Stanford Physics Reports, 1947-1962
Copies of Stanford University Physics Department Project M Reports held by the SLAC Archives, History & Records Office, including those produced by the Microwave Lab (ML), and the High-Energy Physics Lab (HEPL) have been scanned and are now available online. Follow links in the numeric list below to the scanned copies. Please note that the quality of some of the scans is poor, because the original documents are themselves blurred or indistinct. Unless otherwise indicated, entries without links are for known publications for which no hard copy has yet been located.
Many Stanford University Microwave Lab (ML) reports not available here are held by Stanford University Library and can be accessed through a search of the individual author and title in the Stanford University Library SearchWorks online catalog.
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- M-56. October 1956. Panofsky, Wolfgang K. H. Project M - Operating Costs
- M-101 November 1958. Gallagher, W. J.; Goerz, David J., Jr.; Loew, Gregory A.; Mallory, K. B.; Neal, Richard B.; and Pine, J. Methods for Phasing Long Linear Accelerators
- M-102 December 1953. Gallagher, W. J.; Goerz, David J., Jr.; Loew, Gregory A.; Mallory, K. B.;Neal, Richard B.; and Pine, J. Methods of Driving Long Linear Accelerators
- M-103 December 1958. Goerz, David J., Jr. and Neal, Richard B. Phasing a Linear Accelerator from RF Phase Shift Due to Beam Loading Interaction
- M-104 December 1958. Memorandum No. 1: Comparison of Methods of Phasing Long Linear Accelerators
- M-105 December 1958. Neal, Richard B. Drive Line Consideration for Project M
- M-106 October 1959. Neal, Richard B. Note on Phase Shift in Transmission Lines Due to Ionizing Radiation
- M-107 October 1959. Loew, Gregory A. Requirements for a Possible Coaxial Drive System for Project M
- M-108 October 1959. Edwards, P. C. Report on Window Failure of the MARK-IV Linear Electron Accelerator
- M-109 October 1959. Goerz, David J., Jr. Linear Electron Accelerator Studies and Proposed Two-Mile Accelerator Project: Combined Status Report, 1 April to 30 June 1961
- M-110 July 1959. Atchley, Frank W. and Dobbs, Robert O. Site Feasibility of Stanford's Proposed Two-Mile Linear Electron Accelerator
- M-111 September 1959. Atchley, Frank W. and Scoles Notice to Bidders (For Work Required for Drilling Exploration Test Holes)
- M-112. September 1959. Byerley & Quade Report on Seismic Hazard at the Proposed Linear Accelerator Site of the Stanford Campus (Not a Stanford Report)
- M-113 November 1959. Atchley, Frank W. and Dobbs, Robert O. Engineering Geology of Moffett Field and Coyote Hills, Santa Clara and Alameda Counties
- M-114. December 1959. Dobbs, Robert and Forbes, Charles F. Drilling Program, Project M Site
- M-115. November 1959. Walsh, James Report on Ground Magnetometer Survey, Project M Site
- M-116 November 1959. Moore, William W. and Nichols, Charles L. Preliminary Site Investigation Target and Research Area Linear Electron Accelerator, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
- M-118 December 1958. Dedrick, Kent G. and Barber (Report) from the Shielding Committee
- M-119 November 1959. Goerz, David J., Jr. Trip Report to Industrial Laboratories
- M-120 December 1958. Lebacqz, Jean V. Klystron Specifications Committee
- M-121 November 1958. Lebacqz, Jean V. M Klystron Specifications
- M-122 December 1958. Lebacqz, Jean V. Permanent Magnet Focusing for "M" Klystrons (Specifications Committee Memo No. 3)
- M-123 February 1959. Lebacqz, Jean V. Klystron Specifications Meeting Memo No. 4
- M-124 June 1959. Tentative Specifications for General Planning Only
- M-125 November 1958. Mallory, K. B. Minutes of Control and Instrumentation Subcommittee (November 26, 1958)
- M-126 July 1959. Mallory, K. B. Minutes of Control and Instrumentation Subcommittee (December 3, 1958)
- M-127 July 1959. Kraus, O. Instrumentation and Control Equipment for Project M.
