Faculty and Staff Memorials and Tributes
Throughout its history, the staff, faculty and site office personnel at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory have chosen to honor co-workers with a variety of lasting tributes and memorials. In some instances, former staff or their families have presented one of these landscaping tributes to SLAC. (See: SLAC Trees Tell Stories, Nina Stolar, The Interaction Point (TIP) April 1997, p.9.) The list below provides the names of those who have given or received tributes or memorials, and the accompanying pdf map shows the tribute or memorial locations on the SLAC site.
The SLAC Archives, History & Records Office is indebted to the late Finn Halbo, who compiled all of the information on memorials and tributes made from 1962 through 2000.

C.W. Bill Allen
Redwood tree (Sequoioideae) and plaque.
Citation: "Dedicated to the memory of C.W. Bill Allen. For over 30 years, he guided the Accelerator Maintenance process forward with professionalism and good humor. RIP Bill 1949-2013"
Location: Quad

William Ash, SLC Physicist
Deodar cedar tree (Cedrus deodara),Valley Oaks (Quercus lobata), rock, gravel garden and plaque.
Citation: "In Memoriam, William Wesley Ash, 1941-1994, Insightful Physicist and Gifted Writer, Outrageous Wit and Humorist, Kind, Courageous Colleague and Friend, He Enriched Us All"
Location: beside Loop Road.
Robert Baker, Experimental Facilities Department, Electrical and Electronics Installation Supervisor

Redwood tree (Sequoioideae) and plaque. Citation: "In memory of Robert "Bob" Baker, 1924-1994, Staff Associate" Location: Quad.

Joseph Ballam, Associate Director, Research Division
Redwood tree (Sequoioideae) and plaque.
Citation:"Joe Ballam, Wise counselor, First Leader of the Research Division, 1917-1997"
Location: Quad.
James D. “bj” Bjorken, SLAC Professor (Emeritus)
Redwood tree (Sequoioideae) and plaque.
Citation:"James D. “bj” Bjorken, 1934–2024, Forever scaling"
Location: Redwood grove by Kavli Building.

Ken Copenhagen
Redwood tree (Sequoioideae) and plaque.
Citation:"In Honor of Ken Copenhagen, Associate Director Plant Engineering 1959-1966"
Location: Quad.

Norman Dean, Vacuum Department
Redwood tree (Sequoioideae) and plaque.
Citation: "In Memory Of Norman R. Dean 1938-1992 Who Dedicated His Life to The Success of SLAC"
Location: Quad.

Deborah Dixon, Research Division
Crabapple tree (Malus) and plaque, dedicated March 19, 1997.
Citation: "Smiling Eyes, Deborah C. Dixon, Served SLAC 1969-1996"
Location: between two wings of Bldg. 40.

John Ehrman, Research Division, SLAC Computing Services
Memory Tree:
Artificial tree constructed of computer components and miscellanea and dedicated to John on the occasion of his retirement in 1983.
Location: In storage in the SLAC Archives, History and Records Office.

Arnold Eldredge, Technical Division, Mechanical Design and Fabrication Administrator
Sculpture with plaque.
Citation: "This Conformation of "S Band" Waveguide was designed by Professor Lorenz Eitner and Mr. Arnold Eldredge for an exhibit of Accelerator Components shown at the Stanford Museum from February to April 1966. Over 40,000 feet of this Waveguide is installed in the Stanford Two-mile Accelerator."
Location: (currently in storage).

Gerhard Fischer
Redwood tree (Sequoioideae) and plaque.
Citation: " In Memory Of GERHARD E. FISCHER and His Many Contributions to SLAC, 1993 "
Location: Quad.

Alvin Gallagher
Redwood tree (Sequoioideae) and plaque.
Citation: "In Honor Of ALVIN GALLAGHER, SLAC Sr. Design & Mechanical Engineer 1964-1987"
Location: Quad.

Boynton S. Kaiser, Associate Director, Administrative Services Division
Tree and plaque
Citation: "Dawn Redwood, Metasequoia Glyptostroboides donated by Boynton S. Kaiser, 1965"
Location: on lawn at East end of Bldg. 44.

Newman Kidd, Research Division
Valley Oak tree (Quercus lobata) and plaque
Citation: "In memory of Newman 1922 - Kidd - 1982, "P.O.N." (Poor Old Newman)"
For more information, see SLAC Beam Line June 1982 page 3.
Location: between Bldgs. 23 and 40.
William Kirk, Director's Office
Redwood tree (Sequoioideae) and plaque
Citation: "In Memoriam, Bill Kirk, Gentleman, Writer and Friend 1927-2003."
Location: Quad.

