G Giga, meaning 10to the 9th power, or billions of . . .(e.g.: gigabits).
G&A General and Administrative.
G3DM Generation 3 Dark Matter search.
GA GAuge / GAge.
GAA General Access Areas
GAAC German American Academic Council
GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Practices.
GaAs Gallium Arsenide. A compound used in light emitting diodes and very fast semiconductors. It is used in SLC fast clock chips for fiducializing and synchronizing the LINAC with PEP, and is also the basis for cathodes in the polarized guns.
GAC Granular Activated Carbon.
GADZOOKS Gadolinium Antineutrino Detector Zealously Outperforming Old Kamiokande Super.
GAINS Girls Advancing In STEM
Galaxy Zoo A crowd-sourcing project to allow interested members of the public to classify by type the galaxies imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope.
GALEX GALaxy Evolution eXplorer/
Gallery The two-mile-long building where the LINAC klystrons and LINAC magnet power supplies are housed. The actual LINAC beam pipe is approximately 25 feet underground below the gallery.
Gallium Arsenide See GaAs.
GALPROP Numerical model of particle propagation in the Galaxy incorporating as much realistic input as possible.
GAM2 IHEP hodoscope Cherenkov gamma calorimeter GAMS-2000.
GAM4 CERN hodoscope Cherenkov gamma calorimeter GAMS-4000.
Gamma One of the Twiss parameters, which relates alpha and beta: beta gamma = 1 + alpha(exp 2). It is also the relativistic factor used in acceleration calculations.
Gamma Ray A high energy photon.
Gamma, Electron, and Muon Experiment See GEM.
GAN GAlactic Neighborhood.
GAN Global Accelerator Network (proposed).
GANIL Grand Accélérateur National d'Ions Lourds
GAO Government Accountablility Office - US (formerly General Accounting Office).
Gap Monitor see GAPM.
Gap Voltage The electrical field between the 2 irises of an RF cavity.
GAPM GAP Monitor. A break in the conductive beam pipe which is bridged by a ring of ceramic in parallel with a resistance that provides the proper impedance. The beam induces a voltage drop across the resistance, which may be measured and displayed on an oscilloscope. Also called wall current monitor, since it measures the voltage induced by interrupting the current traveling through the beampipe due to the passing of the beam.
GAPRV Group APpRoVal task
GARD General Accelerator Research and Development.
GASU Global trigger, Acd interface, and Signal distribution Unit.
GATE Geant4 Application for Tomographic Emission.
Gated Analog to Digital Converter See GADC.
Gateway A special-purpose dedicated computer that attaches to two or more networks and routes packets from one network to the other. In particular, an Internet gateway routes IP diagrams among the networks it connects. Gateways route packets to other gateways until they can be delivered to the final destination directly across one physical network.
Gateway to Gateway Protocol See GGP.
Gauss A unit of magnetic flux density, symbol G. Named after the mathematician Karl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855)
Gaussian A statistical distribution of particles or objects which is `bell shaped' and can be approximated by the Gauss distribution law. Named after the mathematician Karl Friedrich Gauss(1777-1855).
GB See Gigabyte.
GBFEL Ground-Based Free Electron Laser.
GBM GLAST Burst Monitor experiment. HEP
GBT Green Bank Telescope (NRAO-West Virginia).
GC/MS Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectroscopy.
GCEP Global Climate and Energy Project. A long-term collaborative effort to conduct fundamental research on a global energy system that would significantly reduce greenhouse emissions.(Stanford)
GCM Generator Coordinate Method
GCP General Cascade Program
GCR Galactic Cosmic Rays
GCT Galaxies across Cosmic Time.
GD&T Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing.
GD&T Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing.
GDE Global Design Effort.(ILC)
GDH Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn
GDP General Development Plan.
GDR Giant Dipole Resonance
GDS Global Directory Service. For global namespace, which starts from a global root and divides into a hierarchical tree at country, organization, locality, cell, and other points. XDS from X/Open is the general purpose API for standard applications.
GEANT A pan-European research and education network and the corresponding four-year project set up by a Consortium of 27 National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) across Europe.
GEANT2 Successor to GEANT, see GEANT.
GEANT3 A computer program for detector description and simulation.
GEANT4 GEometry ANd Tracking. Toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter (CERN)
GEM Graduate Engineering for Minorities.