- M-128 August 1959. Kraus, O. Instrumentation - Project M
- M-129 September 1959. Kraus, O. Project M Instrumentation
- M-130 1959. Neal, Richard B. European Trip Report, September-October 1959
- M-131 December 1958. Turner, T. F. Project M Modulator Committee Meeting
- M-132 January 1959. Turner, T. F. Magnetic Switching for Project M Modulators
- M-133 June 1959. Turner, T. F. Modulator Switch Investigation
- M-134 July 1959. Lebacqz, Jean V. Report of Trip to Rome, New York, Lincoln Labs, and Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn
- M-135 Sept. 1959. Turner, T. F. M Modulator Switch Investigation
- M-136 Sept. 1959. Turner, T. F. Choice of Number of Modulators Per Power Supply for Project M
- M-137 November 1959. Jones, Seribe Minutes of Modulator Committee Meeting of 11-10-59
- M-138 August 1959. Ginzton, Edward L. Cost Equation for 15 BeV Accelerator
- M-139 November 1959. Neal, Richard B. Review by John A. Blume and Associates
- M-140 August 1959. Jones, C. B. Annual Power Cost Estimates, Proposed Two-Mile Linear Electron Accelerator
- M-141 September 1959. Ginzton, Edward L. Project M Specifications
- M-142 October 1958. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 25
- M-143 November 1958. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 26
- M-144 November 1958. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 27
- M-145 December 1958. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 28
- M-146 June 1959. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 29
- M-147 November 1959. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 30
- M-148 December 1959. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 31
- M-149 December 1959. Ginzton, Edward L.; Moulton, R. H.; Synder, O.; Brown, Karl L.; and Kirk, William (Bill). Report of Trip to Princeton, Brookhaven, Harvard, MIT, DuPont, and Argonne, November 1-10, 1959
- M-150 October 1959. Crabtree, Andrew M. MARK-IV Redesign Committee, Minutes of the Meetings No. 1 and No. 2
- M-151 October 1959. Crabtree, Andrew M. MARK-IV Redesign Committee, Minutes of the Meetings No. 3
- M-152 November 1959. Crabtree, Andrew M. MARK-IV Redesign Committee, Minutes of the Meetings No. 4
- M-153 November 1959. Crabtree, Andrew M. MARK-IV Redesign Committee, Minutes of the Meetings No. 6
- M-154 November 1959. Crabtree, Andrew M. MARK-IV Redesign Committee, Minutes of the Meetings No. 7
- M-155 December 1959. Brown, Karl L. Memo on Amplitrons
- M-156 November 1959. Christie, T. A., Jr. Minutes of Accelerator Control System Meeting of November 18, 1959
- M-157 January 1960. Panofsky, Wolfgang K. H. Experimental Uses of the Proposed Stanford Two-Mile Electron Linear Accelerator
- M-158 January 1960. Schiff, Leonard I. Secondary Particle Yield From High-Energy Electrons
- M-159-162 January 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Correction of M Meeting Minutes (Nos. 32, 33, 34, and 35)
- M-163 March 1960. Edwards, P. C. Proposed Qualifications Senior Design and Specification Electrical Engineer, Electronic Power Utilities Committee Responsibilities for Two-Mile Linear Electron Accelerator
- M-164 March 1960. Kraus, O. Project M Instrumentation Systems
- M-165 February 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 36
- M-166 February 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 37
- M-167 March 1960. Helm, R. H. A Note on Coupler Asymmetry in Long Accelerators
- M-168; ML-641 August 1959. Neal, Richard B. and Panofsky, Wolfgang K. H. Progress Report on Stanford Two-Mile Linear Electron Accelerator (ML-641)
- M-169 May 1960. Neal, Richard B. Comparison of the Constant Gradient and Uniform Accelerator Structures
- M-170 March 1960. Two-Mile Linear Electron Accelerator Interim Specifications Change: Modulator DC Power Supplies Requirements.
