Lab.

EMC     ElectroMagnet Current. A klystron summary display message indicating that the electromagnet current is out of tolerance. (Focusing magnet.)

EMC     European Muon Collaboration (CERN)

EMC     Emergency Management Coordinator.

Emergency (Chemical)     A situation created by an accidental release or spill of hazardous chemicals which poses a threat to the safety of workers, residents, the environment, or property.

Emergency Off (Button)     Large red buttons, located in the beam housings, and used to turn off both beam and electrical hazards (including the VVS's) in an emergency situation.

Emergency Operations Center     See EOC.

EMIS     ElectroMagnetic Isotope Separators

Emission     Pollution discharged into the atmosphere from smokestacks, other vents, and surface areas of commercial or industrial facilities, from residential chimneys, and from motor vehicle, locomotive, or aircraft exhausts.

Emissions Trading     EPA policy that allows a plant complex with several facilities to decrease pollution from some facilities while increasing it from others, so long as total results are equal to or better than previous limits. Facilities where this is done are treated as if they exist in a bubble in which total emissions are averaged out. Complexes that reduce emissions substantially may "bank"their "credits" or sell them to other industries.

Emittance     A measure of the quality of a beam with regard to the tightness and uniformity of the momentum of its individual particles. Consider a space where each particle is defined by its position x and its angle x'. Then the emittance is the area of the ellipse enclosing the particles within one sigma (s), defined as above. The emittance (e) is also related to the size of the beam bys = square root eB, where B is the Beta function.

Emma Bump     Used in the LINAC as a local closed Bump for one beam. Four correctors are used to create an oscillation in one beam in order to compensate for a wakefield problem while making a closed bump in the other beam. Can be used anywhere in the machine whenever it is necessary to bump only one beam. (Designed by Paul Emma.)

EMO     Electric Motor Operator.

EMOD     Beam energy in GeV at magnet center from the model, depends on the z location along the LINAC.

EMP     Environmental Management Program. (DOE)

EMPH     Electronic Measurements Power Supply

EMQG     ElectroMagnetic Quantum Gravity

EMR     Extraordinary MagnetoResistive effect.

EMS     Emergency Management System.

EMS     Environmental Management System.

EMSL     Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (DOE)

EMSWG     Environmental Management System Working Group.

EMUL    Emulsions.

EM-X     Electron Microscopy-X (Stanford)

ENC     Electron-nucleon collider

Encrypted     Data or voice information translated into an unreadable form for secure transmission from one point to one or more other points.

Endangered Species     Animals, birds, fish, plants, or other living organisms threatened with extinction by man-made or natural changes in their environment. Requirements for declaring a species endangered are contained in the Endangered Species Act.

Endangerment Assessment     A study conducted to determine the nature and extent of contamination at a site on the National Priorities List and the risks posed to public health or the environment. EPA or the state conduct the study when a legal a ction is to be taken to direct potentially responsible parties to clean up a site or pay for the cleanup. An endangerment assessment supplements a remedial investigation.

End-of-Service-Life Indicator     See ESLI.

ENEA     Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy, and the Environment.

Energy Spectrometer     See Spectrometer.

ENLD     ENoLoaD. The calculated no-load energy delivered to a DLWG by a klystron. The S-BAND RF energy is integrated for the duration of one pulse. Enoload is used for lemming and modeling.

ENLIGHT     European Network in Light Ion Therapy. ENVIRO

Enoload     See ENLD.

Entanglement     Term introduced to physics by Edwin Schrödinger to describe the intimate bond that is thought to develop between quantum systems that have interacted. (Entanglement theory is the basis of current work in quantum computing.)

Entry Door     A PPS controlled door used for access to a radiation area. It includes a key-bank, a phone, and a video camera, and differs from an Entry Gate (the inner door) which has no key but has microswitches for status indication. With a few exceptions, Entry Doors have two-way communication with MCC, as well as a telephone.

Environment     The sum of all external conditions affecting the life, development, and survival of an organism.

Environment, Safety, and Health     See ES&H.

Environmental Assessment     A written environmental analysis prepared pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act to determine whether a federal action would significantly affect the environment, and thus require preparation of a more detailed environmental impact statement. ENVIRO

Environmental Audit     An independent assessment of the current status of a party's compliance with applicable environmental requirements.

Environmental Fate     The movements and chemical changes experienced by a chemical introduced into the environment.

Environmental Response Team     EPA experts located in Edison, NJ and Cincinnati, OH, who can provide around-the-clock technical assistance to EPA regional offices and states during all types of emergencies involving hazardous waste sites and spills of hazardous substances.

EO     Executive Order.

EOC     Emergency Operations Center. It is located in the conference room next to the Main Control Room.

EOESH     Employee Orientation to Environment, Safety, and Health

EOI     Expressions of Interest.

EOIC     Engineering Operator In Charge (MCC).

EOP     Emergency Operating Procedures.

EORTC     European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer.

EoS     Equation of State.

EOS     Equation Of State.

EP     Environmental Protection.

