Aerial of SLAC, 2021

SLACspeak S

0-A      B      C      D      E     F      G      H      I      J      K     L      M     N      O    P      Q      R      S     T      U-V-W      X-Y-Z

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S     A variable for any distance in the direction of the beam or for the length of the bunch itself. Distances are measured in the `Z' direction.

S     Siemens.

S2 C2     Stanford-SLAC Cryo-EM Center

SCSC     Stanford-SLAC Cryo-EM Specimen preparation Center

S K-XAS     An imaging technique using low-energy ranges and the element sulfur.

S&E     Safety and Environmental (ES&H). Also, Science and Engineering.

S&H     Safety and Health.

S&ORIP     Safety and Operational Reliability Improvements Project.

S&R     Shipping and Receiving.

S/CI     Suspect or Counterfeit Items.

S2C2     Stanford-SLAC Cryo-EM Center

S30XL     Sector 30 transfer Line

S3DF     SLAC Shared Science Data Facility

SA     Supply Air.

SAA     Safety Access Area.

SAA     South Atlantic Anomaly. Anomaly in earth's magnetic field.

SAA     Satellite Accumulation Area.

SAC     SLAC Architectural Committee.

SACLA     Spring-8 Angstrom Compact free-electron LAser. (RIKEN, Japan)

SAD     Safety Analysis / Assessment Document.

SAFARI     Spica FAR-infrared Instrument.

Safety Barrel     A cylindrical shield used to protect exposed wires like PLIC line junctions. It is made of metal and always grounded.

Safety, Health, and Assurance     A department within the Environment, Safety, and Health (ES&H) Division.

SAG     Senior Advisory Group. (US)

SAGE     Formerly the Soviet-American Gallium Experiment, now officially named Russian-American Gallium Experiment, although the original acronym has been retained.

SAGENAP     Special Accelerator Group for Experiments in Non-Accelerator Physics

SAGE-S     SLAC Accelerating Girls' Engagement in STEM

SAID     Scattering Analyses Interactive Dialin

SAL     Saskatchewan Accelerator Laboratory.

SALLIE     Stanford ALL Image Exchange.

SALT     Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty

SALTA     Snowmass Area Large-scale Time-coincidence Array.

SAM     Software Asset Management

SAM     Small Angle Monitor. See also Mini Sam.

SAM     Smart Analog Module. A 32-channel module used to digitize analog signals. It is used to monitor the LINAC waveguide temperatures, small magnet currents, and miscellaneous analog reference signals.

SAM     Software Asset Management

SAML     Security Assertion Markup Language

SAO     Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

SAP     Scientific Advisory Panel, initiated by Prop. 65. (CCR Title 22, Sec. 12301 et seq)

SAPE     SSRL Accelerator Procedures-Engineering.

SAR     Supplied Air Respirator.

SAR     Safety Analysis Report.

SARA     Superfund (CERCLA) Amendments and Reauthorization Act. Title III of this act created federal community right-to-know program. See also EPCRA.

SARA     Heavy ion facility in Grenoble, France.

SARA-NIKHEF     National Center for Computing and Networking Services and the National Institute for Nuclear Physics and High Energy Physics, based in the Netherlands.

SAREC    SLAC Accelerator Research Experimental Committee.

SARS-CoV-2     Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome CoronaVirus 2

SAS     Science Analysis Software. (GLAST)

SASE     Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission.

SASER     Acoustic equivalent of a laser.

SASS     SLAC Association of Students Seminars.

SAT     Site Acceptance Test

SATAN     Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks.

SATF     Self-Assessment Task Force.

SATIF     Shielding aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation Facilities.

SATS     Self-Assessment Tracking System.

SATURNE II     Saclay Saturne II proton, charmed meson, and helium nucleus synchrotron.

SAURON     Spectroscopic Areal Unit for Research on Optical Nebulae.

SAW     Self-Avoiding Walk

SAX     Small-Angle Xray.

SAXS     Small-Angle X-ray Scattering

SB     Senate Bill.

SB     Strawman Baseline. (ILC)

SB     See SBST.

S-BAND     2856 Mhz. The microwave frequency used to accelerate particles in the LINAC. The wavelength at this frequency is 10.5 cm, or about 4 and 1/8 inches.

SBBSTR     SuBbooSTer. An amplifier station where the RF signal coming from the x6 multiplier is boosted for the klystrons of a LINAC sector. Subboosters are either klystron tubes or solid state.

SBE     State Board of Equalization.