- M-171 June 1959. Panofsky, Wolfgang K. H. M - Remarks on Thin Targets
- M-172 January 1960. Comments on the August 26, 1959 Hearing of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy
- M-173 December 1959. MARK-IV Redesign Committee Minutes of Meeting No. 8
- M-174 December 1959. MARK-IV Redesign Committee Minutes of Meeting No. 9
- M-175 January 1960. MARK-IV Redesign Committee Minutes of Meeting No. 10
- M-176 January 1960. MARK-IV Redesign Committee Minutes of Meeting No. 11
- M-177 February 1960. MARK-IV Redesign Committee Minutes of Meeting No. 12
- M-178 March 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 38
- M-179 March 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 39
- M-180;HEPL-180 September 1959. Panofsky, Wolfgang K. H. The Future of High Energy Accelerators in Physics (Reprint from Proceedings of the International Conference on High-Energy Accelerators and Instrumentation, CERN, 1959)
- M-181 March 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 40
- M-182 March 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 41
- M-183 April 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 42
- M-184 April 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Memo to all Project M Personnel (About M Meetings)
- M-185 April 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 43
- M-186 April 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 44
- M-187 Apri. 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 45
- M-189 April 1960. Kraus, O. Project M Introduction to Reliability
- M-190 May 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 47
- M-191 April 1960. MARK-IV Design Committee Minutes of Meeting No. 14
- M-192 April 1960. MARK-IV Design Committee Minutes of Meeting No. 13
- M-193 May 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 46
- M-194 May 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 49
- M-195 May 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 50
- M-196 April 1960. Eldredge, Arnold L. European Trip Report April 29 through May 11, 1960
- M-197 June 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 51
- M-198 June 1960. Turner, T. F. Preliminary Performance Specification for Development Power Supply and Modulator System for the Stanford Two-Mile Accelerator
- M-199 June 1960. Loew, Gregory A. Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 52
- M-200 1960. Ballam, Joseph (Joe); Cassels, J.; Cork, B.; Drell, Sidney D.; Kenney, R.; Mozley, Robert F.; Panofsky, Wolfgang K. H.; Penner, S.; and Ritson, David M. Some Aspects of Target Area Design for the Proposed Stanford Two-Mile Linear Electron Accelerator. See also Summer Studies for details.
- M-201 November 1960. Helm, R. H. and Panofsky, Wolfgang K. H. Beam Dynamics of the Project M Accelerator
- M-202 June 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 53
- M-203 June 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 54
- M-204 July 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 55
- M-205 November 1960. Gallagher, W. J. Measurement Techniques for Periodic Structures
- M-206 July 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 56
- M-207 July 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 57
- M-208 July 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 58
- M-209 August 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 59
- M-210 August 1960. Mallory, K. B. Report on Trip to NBS 1960 Conference on Standards and Electronic Measurements, June 22, 23, 24, 1960
- M-211 July 1960. MARK-IV Redesign Committee Minutes of Meeting No. 17
- M-212 August 1960. Loew, Gregory A. Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 60
- M-213 August 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 61
- M-214 September 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 62
- M-215 July 1960. MARK-IV Redesign Committee Minutes of Meeting No. 16
- M-216 September 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 63
- M-217 September 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 64
- M-218 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 65
- M-219 October 1960. Goerz, David J., Jr. A Molecular Sieve Trap for Use at 10^-9 Torr
- M-219-reprint. 1961. Goerz, David J., Jr. A Molecular Sieve Trap for Use at 10^-9 Torr (in Technology Transactions)
- M-220 October 1960. Goerz, David J., Jr. Ultra High Vacuum Components for the Proposed Stanford Two-Mile Linear Electron Accelerator
- M-220-reprint. 1961. Goerz, David J., Jr. Ultra High Vacuum Components for the Proposed Stanford Two-Mile Linear Electron Accelerator
- M-221 October 1960. Loew, Gregory A. Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 66
- M-222 October 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 67
- M-223 October 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 68
- M-224 May 1960. Dedrick, Kent G. Calculation of Two Particle Reaction Kinematics Using the IBM-650 Computer
- M-225 September 1960. Dedrick, Kent G. and Clark, H. H. Photoneutron Yields From Excitation of the Giant Resonance
- M-226 October 1960. Dedrick, Kent G. Jacobians and Relativistic Kinematics
- M-227 October 1960. Dedrick, Kent G. Deuteron Model Calculation of Photonucleon Yields
- M-228 October 1960. Dedrick, Kent G. Calculation of Pion Photoproduction From Electron Accelerators According to the Statistical Model
- M-229 October 1960. Dedrick, Kent G. More Calculations of Photopion Yields
- M-230 November 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 69
- M-231 November 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 70
- M-232; ML-770 November 1960. Proposed Two-Mile Accelerator Project: Status Report, 1 July to 30 September 1960 (ML-770)
- M-233 November 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 71
- M-234 December 1960. Panofsky, Wolfgang K. H. Proposed Radiation Policies for Project M
- M-235 recd December 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 72
- M-236 December 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 73
- M-237 January 1961. Mallory, K. B. A Scheme for Defining the Correct Operating Temperature for an Accelerator
- M-238 December 1960. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 74
- M-239 January 1961. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 75
- M-240 January 1961. Neal, Richard B. Note on a Method of Accelerator Alignment Using A Stretched Wire Technique
- M-241 January 1961. Goerz, David J., Jr. and Crabtree, Andrew M. Report of Trip to NTH Products, Inc., San Diego; Menesco Manufacturing Co., Burbank; Fabriform Brazing Co., Los Angeles; and LeFiell Manufacturing Co., Los Angeles: January 11-18, 1961
- M-242-A; ML-780-A December 1960. Dôme, Georges Electron Bunching By Uniform Sections of Disk Loaded Waveguide. Part A: General Study (ML-780-A)
- M-243 January 1961. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 76
- M-244 January 1961. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 77
- M-245-A January 1961. Mallory, K. B. A Source of Error in the Use of Slope Detection for Perturbation Measurements
- M-246; ML-785 January 1961. Linear Electron Accelerator Studies and Proposed Two-Mile Accelerator Project: Combined Status Report, 1 October to 31 December 1960 (ML-785)
- M-247; ML-788 January 1961. Brady, M. Michael 350 Kilovolt Pulse Voltage Divider (ML-788)
- M-248 January 1961. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project Meeting M No. 78
- M-249 February 1961. Neal, Richard B. Proposed Method of Beam Steering and DeGaussing for the Two-Mile Accelerator
- M-250-A March 1961. Neal, Richard B. Method of Checking Alignment and Remote Realignment of the Two-Mile Accelerator During Normal Beam Operation
- M-251 February 1961. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project Meeting M No. 79
- M-252 February 1961. Brown, Karl L. Memo on Beam Steering and Focusing for Project M
- M-253 February 1961. Kirk, William (Bill). Minutes of Project M Meeting No. 80
- M-254 March 1961. DeStaebler, Hobey Shielding Efficiencies of Different Materials
- M-255 June 1961. Breymayer, K. E. Problems in Beam Operation
- M-256 March 1961. Neal, Richard B. and Lebacqz, Jean V. A Comparison of Amplitrons and Klystrons as Radiofrequency Power Sources For the Proposed Stanford Two-Mile Accelerator
- M-257 March 1961. Turner, T. F. and Butler, H. S. High Power Switching by Multi-Grid Ignitrons
- M-258 March 1961. Kraus, O. Radiofrequency Power Measurements
- M-259 March 1961. Neal, Richard B. Comparison of the Constant Gradient and Uniform Accelerator Structures
- M-260; ML-803 April 1961. Linear Electron Accelerator Studies and Proposed Two-Mile Accelerator Project: Combined Status Report, 1 January to 31 March 1961 (ML-803)
- M-261 April 1961. 1961 Hearings Booklet (Joint Committee on Atomic Energy of Congress, July, August 1959 and April 1960)
- M-262 April 1961. DeStaebler, Hobey A Review of Transverse Shielding Requirements for the Stanford Two-Mile Accelerator
- M-263 May 1961. DeStaebler, Hobey Radiation Levels Inside the Project M Accelerator Tunnel
- M-264 May 1961. Kraus, O. Beam Detector
- M-265A May 1961. Christie, T. A., Jr. Information-Handling for Accelerator Control (Introductory Remarks to a Series of Reports on the Subject)
- M-265B May 1961. Christie, T. A., Jr. Information-Handling for Accelerator Control Report No. 1: Data Communication Part I: Technical Considerations
- M-265C June 1961. Christie, T. A., Jr. Information-Handling for Accelerator Control Report No. 1: Data Communication Part II: Cost Analysis
- M-266 May 1961. Helm, R. H. Transient Beam Loading Calculations for Linear Electron Accelerators: Part I Uniform Structures, Phase Modulation
- M-267 May 1961. Muray, J. J. Muon Yields From Pion Decay and Electromagnetic Pair Production
- M-268-reprint. November 1961. Ginzton, Edward L. and Kirk, William (Bill). The Two-Mile Electron Accelerator (Published in: Scientific American, Volume 205, Issue 5, November 1961.)
- M-269 June 1961. Hirel, Renée A Study of the Electron Bunching Problem
- M-270 June 1961. Hirel, Renée Space Harmonic Content of the 2pi/3 Accelerator Structure
- M-271 June 1961. Mallory, K. B. A Perturbation Technique for Impedance Measurements
- M-272; ML-827 July 1961. Linear Electron Accelerator Studies and Proposed Two-Mile Accelerator Project: Combined Status Report, 1 April to 30 June 1961 (ML-827)
- M-273 July 1961. Panofsky, Wolfgang K. H. Coherent Production of Intermediate Bosons from M
- M-274 August 1961. DeStaebler, Hobey Relativistic Two-Body Kinematics 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45 BeV/c, 0 degrees to 180 degrees in 15 degrees Steps
- M-275 September 1961. Brown, Karl L.; Eldredge, Arnold L.; Helm, R. H.; Jasberg, J. H.; Lebacqz, Jean V.; Loew, Gregory A.; Mozley, Robert F.; Neal, Richard B.; Panofsky, Wolfgang K. H.; Turner, T.F. Linear Electron Accelerator Progress at Stanford University
- M-276 September 1961. Muray, J. J. Shower Development and Heating in the Accelerating Structure of a 50-BeV Linear Electron Accelerator
- M-277 August 1961. Breymayer, K. E. Control and Maintenance Problems During Operation
- M-278 September 1961. Brady, M. Michael Measurements of Waveguide Wavelengths and Attenuation in S-Band Stainless Steel Waveguide at 2856 Megacycles
- M-279 October 1961. Belbeoch, R. Study of the Beam Phase Coherence
- M-280; ML-859 October 1961. Linear Electron Accelerator Studies and Proposed Two-Mile Accelerator Project: Combined Status Report, 1 July to 30 September 1961 (ML-859)
- M-281 October 1961. DeStaebler, Hobey Scattering of Beam Electrons by the Residual Gas in the Accelerator
- M-282 November 1961. Mallory, K. B. Report of Conference on Microwave Measurement Techniques and Visits to Other Laboratories (September 1961)
- M-283 October 1961. Armstrong, J.E.; Copenhagen, Ken W.; and Sharpe, Roland L. Report of Inspection Trip to Particle Accelerators at CERN (Geneva) and Orsay (France)
- M-284 August 1961. Silverman, A. Simultaneous Experiments with the M Accelerator
- M-285 August 1961. Silverman, A. Wide-Angle Pair Production at High Momentum Transfers
- M-286 August 1961. Silverman, A. Photon Experiments with M (A Slightly Optimistic Survey)
- M-287 November 1961. Brady, M. Michael Results of DC Characteristic and Life Tests of Film Barretter Elements
- M-288 November 1961. Loew, Gregory A. Phasing of a Nonsynchronous Accelerator Section By the Beam-Induction Method
- M-289 December 1961. Dedrick, Kent G. The Single-Scattering Approximation in Skyshine Problems
- M-290 December 1961. Eldredge, Arnold L. European Trip Report, September 1-10, 1961
- M-291; ML-882 January 1962. Linear Electron Accelerator Studies Final Report (ML-882)
- M-292 January 1962. Belbeoch, R. Magnetic Systems for Linear Accelerator Beam Injection
- M-293 February 1962. Gallagher, W. J. The Design of Linear Electron Accelerators
- M-294 January 1962. Two-Mile Accelerator Project: Status Report, 1 October to 31 December 1961
- M-295 March 1962. Brady, M. Michael In-Line Calorimeter for Microwave Power Measurements
- M-296 February 1962. Dedrick, Kent G. and Clark, H. H. Elementary Calculation of the Transverse Shielding
- M-297 April 1962. Butler, H. S. and Muray, J. J. Deflection Magnet Systems for the Primary Beam
- M-298 April 1962. Two-Mile Accelerator Project: Status Report, 1 January to 31 March 1962
- M-299 January 1962. Brady, M. Michael Second Harmonic Effects in Tuned Reflectometers
- M-300 March 1962. Mallory, K. B. A Source of Error in the Use of Slope Detection for Perturbation Measurements