Frankie McLaughlin, Research Division
Crabapple tree (Malus) and plaque
Citation: "Forever a Friend, Frankie McLaughlin, Served SLAC 1963-1998"
Location: between two wings of Bldg. 40.

Frank Menezes, Purchasing Department
Tree rose, bush, stone and plaque
Location: at Bldg. 81 entrance.
Lawrence G. Mohr, US Atomic Energy Commission Site Representative
Redwood tree (Sequoioideae) and plaque
Citation: "In Honor of Lawrence G. Mohr, A.E.C. Area Manager 1961-1967"
Location: Quad.

Michelle Montalvo
Plum tree and plaque.
Citation: "In Loving Memory of Michelle Montalvo SSRL 2003-2006 Our Friend Forever PEACE & LOVE"
Location: in front of Bldg. 137.
Robert Mozley, Research Division Group D Leader
Stone bench (pictured at top of this page)
Citation: "Robert F. Mozley, 1917-1999"
Location: across from Panofsky Grove.

Joseph Murray, Senior Physicist, Experimental Facilities Department
Redwood tree (Sequoioideae) and plaque
Citation: "In Memory of Joseph J. Murray 1924-1996, SLAC Physicist."
Location: Quad.

Tom Neal
Tree and plaque
Citation: "In Memory of Thomas "Tom" A. Neal, SSRL 1986-2010, "To live in the hearts we leave behind is not to die." Thomas Campbell"
Location: behind Bldg. 137.
Richard "Dick" Neal, Technical Division Director
Tree (silk tree, Albizia Julibrissin) and plaque
Citation: " To SLAC and its Staff, Richard B. Neal, Associate Director 1961-1982" (SLAC Beam Line, September 1982, page 1)
Location: On the quad by Building 41. (Tree downed by storms, January 2023)

W. K. H. "Pief" Panofsky, Director
Grove of redwood trees (Sequoia sempervirens), stone with plaque
Citation: "PANOFSKY - GROVE, In Appreciation of PIEF from the people of SLAC, Wolfgang Panofsky, SLAC Director." Dedicated in 1984. Location: beside Bldg. 51.
F. V. L. Pindar, Associate Director, Business Services Division
Redwood tree (Sequoioideae) and plaque
Citation: "Liquid Ambar (Liquidambar Styraciflua). This tree is dedicated to F.V.L. Pindar, Stanford University, September 30, 1977. "If you speak in season bringing together concisely the thrust of many matters, less impeachment of men will follow." Pindar 522-443 BC, Pythian Odes no. 8" Location: Quad.

Katherine E. Pope, SLAC Intern, Smith College student
Redwood tree (Sequoioideae) and plaque
Citation: " In Memory of KATHERINE POPE Student and Friend 1981 - 2001."
Location: Quad.

James Scott, ES&H Division
Redwood tree (Sequoioideae) and plaque
Citation: "In Memory of James T. Scott, 1949-1998, SLAC Fire Marshal"
Location: Quad.

Robert Siemann, Professor, Accelerator Physicist
Redwood tree and plaque, dedicated July 8, 2009.
Citation: "In memory of Robert H. Siemann, Pioneering accelerator physicist, respected leader and mentor, 1942-2008"
Location: Quad.

Hugh Steckol, Assistant Business Services Director
Plum tree and plaque
Citation: "In Recognition of the Many Contributions to SLAC and the University, HUGH STECKOL, May 1993"
Memorial Tribute (p. 11)
Location: between Bldg. 84 and the Loop Road.

Tim Toohig, Accelerator Physicist
Redwood tree (Sequoioideae) and plaque
Citation: "In Memory of Timothy E. Toohig 1928-2001, Physicist - Friend - Spiritual Guide." Location: Quad entrance beside stone bench
Aaron Tremaine, TID RFAR Division Director
Olive tree (Olea europaea) and plaque
Citation: "In Memory of Aaron Tremaine, Esteemed Colleague and Friend, Dedicated May 2022."
For more information, please see SLAC Today article (login required).
Location: By Bldg. 44 entrance facing the Quad and Bldg. 41.

James Weaver, Microwave Engineer
Elm tree (Ulmus) and plaque
Citation:"James N. Weaver, Microwave Engineer, 1936-1998"
Location: on a grassy island in Parking Lot F across from Bldg. 137.

Rick Yeager, Safeguards and Security Manager
Coastal Oak tree (Quercus) and plaque(Tree replaced 9/2010)
Citation: "In remembrance of our dear friend and colleague Richard P. Yeager "Rick" Thanks Chief for 14 years of dedicated service, November 2006"
Location: Linac Sector 6 picnic area.