GEM Gas-Electron Multiplier.
GEMS Graduate degrEes for Minorities in Engineering and Sciences. (National consortium)
GEMS Galaxy Evolution from Morphology and Spectral energy distributions .
General Purpose Interface Bus See GPIB.
Generator The person or facility who, by nature or ownership, management, or control, is responsible for causing or allowing to be caused, the creation of hazardous waste.
GENI GENeral Interface.
GERDA GERmanium Detector Array. (Italy)
GERT General Employee Radiological Training.
GES Geological and Environmental Sciences.(Stanford)
GeV Giga(billion) electron Volt. An electron volt is the unit of energy equal to the work done by moving an electron across a potential difference of one volt.
GFCI Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter.
GFE Government-Funded Equipment.
GFP Government-Furnished Property.
GG1 Global Group 1 (Parameters). (ILC)
GG2 Global Group 2 (Instrumentation and Controls). (ILC)
GG3 Global Group 3 (Operations and Availability). (ILC)
GG4 Global Group 4 (Conventional Facilities and Siting). (ILC)
GG5 Global Group 5 (Cost and Engineering) (ILC)
GG6 Global Group 6 (Options). (ILC)
GGF Global Grid Forum. A community-initiated forum of individual researchers and practitioners working on distributed computing, or grid technologies. Particle Physics Data Grid (PPDG) is a part of this forum.
GGP Gateway to Gateway Protocol. The protocol core gateways use to exchange routing information. GGP implements a distributed shortest path routing computation. Under normal circumstances, all GGP participants will reach a steady state in which the routing information at all gateways agrees.
GHG GreenHouse Gas.
GHP Geroch-Held-Penrose
GHS Garfinkle-Horowitz-Strominger
GHZ Greenberger-Horne-Zerlinger
GHZ GigaHertZ. (Written GHZ on drawings, or GHz in text.)
GIC Gauge Invariant and Covariant
gif Graphics Interchange Format. Pronounced jiff or giff (hard g). A bit-mapped graphics file format used by the World Wide Web, CompuServe and many BBSs. GIF supports color and various resolutions. It also includes data compression, making it especially effective for scanned photos.
GIFT Goldstones Instead of Fine Tuning
Giga see G
Gigabyte 2 to the 30th power (1,073,741,824) bytes. One gigabyte is equal to 1,024 megabytes. Abbreviated G or GB.
GIM Glashow-Iliopoulos-Maiani
Girder A support structure for the Accelerator. In the LINAC most girders are 40 feet long. Note that the SLC component numbering system is referenced to girder numbers.
GIS Geographic Information System
GISMo Grid Integration Systems and Mobility
GISO General Industry Safety Order. (Cal/OSHA)
GITC General Information Technology Controls
GIXS Grazing Incidence X-ray Scattering.
GKZ Gelfand-Kapranov-Zelevinski
GL General Ledger.
GLAD Gev Laser Accelerator Developments (Japan).
GLAM Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials (Stanford).
GLARE Gemini Lyman-Alpha at Reionization Era.
GLAST Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope. A large aperture, space-based, gamma-ray detector. Also, an international collaboration involving SLAC, Stanford, NASA, and groups in Japan Italy, France and Sweden. Renamed Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope (FGST) in August 2008.
GLC Global Linear Collider group. (KEK)
GLC Global Linear Collider.
GLD Concept detector for the ILC (Global Large Detector).
GLEAM GLAST Event Analysis Machine.
GLIF Global Lambda Integrated Facility.
GLIMPSE Galactic Legacy Infrared Mid-Plane Survey Extraorinaire.
Glow discharge A luminous electrical discharge without sparks through a gas.
Gluino In models of supersymmetry, the partner of the gluon.
GMO Gell-Mann-Okubo
GMOR Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner
GMP Ground water Monitoring Plan.
GMR Giant MagnetoResistance.
GMRES Generalized Minimum RESidual.
GMSB Gauge Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking
GNAT Global Network of Astronomical Telescopes.
Go Around Frequency In a storage ring, the number of circumnavigations of the ring made by any given bunch in one second (expressed in Hertz).
GOCO Government-Owned, Contractor-Operated
Gold Phase The phase of a klystron with maximum efficiency (if the bunch is riding near the crest of the RF wave). The gold phase is the phase for the maximum energy transfer.