EP     Electro-Polishing. (ILC)

EP     Extraction Procedure.

EP     Toxicity Extraction Procedure Toxicity. A federally-specified test that is designed to identify wastes likely to leach hazardous concentrations of particular toxic constituents into the groundwater as a result of improper management. (from RCRA)

EPA     U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

EPA     Equivalent Photon Approximation

EPA Identification Number (Or EPA Number)     The unique number assigned by EPA to each generator, transporter, or TSDF.

EPAC     European Particle Accelerator Conference.

EPAC     Experimental Program Advisory Committee. The SLAC EPAC meets twice a year and reviews experimental proposals and advises the laboratory director.

EPCRA     Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Act of 1986. Also known as SARA Title 111. (42 U.S.C. Sec. 9601 et seq)

EPCS     Experimental Physics Control Systems (Acronym for European Physical Society Interdivisional Group on same).

EPD     Engineering and Physics Division (LCLS).

EPEAT     Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool.

EPFL     Ecole Polytechnique  Fédérale de Lausanne. (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne)

EPhLAN     ElectroPhysical LAboratory, of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

EPIC     European Photon Imaging Cameras.

EPIC     Electron-Proton/Ion polarized beam Collider

EPICS     Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System. A computer software package developed by the Los Alamos and Argonne research facilities and used at SLAC in PEP II, NLCTA and LCLS.

EPIO     Emergency Public Information Officers.

EPIP     Emergency Preparedness plan Implementing Procedures.

EPO     Emergency Power Off.

EPOG     European Particle physics Outreach Group.

EPP     Elementary Particle Physics OR Experimental Particle Physics

EPP2010     Elementary Particle Physics in the 21st Century. Committee formed as part of the National Academies commission by DOE and NSF to construct a plan for US participation in the global particle physics community. See:

EPR     Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen.

EPR     Environmental Protection and Restoration, an ES&H Division Department

EPRB     Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Bohm

EPRI     Electric Power Research Institute (Palo Alto, CA)

E-print     An electronic manuscript intended for publication but circulated among peers for comment prior to being submitted for publication.

EPROM    Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory.

EPS     European Physical Society.

EPS     Encapsulated PostScript.

EPS-AG     European Physical Society - Accelerator Group.

EPU     Elliptically Polarizing Undulator. (LCLS)

EQMC      Extended Quark Meson Coupling

EQSE     Enhanced Quasi-Sparse Eigenvector

EQU     EQUipment.

Equilibrium    In relation to radiation, the state at which the radioactivity of consecutive elements within a radioactive series is neither increasing nor decreasing.

ER     Office of Energy Research.

ER     Employee Relations (SLAC).

ERA-Net     European Research Area Network.

ERAP     Emergency Readiness Assurance Plan.

ERC     European Research Council.

ERG     Employee Resource Group.

ERL     Energy Recovery/Recovering Linac.

ERM     Enterprise Risk Management. (Stanford)

ERMP     Enterprise Risk Management Program.

ERO     Emergency Response Organization. (SLAC)

ERP     Enterprise Resource Planning.

ERT     Emergency Response Team.

ERULF     Energy Research Undergraduate Laboratory Fellowship. (Formerly SISE)

ERWM     Environmental Restoration and Waste Management.

ES&H     Environment, Safety, and Health.

ES&HD     Environment, Safety, and Health Division. A SLAC Division which absorbed the former ESO and Radiation Physics Departments.

ESA     European Space Agency.

ESA     End Station A.

ESA     Endangered Species Act

ESAB    Energy Secretary Advisory Board (DOE).

ESASE     Enhanced Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission.

ESB     Executive Safety Board.

ESB     End Station B.

ESC     Electrical Safety Committee.

ESC     Environmental Service Committee.

ESC     Extended Soft Core.

ESC     End Station C.

ESCO     Energy-Saving COmpany.

ESD     Energy Sciences Directorate (SLAC)

ESD     Event-Summary Data

ESD     Electronics and Software engineering Department (SLAC). Created October, 2000 when former Controls and Power Conversion Departments were combined.

ESE     Equilibrium Self-Energy.

ESF     Exploratory Studies Facility.

ESF     Electronic Structure Factory. (ALS)

ESFRI     European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures.

ESGARD     European Steering Group for Accelerator R&D.

ESH     Environment, Safety and Health Division (SLAC)

ESHAC     Environmental Safety and Health Advisory Committee.

ESI     Electronically Stored Information.

ESLI     End-of-Service-Life Indicator. A colorimetric indicator on an air- purifying respirator which indicates when to discard the purification element.

ESM     Electron Spectro-Microscopy.

ESnet     The network backbone for all DOE Energy Research Programs (High Energy and Nuclear Physics, Basic Energy Sciences, Scientific Computing and Health and Environmental Research). It replaced the communication facilities used by the existing High Energy Physics network (HEPnet) and the Magnetic Fusion Energy network (MFENET) giving these networks increased bandwidth and connectivity (see also HEPnet and MFENET).

ESO     European Southern Observatory. An European organization for astronomical research.

