SPEAR Notes 1962-1982 (includes some PEP Notes)
The SSRL SPEAR Storage Ring has been the site of the discoveries which led to the award of the 1976 and 1995 prizes in physics, and of the 2006, 2009 and 2012 prizes in chemistry.
From 1969 through 1982, the collaboration constructing the SPEAR facility at SLAC produced the following numbered notes (links in citations are to full-text scans. Please contact the Archives and History Office to determine availability of unscanned Notes):
Note: Most links on this page open pdf files, which require the free Acrobat Reader.
- SPEAR-NOTE-1. Rees. Storage-Ring magnet Lattice Criteria. June 1969.
- SPEAR-NOTE-2. McConnell. Combined Operation of RF Sources. July 1969.
- SPEAR-NOTE-3. Sabersky. Storage Ring Transport System. March 1970.
- SPEAR-NOTE-4. [no record]
- SPEAR-NOTE-5. Lee & Morton. SPEAR Lattice Design. August 1969.
- SPEAR-NOTE-6. Boyarski. SPEAR Control, Counting & Computer Room Layout. August 1969.
- SPEAR-NOTE-7. Lee & Morton. Alignment Error Effects In SPEAR Part A: Bending Magnets. September 1969.
- SPEAR-NOTE-8. Lee & Morton. Alignment Error Effects In SPEAR Part B: Quadrupole Magnets. September 1969.
- SPEAR-NOTE-9. Rees & Richter. Beam-Stay_Clear Requirements for SPEAR. October 1969.
- SPEAR-NOTE-10. Harris. Power Supply Controls. October 1969.
- SPEAR-NOTE-11. Sands. Energy Spread and Bunch Length. October 1969.
- SPEAR-NOTE-12. Rees. Random Errors in the Magnetic Guide Field of SPEAR--Summary of Calculations to Date. November 1969.
- SPEAR-NOTE-13. Lee. Alignment Error Effects In SPEAR Part C: Support Girder. November 1969.
- SPEAR-NOTE-14. Morton. Electric Quadrupoles. December 1969.
- SPEAR-NOTE-15. Cogg. Magnetic Measurements on the SPEAR6Q20 Prototype Quadrupole. December 1969.
- SPEAR-NOTE-16. Allen. Notes on SPEAR-1/2 RF System--Sys. Requirements. December 1969.
- SPEAR-NOTE-17. Harris. Magnet Power Supplies. December 1969.
- SPEAR-NOTE-18. Harris. SPEAR Power Supplies: Fast Acting Fuses for Short Circuit Protection. January 1970.
- SPEAR-NOTE-19. Harris. Choice of Power Supply Thyrister Trigger System. January 1970.
- SPEAR-NOTE-20. [no record]
- SPEAR-NOTE-21. Lee & Morton. Magnetic Field Tolerances in SPEAR part A: Quadrupole and Sextupole Magnets. March 1970.
- SPEAR-NOTE-22. Sabersky. SPEAR-1 and SPEAR-1/2 Transport Runs. March 1970.
- SPEAR-NOTE-23. Lee. Alignment Error Effects in SPEAR Part D: Sextupole Magnets. March 1970.
- SPEAR-NOTE-24. Rees. Positional Tolerances on Q3 and Q2 in SPEAR. March 1970.
- SPEAR-NOTE-25. Richter. Feedback System for Stabilization of Coherent Oscillations in SPEAR. March 1970.
- SPEAR-NOTE-26. Rees. Electric Steering Fields for SPEAR-1/2. March 1970.
- SPEAR-NOTE-27. Rees. ACME Program "SR". March 1970.
- SPEAR-NOTE-28. Morton. Loss and Trapping of Ions. April 1970.
- SPEAR-NOTE-29. (Revised) Sabersky. Transport System Vacuum Requirements. April 1970.
- SPEAR-NOTE-30. Morton. Dynamics of Ions in Drift Spaces in SPEAR 1/2. May 1970.
- SPEAR-NOTE-31. Lee. Beam-rf Cavity Stability with Feedback. June 1970.
- SPEAR-NOTE-32. Harris. Use of a Standard 1/2 percent Switchboard Shunt for +/-0.05 percent Repeatability. June 1970.
- SPEAR-NOTE-33. [no record]
- SPEAR-NOTE-34. Brown & Lee. Preliminary Evaluation of Cast Sextupole Serial No. 1 (CS1). June 1970.
- SPEAR-NOTE-35. Rees & Voss. Beam-Stay-Clear Region for SPEAR. July 1970.
- SPEAR-NOTE-36. Fischer, Harris & Bradford. AC Measurements on SPEAR Magnets-10D80 and 6Q20. August 1970.
- SPEAR-NOTE-37. Rees. Luminosity Limitations on SPEAR-1/2 Due to the Incoherent Limits. August 1970.
- SPEAR-NOTE-38. Richter. Magnet Power Supply Ripple Tolerances. August 1970.
- SPEAR-NOTE-39. Harris. DAB Computer Involvement with SPEAR Transport Operations. October 1970.
- SPEAR-NOTE-[40]. Lynch. Limits on Precision of Magnetostrictive Readout. December 1970.
- SPEAR-NOTE-41. Jurow. Criteria for Synchrotron Radiation-Absorbing Surfaces. November 1970.
- SPEAR-NOTE-42. [no record]
- SPEAR-NOTE-43. Sabersky. Synchrotron Light Geometry. January 1971.
- SPEAR-NOTE-44 through SPEAR-NOTE-100. [no record]
- SPEAR-NOTE-101. Lee, Morton, Rees & Spencer. Quadrupole Strengths for the NOV7 Lattice. February 1971.
- SPEAR-NOTE-102. Lee, Morton, Rees, Richter, Spencer. NOV7 SPEAR Lattice Design. May 1971
- SPEAR-NOTE-103. Davies-White, Harris, Rees & Harris. SPEAR Magnet Power Supply Requirements for the NOV7 Lattice. March 1971.
- SPEAR-NOTE-104. Scholl & Melen. The Digital Input system for the Sigma-5. February 1971.
- SPEAR-NOTE-105. Rees & Voss. Beam-Stay-Clear Envelope for SPEAR. February 1971.
- SPEAR-NOTE-106. Harris & Jenkins. Shielding of SPEAR. March 1971.
- SPEAR-NOTE-107. Larsen. Transport Matrices for a Magnetic Solenoid. March 1971.
- SPEAR-NOTE-108. Scholl. The SPEAR Communication System. March 1971.
- SPEAR-NOTE-109. Brown, Lee, Davies-White, Fischer & Rees. Alignment Error Effects in SPEAR -- Summary of Calculations to Date. April 1971.
- SPEAR-NOTE-110. Morton, Rees, Spencer. An Attempt to Explain the Coherent Bunch Motion in the Cambridge Electron-Positron Ring. April 1971.
- SPEAR-NOTE-111. [no record]
- SPEAR-NOTE-112. Sabersky. Magnetic Shielding Problems of the SPEAR Transport Line. April 1971.
- SPEAR-NOTE-114. Hilleary, Piccioni. The Beamline 15 Computer Program. April 1971.
- SPEAR-NOTE-115. Larsen. Luminosity Monitors for SPEAR (I). April 1971.
- SPEAR-NOTE-116. Rees. Calculating Beam Lifetime from Quantum-Driven Energy Oscillations. May 1971.
- SPEAR-NOTE-117. Rees. 15-GeV Electron-Positron Storage Ring -- I. Design Approach. May 1971.
- SPEAR-NOTE-118. Rees. 15-GeV Electron-Positron Storage Ring -- II. Radiofrequency Accelerating System. June 1971.
- SPEAR-NOTE-119. Morton & Rees. The Sextupole System as of April, 1971. May 1971.
- SPEAR-NOTE-120. (Revised) Lee & Morton. Magnetic Field Tolerances in the NOV7 Design. June 1971
- SPEAR-NOTE-121. Pellegrin. The Storage Ring Beam-Position Monitor System. June 1971.
- SPEAR-NOTE-122. Coyne. Investigation of 2-Gamma Processes at the SPEAR Facility. July 1971.
- SPEAR-NOTE-123. Sabersky. Fast Beam Monitor using Synchrotron Light. August 1971.
- SPEAR-NOTE-124. Pellegrin. The Slow Servo Loop of the Beam Feedback System. September 1971.
- SPEAR-NOTE-125. Nguyen / Morton. Some Coupling Effects between Horizontal and Vertical Betatron Motions in SPEAR due to Magnetic Solenoid and Compensating Fields. September 1971.
- SPEAR-NOTE-126. Schoff. The Analog Input for the Sigma5. September 1971.
- SPEAR-NOTE-127. Lee, Rees, Morton, Spencer. Magnet Strength Computation for SPEAR. October 1971.
- SPEAR-NOTE-128. Sabersky. Synchrotron-Light Masking of Ring Components. October 1971.
- SPEAR-NOTE-129. Sabersky. The SPEAR Injection Monitor. October 1971.
- SPEAR-NOTE-130. Lee, King, Nguyen. Operable Region of the Field Computation Code (FCC) for SPEAR. November 1971.
- SPEAR-NOTE-131. Brown, Cobb, Davies-White. Test Report SPEAR Quadrupole 10Q50 (Q2) Center Shift Study. November 1971.
- SPEAR-NOTE-132. Rees, Morton. How much free Space can we Provide for Experimental Apparatus? November 1971.
- SPEAR-NOTE-133. Lynch. Remarks on Radiative Corrections. November 1971.
- SPEAR-NOTE-134. Schwitters. Machine-Associated Backgrounds at the SPEAR Interaction Region. November 1971.
- SPEAR-NOTE-135. Rees, Fischer, Richter. Powering Bend Magnet Trim Coils in the Insertion. November 1971.
- SPEAR-NOTE-136. Carman, Pellegrin. Measurement of the SPEAR Beams' Closed Orbits. December 1971.
- SPEAR-NOTE-137. Brown, Cobb. SPEAR Octupole Test Report. February 1972.
- SPEAR-NOTE-138. Lee, Rees, King. Electric-Plate Field Strength Computation for SPEAR. February 1972.
- SPEAR-NOTE-139. Pellegrin. Beam Feedback System for the Damping of Transverse Coherent Oscillations. February 1972.
- SPEAR-NOTE-140. Pellegrin. RF Termination of some Electrostatic Plates. March 1972.
- SPEAR-NOTE-141. Wiedemann. Beam Lifetime due to Scattering of Electrons by the Photons of Synchrotron Light. March 1971.
- SPEAR-NOTE-142. Panofsky. Spin Motion in Synchrotron Orbits -- Precession in Solenoid. April 1972.
- SPEAR-NOTE-143. Sands. Energy Feedback and its effect on Betatron Oscillations. June 1972.
- SPEAR-NOTE-144. Buchanan. Results of Experimental and Theoretical Studies for N-Inclusive production at SPEAR. August 1972.
- SPEAR-NOTE-145. Haissinski, Augustin. Study of the Radial-Vertical Coupling at Injection due to Non-Uniformity of the Separating Field. September 1971.
- SPEAR-NOTE-146. Lee, Morton, King. Closed Orgit Correction for SPEAR. November 1972.
- SPEAR-NOTE-147. Augustin. Multiple Coulomb Scattering and Multiple Gas Bremsstrahlung at SPEAR. November 1972.
- SPEAR-NOTE-148. Sabersky. Measuring Tunes with a Phase-Locked Loop. November 1972.
- SPEAR-NOTE-149. Pellegrin. Intrinsic Nonlinearity of Position Monitors. November 1972.
- SPEAR-NOTE-150. Morehouse. [Restricted Distribution] November 1972.
- SPEAR-NOTE-151. Augustin. Injection in Front of a Stored Beam. November 1972.
- SPEAR-NOTE-152. Fischer. Study of a Possible Construction Program of a National Synchrotron Radiation Facility at the SLAC Electron-Positron Storage Ring (SPEAR). December 1972.
- SPEAR-NOTE-153. Schwitters. The Effect of a Localized Pressure Increase on Ungated Singles Rates in Luminosity Monitor Counters. December 1972.
- SPEAR-NOTE-154. Fischer. A Brief Note on the Effect of Bunch Length on the Luminosity of a Storage Ring with Low Beta at the Interaction Point. December 1972.
- SPEAR-NOTE-155. Wiedemann. Measurements of Luminosity and Beam-Beam Effect at SPEAR. January 1973.
- SPEAR-NOTE-156. Jurow. Critical Synchrotron Radiation-Absorbing Surfaces. February 1973.
- SPEAR-NOTE-157. Carman. Interaction Position Monitors. February 1973.
- SPEAR-NOTE-158. Melen. Use of the Sigma-5 Interrupt System. March 1973.
- SPEAR-NOTE-159. Schwitters. Beam Polarization at SPEAR. April 1973.
- SPEAR-NOTE-160. (Revised) Melen. Sigma-5 system/7 Interface Specifications. June 1974.
- SPEAR-NOTE-161. Davies-White. Magnet Cooling and Temperature Rise at 4.5 GeV Operation. June 1973.
- SPEAR-NOTE-162. Rees. Higher-energy Electron-Positron Colliding Beam Systems: Single Rings. July 1973.
- SPEAR-NOTE-163. Wilson. Beam Loading in High Energy Storage Rings. July 1973.
- SPEAR-NOTE-164. McConnell. RF Design Formulae for SPEAR. July 1973.
- SPEAR-NOTE-165 and PEP-61. Lee, Lee, Teng. Magnet Insertion Code (MAGIC). October 1973
- SPEAR-NOTE-166. [no record]
- SPEAR-NOTE-167 and PEP-69. Rees, Richter. Preliminary Design of a 15-GeV Electron-Positron Variable-Tune Storage Ring. October 1973.
- SPEAR-NOTE-168. Dumond, Meler, Maters. Observations on the Response of the SPEAR Position Monitors. November 1973.
- SPEAR-NOTE-169 and PEP-78. Helm, Lee. Double Thin-Lens Approximation for Preliminary PEPSI8 Lattice Design. December 1973.
- SPEAR-NOTE-170 and PEP-75. Schwitters. Comments on Obtaining Longitudinally Polarized Baems in e-plus e-minus Storage Rings. October 1973.
- SPEAR-NOTE-171. Allen, Fischer, Mater, Sabersky, Wilson. Some Observations on Bunch Lengthening at SPEAR. March 1974.
- SPEAR-NOTE-172. [no record]
- SPEAR-NOTE-173. Fischer. Miscellaneous Single Beam Observations. March 1974.
- SPEAR-NOTE-174. Melen. The SPEAR Computer Input Multiplexing System. April 1974.
- SPEAR-NOTE-175. Schwitters, Richter. A method for producting longitudinal beam polarization at PEP. June 1974.
- SPEAR-NOTE-176. Lee. Possible Orbit-Correcting Schemes for SPEAR II. July 1974.
- SPEAR-NOTE-177. [no record]
- SPEAR-NOTE-178. (never circulated)
- SPEAR-NOTE-179. [no record]
- SPEAR-NOTE-180. Sabersky. The Renovated Optical Monitors. September 1974.
- SPEAR-NOTE-181. Chao, Lee. SPEAR II Touschek Lifetime. October 1974.
- SPEAR-NOTE-182 and PEP-105. Chao, Morton. Physical Picture of the Electromagnetic fields Between Two Infinite Conducting Plates Produced by a Point Charge Moving at the Speed of Light. February 1975.
- SPEAR-NOTE-183. Chao. Calculation of Single Resonance Effects. February 1975.
- SPEAR-NOTE-184. Wilson. Stored Current Capability of SPEAR II. April 1975.
- SPEAR-NOTE-185 and PEP-122. McConnell. Beam Induced Transit Time Signals at SPEAR. June 1975.
- SPEAR-NOTE-186 and PEP-125. Paterson, Rees, Wiedemann. Control of Beam Size and Polarization Time in PEP. July 1975.
- SPEAR-NOTE-187. Chao, Keil, King, Morton, Lee, Paterson. Betatron-Synchrotron Resonances in SPEARII and a Possible Explanation. August 1975.
- SPEAR-NOTE-188 and PEP-130. Chao, Lee. Planck equation for linearly coupled Motion in an Electron Storage Ring. September 1975.
- SPEAR-NOTE-189 and PEP-131. Chao, Lee. Transient Particle Dist. for Linearly Coupled Motion in an Elect. S. Ring. September 1975.
- SPEAR-NOTE-190 and PEP-120. Pellegrin. Design of an Electrode System for Beam Transverse Excitation. August 1975.
- SPEAR-NOTE-191. [no record]
- SPEAR-NOTE-192. Fischer. Some observations Regarding the stored current capability of SPEAR operated for Synchrotron Radiation Use. March 1976.
- SPEAR-NOTE-193. Garren, Lee, Morton. SPEAR Lattice Modifications to Increase Synchrotron Light Brightness. April 1976.
- SPEAR-NOTE-194 and PEP-217. Chao, Schwitters. Linear Theory of Beam Depolarization Due to Vertical Betatron Motion. June 1976.
- SPEAR-NOTE-195. Chao, Hubner, Lee, Morton, Paterson. Work on Synchro-betatron Resonances in SPEAR II. (NOT FOR PUBLICATION). September 1976.
- SPEAR-NOTE-196. Hereward. Synchro-betatron resonances. (NOT FOR PUBLICATION). September 1976.
- SPEAR-NOTE-197. Chao, Gareyte. Scaling Law for Bunch Lengthening in SPEAR II. December 1976.
- SPEAR-NOTE-198. Month. Bunch Lengthening in SPEAR and Extrapolation to PEP. October 1976.
- SPEAR-NOTE-199. Lee. New SPEAR Lattices for "Topping up" Operation. October 1976.
- SPEAR-NOTE-200. [no record]
- SPEAR-NOTE-201. King, Lee. A collection of Some Formulae In MAGIC (Not for General Distribution). April 1977
- SPEAR-NOTE-202. Chao. On the Control of Beam Polarization by Wigglers. April 1977.
- SPEAR-NOTE-203. Lee. Which Accelerator for China (not for general distribution). June 1977.
- SPEAR-NOTE-204. King, Lee, paterson. correcting the Vertical Orbit and energy Dispersion Errors in SPEAR. (Not for Publication). June 1977.
- SPEAR-NOTE-205. Sabersky. Particle Detectors for Monitoring Injection Beam Spill. August 1977.
- SPEAR-NOTE-206. Gareyte. Experiments on Bunch Lengthening and Longitudinal Instabilities in SPEAR II. August 1977.
- SPEAR-NOTE-207. Gareyte. Landau Damping of the Longitudinal Quadrupole Mode in SPEAR II. August 1977.
- SPEAR-NOTE-208. [no record]
- SPEAR-NOTE-209. Fowkes, Wilson. Predicted Bunch Shapes in SPEAR Using Active Bunch Lengthener (ABLE). January 1978.
- SPEAR-NOTE-210. Fowkes, Lebacqz. Bunch Lengthening Cavity for e-plus e-minus Storage Rings. January 1978.
- SPEAR-NOTE-211. Sands. A Possible Bunch-Shape Instability in SPEAR. November 1977.
- SPEAR-NOTE-212. Lee, Paterson. Compensating for the Effects of Wigglers in SPEAR (not for general distribution). July 1978.
- SPEAR-NOTE-213. Bane, Chao, Lee. Some Bunch Shape Effects in SPEAR. July 1978.
- SPEAR-NOTE-214. Helm. Effects of the SSRL Wiggler on the SPEAR Beam. July 1978.
- SPEAR-NOTE-215. Sabersky. Sensitivity of CCD Photodevices for SPEAR Application. March 1979.
- SPEAR-NOTE-216. Stiening, Donald. Observation of Betatron Noise in SPEAR. May 1979.
- SPEAR-NOTE-217. Helm, Lee, Yao. Compensating the Effects of Wiggler Magnet Systems in SPEAR. June 1979.
- SPEAR-NOTE-218. Fischer et al. Energy Caligration of SPEAR by g-2 Precession. September 1979.
- SPEAR-NOTE-219. Slattery, Partelow. SPEAR Injection Timing. August 1979.
- SPEAR-NOTE-220. Yao. Correcting Errors Caused by Wiggler Magnets in SPEAR. May 1980.
- SPEAR-NOTE-221. Yao. some Studies on SSRL Steering. May 1980.
- SPEAR-NOTE-222. Yao, King. Wiggler Correction in SPEAR. October 1980.
- SPEAR-NOTE-223. Morton. Resonance in SPEAR with Undulator in Place. July 1981.
- SPEAR-NOTE-224. Helm. Preliminary Study of a Microbeta Insertion for SPEAR Using Permanent magnet Quadrupoles. April 1982
Please Note: To locate SPEAR-related publications not listed or linked on this page, please consult the at INSPIRE database index.