SBI     SubBooster Interface. A CAMAC module that handles control and monitoring for each subbooster. It provides the accelerate and standby triggers to the Subbooster modulators.

SBK     Sheet Beam Klystron.

SBNG     StarBurst Nucleus Galaxies

SBST     SuBbooSTer. An amplifier station where the RF signal coming from the x6 multiplier is boosted for the klystrons of a LINAC sector. Subboosters are either klystron tubes or solid state.

SC     Super-Conducting.

SC     Super Computing (as in SC04, SC05, etc.)

SC     DOE Office of Science (Government organizational code).

SC     Safety Collimator.

SCA     Scientific Computing Applications department (SLAC).

SCA     SuperConformal Algebra

SCADA     Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition.

SCAG     State of California Association of Governments.

SCALLA     Structured Cluster Architecture for Low Latency Access.

Scanning Wire Ion Chamber     See SWIC.

SCAP     Security Content Automation Protocol.

SCAQMD     South Coast Air Quality Management District.

SCAS     Stanford Contractor Assurance System.

Scavenger     See Scavenger Beam.

Scavenger Beam     The high-current electron beam sent to the target to produce positrons. It is called Scavenger because it uses the leftover RF power after the main collision bunches are accelerated.

Scavengy     A multiknob used to tune the energy of the scavenger beam. This is done by varying the phase of Subboosters 17 and 18.

SCBA     Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus.

SCCDPH    Santa Clara County Department of Public Health.

SCCS     Scientific Computing and Computing Services.

sCDM     standard Cold Dark Matter

SCDMS     Super Cryogenic Dark Matter Search

SC&EA     Strategic Communications & External Affairs (SLAC)

SCET     Soft Collinear Effective Theory.

SCFF     Super Conducting Final Focus.

SCFT     SuperConformal Field Theory

SCGF     DOE Office of Science (SC) Graduate Fellowship program.

SCGSR     DOE Office of Science (SC) Graduate Student Research program.

SciDAC     Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing. (DOE)

Scintillator     A type of detector that makes use of the flash of light emitted by the electrons in an excited atom falling back to their normal energy or `ground' state after having been excited by a passing particle. Used in conjunction with a photomultiplier to produces a measurable current for each `scintillation.' The most common scintillator material is plastic.

SCIPP     Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics.

SCL     Safety Check List.

SCM     SuperConducting Magnet

SCM     Supply Chain Management.

SCOAP3    Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics.

SCORM     Sharable Content Object Reference Model.

SCP     Site Characterization Plan.

SCPD     Stanford Center for Professional Development

SCR     Silicon Controlled Rectifier. A solid-state electronic switch which holds off voltage until its gate lead is pulsed, which then causes conduction until the device is back biased, or zero biased. SCRs are used frequently as the main rectifiers in large, variable current, regulated power supplies.

Scraper     See Collimator.

SCRF     SuperConducting RadioFrequency.

SCRM     Supply Chain Risk Management

SCROD     School Cosmic Ray Outreach Detector.

SCS     Scientific Computing Systems (or, historically, SLAC Computing Services)

SCSC     Scientific Computing Steering Committee.

SCSI     Small Computer System Interface.

SCSS     SPring-8 Compact SASE Source (Japan).

SCT     SemiConductor Tracker.

SCT     Superconducting Triplets. The superconducting quadrupoles in Final Focus.

SC-TBD     Secondary Containment - Technical Basis Document.

SCUBA     Submillimeter Common User Bolometer Array.

SCVPGM     Sagittal focusing and converging beam

SD     Surface Detector (Auger Observatory).

SD     Silicon Detector.

SD     Schwinger-Dyson.

SD     Sextupole Defocusing.

SDE     Schwinger-Dyson Equations

SDF     Sludge-Derived Fuel.

SDG     SelfDual Gravity

SDI     State Disability Insurance.

SDL     Subbooster Drive Line. The Rf line from any given subbooster to the 8 klystron modulator stations in the particular sector it drives.

SDLC     System Development LifeCycle. Also Software Development LifeCycle.

SDLC     Serial Data Link Controller.

SDLCQ     Supersymmetric Discrete Light Cone Quantization

SDM     Software Development and Maintenance.

SDMP     injector Spectrometer DuMP. (SLAC)

SDN     Science Data Network. (DOE)

SDO     Solar Dynamics Observatory.

SDOHS     State Department of Health Services, California. It is also known as CDHS, DHS, and DOHS.

SDP    Permanent Sextupole - Defocusing.

SDR     System Design Review

SDS     SLAC Design Services.

SDS     Safety Data Sheet.