ESO     Environment and Safety Officer, also Environment and Safety Office. See also ES&H

ESO     Electrical Safety Officer. (SLAC)

ESPP    European Strategy for Particle Physics.

ESR     Experimental Storage Ring. (Darmstadt)

ESR     Electron Spin Resonance.

ESRD     Experimental Systems and Research Department

ESRF     European Synchrotron Radiation Facility. (Grenoble, France)

ESS     Energy Summer School.

ESS     European Spallation Source. (Lund, Sweden)

ESS-DIVE     Environmental Systems Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem (DOE)

ESSM     Extended Supersymmetric Standard Model.

ESTB     End Station Test Beam.

ESTRO     European Society for Therapeutic in Radiology and Oncology.

ESUO     European Synchrotron User Organization.

ESWP     Elevated Surface Work Plan.

ETA     Linear Energy Dispersion (for the Greek letter eta).

ETA     East Turn Around. The positron transport line after the booster where the line turns back west to the beginning of the LINAC (for re-injection).

ETA     Employee Training Assessment.

ETC     Estimate To Complete.

ETC     Extended TechniColor

ETH     Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Zurich).

Etherne      A lower-level network protocol, originally developed by Xerox Corporation, used to communicate between computers in a local network (LAN). Communication takes place by means of modulation of radio frequency signals. On an Ethernet, interface cards share a common cable by listening before transmission and transmitting only during a break in traffic, a technique called a 'carrier-sense multiple access w/collision detection (CSMA/CD)'.

Ethernet 10BaseT     An Ethernet configuration using unshielded twisted pair wire and a small plastic connector (RJ-45) to connect workstations, printers, etc. on an Ethernet.

ETOILE     Espace de Traitement Oncologique par Ions Legers dans le cadre Europeen, a national center for light-ion hadron therapy in France.

ETR     Estimated Time of Repair.

ETS     Engineering and Technical Support.(SLAC)

EuCARD     European Co-ordination for Accelerator Research and Development.

EUDET     European-Union-funded project assembling 31 European institutes and 20 international associates to prepare infrastructures for the ILC.

EUP     Experimental Use Permit. (from FIFRA)

Euro NNAC     European Network for Novel ACcelerators.

European Academic Research Network     See EARN.

EUROTeV     EUROpean design study towards a global TeV linear collider.

EUV     Extreme Ultraviolet

EV     Earned Value.

eV    Electron Volt. A unit of energy equal to the work done by moving an electron across a potential difference of one volt. A measure of particle energy or relativistic mass (when normalized with c-1).

EVLA     Expanded Very Large Array.

EVMS     Earned Value Management System. (DOE certification)

EW     Eye Wash.

EW     Electro-Weak

EWP     Electrical Work Plan.

EWP     Electro-Weak Penguins

EWPT     Electro-Weak Phase Transition.

EWS     Employee Web Site. (Taleo)

EWSB     Electro-Weak Symmetry Breaking.

ExaFEL     Exascale computing for Free Electron Laser

EXAFS     Extended X-ray Absorption-edge Fine Structure.

Exception Report     A report that generators who transport waste off-site must submit if they do not receive a properly completed copy of their manifest within 45 days of the date on which the initial transporter accepted the waste.

excitons     electron-hole pairs

EXE     EXEcutable program image file.

Executable Program Image File     See EXE.

EXELFS     EXtended Electron Fine Structure

Exempt Solvent     Specific organic compounds that are not subject to requirements of regulation because they have been deemed by EPA to be of negligible photochemical reactivity.

Exempted Aquifer     Underground bodies of water defined in the Underground Injection Control program as aquifers that are sources of drinking water (although they are not being used as such) and that are exempted from regulations barring underground injection activities.

Exergy     The useful portion of energy.

EXIST     Energetic X-ray Imaging Survey Telescope (proposed).

EXO    Enriched Xenon Observatory.

Experiment     In high energy physics, a research activity that makes use of an accelerator/detector and is individually numbered and named by the relevant national laboratory.

Experiment Schedule     See Operations Schedule.

Experiment String     A series of experiments that are linked together by overlapping research interests and overlapping individual and institutional members of a collaboration.

Expert System     A method and technique for constructing human-machine systems with specialized problem-solving expertise. The pursuit of this area of artificial intelligence research has emphasized the knowledge that underlies human expertise and has simultaneously decreased the apparent significance of domain-independent problem-solving theory. An expert system assists or replaces an expert to solve problems.

Exposure     The amount of radiation or pollutant present in an environment which represents a potential health threat to the living organisms in that environment.

Exterior Gateway Protocol     See EGP.

Extraction Positron 1     See EP01.

Extraction Positron 2     See EP02.

Extraction Procedure Toxicity     See EP Toxicity.

Extremely Hazardous Substances     Any of 406 chemicals identified by EPA on the basis of toxicity, and listed under SARA Title III. The list is subject to revision.

EXTRL     EXTRaction Line.

EYH     Expanding Your Horizons. (NGO)

EYM     Einstein-Yang-Mills

EYMD     Einstein-Yang-Mills dilation