Past Spotlights, 2012-
Helen Quinn wins 2024 Matteucci Medal
Biography features story of SLAC's beginnings

SLAC Linear Collider (SLC) and SLAC Large Detector (SLD). Explore the history of the world's first--and so far only--linear collider, along with its massive, purpose-built detector.

Ed Seppi
In memory of Edward Seppi, 1930-2012.

Romulo Castro
In memory of Romulo Castro, 1934-2021

Rickansrud and Jamtgaard
In memory of Eugene B. Rickansrud and Ronald D. Jamtgaard...

William (Bill) Johnson
In memory of William (Bill) Johnson...

Lew Keller
In memory of Lewis Keller...

Alonzo "Al" Ashley
In memory of Al Ashley...

Tom Elioff
Tom Elioff, who played a leading role in building U.S. particle accelerators for nearly half a century, dies at 85...

Panofsky Centennial
In celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Wolfgang K. H. "Pief" Panofsky, SLAC's first director...

Rita Taylor
In memory of Rita Taylor (19282018)

Paul Kunz
In memory of Paul Kunz, 1942-2018...

Charles Richard Dickens
In memory of Charles Dickens...

Roland Sharpe, 1924-2018
Supervising Engineer responsible for the original design and construction of SLAC...

John Ehrman, 1935-2018
In memory of John Ehrman, computer scientist...

Bill Burgess
Greatly loved, much missed and very fondly remembered...

SLAC Newsletters All Digital !!
From 1963 to the present...

Share your memories of Sid Drell
Sidney Drell was an integral part of SLAC and Stanford through decades of his career...

Stanford Web Archive Portal (SWAP)
SWAP Launches with SLAC's First Web Pages...

On June 11, 2008, what was then the Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST) rode a Delta II rocket...

SSRL's beginnings 40 years ago...
On July 6, 1973, a team of research pioneers extracted the first hard X-rays from SLAC's particle accelerator SPEAR...

SLAC "Accelepede" wins first prize!
The SLAC "Accelepede " won first prize for costume contest in the 72nd Annual Bay to Breakers in San Francisco ...

Celebrating 50 Years of Discovery
SLAC is 50 years young...

LCLS and ROB anniversaries...

SSRL's Molecular Observatory celebrates five years...

20th Anniversary of a Great Idea: Building the LCLS at SLAC