GOSIP Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile. A government specification (a collection of protocols referred to as a profile) designed to ensure that communications and networking software used by the government is indeed OSI-compliant when OSI compliance is required.
GOSSIP Gas On Slimmed SIlicon Pixel.
Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile See GOSIP.
GP Guiding Principle (ES&H)
GPCRs G Protein-Coupled Receptors.
GPD Generalized Parton Distributions.
GPDF Generalized Parton Distribution Function.
GPFS General Parallel File System (Computing)
GPIB General Purpose Interface Bus. A communication protocol for small computers like PCs or MACs to interface with peripherals, instruments, or other devices. If you want your PC to start your coffee before you wake up in the morning, you will need a GPIB.
GPMP Ground water Protection Management Program.
GPMPP Ground water Protection Measurement Program Plan.
GPO Group Policy Objects (computing). Policies that are defined for each computer or user.
GPP General Plant Project.
GPR Gaussian Process Regression.
GPS Global Positioning of Spin
GPU Graphics Processing Unit.
GR Gamma Ray.
GR General Relativity
GRACE An automatic scattering amplitude generator that enables theoretic al calculations to match the required high-precision data analyses required by high-energy physics experiments.
Gray The International System (SI) unit of absorbed dose. One gray is equal to an absorbed dose of 1 Joule per kilogram (100 RADS).
Gray Water The term given to domestic wastewater composed of wash water from sinks, kitchen sinks, bathroom sinks and tubs, and laundry tubs.
GRB Gamma-Ray Burst.
GREEN-RF Generator for REcovering ENergy from RadioFrequency. (A type of klystron)
Grid see GGF.
GRIDCC Grid-enabled Remote Instrumentation with Distributed Control and Computation.
GridKA Grid computing centre KArlsruhe. (Germany)
Gridpix Detector building block combining the timepix chip with InGrid.
GriPhyN Grid Physics Network (pronounced griffin). A system for handling vast amounts of physics data. Participants include the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, and two HEP experiments at CERN's LHC.
GRIT Gamma-Ray Inspection Technology
GROG General Relativistic Overturn of Gravity.
Gross Alpha Particle Activity Total activity due to emission of alpha particles. Used as the screening measurement for radioactivity generally due to naturally-occurring radionuclides. Activity is commonly measured in picocuries.
Gross Beta Particle Activity Total activity due to emission of beta particles. Used as the screening measurement for radioactivity from manufactured radionuclides since the decay products of fission are beta particles and gamma ray emitters. Activity is commonly measured in picocuries.
Ground Water Water below the land surface in a zone of saturation.
Growler A small damping ring dipole magnet used to generate an oscillation for tune measurement purposes. When energized, it will excite the beam to oscillate at its natural resonant frequencies.
GRR Gravitational Radiation Reactions
GRS Gregory-Rubakov-Sibiryakov
GRT General Relativity Theory.
GS Green-Schwarz
GSA General Services Administration. (US)
GSB General Services Building. (SLAC)
GSF Gross Square Feet.
GSFC Goddard Space Flight Center.
GSH Graduate Student Handbook. (SLAC)
GSI Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung. (Germany)
GSI Grid Security Infrastructure.
GSP Greene Scholars Program
GSS Government Scientific Source.
GSSC GLAST Science Support Center.
GTF Gun Test Facility. A research project at SSRL aimed at developing the high-brightness electron source that will be needed for future linac-based X-ray free-electron lasers (FELs) such as SLAC's proposed Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS). GTF is a photocathode gun that uses polarized laser light to generate polarized electrons by means of the photoelectric effect on a gallium arsenide cathode.
GTI Good Time Intervals.
GTL Gun-To-Linac. (LCLS)
GUC German University in Cairo.
GUI Graphical User Interface. Sometimes called windowing systems, GUIs are software interfaces which allow mouse and icon actions in place of typed commands.
GUST Grand Unified Superstring Theories
GUT Grand Unified Theories
GVDM Generalized Vector Dominance Model
GVMD Generalized Vector Meson Dominance Model.
GW Ginsparg-Wilson
GWL Ginsparg-Wilson-Luscher
GWT Google Web Toolkit.
GZK Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin.