Aerial of SLAC, 2021

Glossary of Terms and Acronyms

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SLACspeak is a continuously updated online database of general SLAC-related terms abbreviations, acronyms, initialism and lingo. It is also a publication that went through three editions (1991, 1994, and 2000).

To Search SLACspeak 

  • from a desktop computer: select a letter to search from the list at the top of the page, then on that letter's page, use the Control-F command to find the definition of your term or acronym.
  • from a mobile device: select a letter to search from the list at the top of the page, then on that letter's page, use the mobile app's Find In Page search utility to find the definition of your term or acronym.

The SLACspeak database is built upon information compiled from sources used for the three paper editions, and supplements and updates these original terms and definitions with information from the more-recently published literature of high-energy physics, synchrotron radiation research, and environmental, health, and safety science. It is updated and maintained by the SLAC Archives, History and Records Office (AHRO) based on our reading and research, and on input from the SLAC community.

The intention of this database is to define word meanings; it should not be used as a style guide.

The first two editions of SLACspeak were derived from several sources:

  • Argouarch, Phillipe. (Accelerator Department, SLAC) Accelerator Operations Glossary. SLAC-related vocabulary.
  • Kindschy, Jon W. (compiler) (University of California) SLAC Environmental Compliance Assessment; and Principles of Hazardous Materials Management: Glossary of Terms & Acronyms. Environmental, health, and safety terminology.
  • U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Managment. Draft Mission Plan Amendment. Environmental, health and safety terminology.
  • Jacobsen, O. and Lynch, D. (compilers) The INTEROP Pocket Glossary, RFC 1208. Computer-related terms and acronyms.
  • Particle Data Group. “Review of Particle Properties,” Physical Review D, V.45,n.11, June 1992. Accelerator and detector acronyms.
  • SLAC Staff members Joan Winters, SLAC Computing Services; Bob Gex and Louise Addis, SLAC Library; and Robin Chandler, SLAC Archives and History Office.