SDSL     Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line. A technology that allows high volumes of data, up to 3Mbps, to be sent over existing conventional copper telephone lines.

SDSS     Sloan Digital Sky Survey.

SDSS-II     Sloan Digital Sky Survey-II.

SDWA      Safe Drinking Water Act. (Federal)

SEABA     Science Education Academy of Bay Area

Search Reset     A PPS status obtained after a search and needed to put a PPS area in 'No Access' mode. Search reset buttons are located outside the PPS gates except for the BSY and the LINAC. The search team leader must press a searched zone's search reset button at the same time that a similar button is depressed at MCC in order to get 'search status set' for any given zone, so that the 'No Access' state can be achieved for that zone, and beam brought through the zone.

SEC    SECtor.

SecCM     Security-focused Configuration Management.

SECO     SEcondary Engine Cutoff. (NASA)

Secondary Emission Monitor     See SEM.

Secondary Treatment     The second step in most publicly owned waste treatment systems in which bacteria consume the organic parts of the waste. It is accomplished by bringing together waste, bacteria, and oxygen in trickling filters or in the activated sludge process. This treatment removes floating and settleable solids and about 90 percent of the oxygen-demanding substances and suspended solids. Disinfection is the final stage of secondary treatment. See Primary Waste Treatment and Tertiary Treatment.

SEC-SAXS     Size Exclusion Chromatography SAXS

Security Crash     A PPS incident which occurs when the PPS security of the machine is lost. It may be caused by a person opening a secured door to a searched zone, or by an electrical failure in the PPS system.

SED     Spectral Energy Distribution.

SED     Stream EDitor. A powerful Unix command for modifying the information in a pipeline.

SEDA     SLAC Engineering Document Archive

SEDAC     Safety and Environmental Discussion Assistance Committee

SEDP     Safety and Environmental Discussion Program.

SEE     Satellite Energy Exchange.

Seeman Screen     Profile Monitor screens at the end of the LINAC in sector 29 and 30. The beam is deflected by pulsed kickers on to these screens. Named after their designer, John Seeman.

SEET     SLAC Ergonomic Evaluation Team.

SEGUE     Sloan Extension for Galactic Understanding and Exploration.

SEIS     Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement.

SEIU     Service Employees International Union.

SELEX     SEgmented LargE X baryon spectrometer.

SEM     Scanning Electron Microscope.

SEM     Secondary Emission Monitor. The SEMs are thick metal plates insulated from ground. When struck by a beam, these devices produce a shower of electrons from the plate. The plate then becomes positive and a signal is extracted to the BCS racks.

SEM     Site Engineering and Maintenance.

SEN     Secretary of Energy Notice.

Sensitizer     A substance which produces an allergic reaction.

SEP     SEPtum.

SEPT     SEPTum magnet.

Septa     Plural of Septum.

Septum     A magnet incorporating a partition with a strong field on one side and little or no field on the other. It is used in combination with a kicker to bend one beam while leaving another undisturbed, usually in order to inject and/or extract a beam from a storage ring. it can be either a vertical or horizontal bend. See Lambertson.

Septum Bump     An orbit bump created around a septum magnet to move the beam path into the 'no field' area of a septum. Septum bumps are usually four magnet bumps, which allow control of the beam's angle as well as its offset through the septum area.

SERA     SLAC Emergency Relief Association.

SERC     State Emergency Response Commission. (EPCRA)

SERG     Science and Engineering Research Group (SU Libraries).

Serial Crate Controller     See SCC.

SERPUKHOV     SERPUKHOV proton synchrotron (76 GeV/c Plab).

SERPUKHOV UNK     SERPUKHOV multi-TeV proton machine.

SERT     SLAC Emergency Response Team.

Server     A computer that shares its resources, such as printers and files, with other computers on the network. An example of this is a Network Files System Server which shares its disk space with a workstation that does not have a disk drive of its own.

SESAME     Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East.

SETI     Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. (Institute)

SEXT     SEXTupole. A six-pole magnet used to eliminate chromatic aberrations in a beam transport system.

Sextupole     See SEXT.

SF     Sextupole Focusing.

SF     Schrödinger functional

SFA     Scientific Focus Area

SFF     South Final Focus.

SFG     Spectrometer Facilities Group.

SFM    CERN split-field magnet.

SFMP     Surplus Facilities Management Program of Strategic Facilities Master Plan.

SFR     Star Formation Rate.

SFS     Spent-Fuel Standard

SFT     Permanent Sextupole - Focusing.

SG     Safety Glasses, with wide shield, or Safety Goggles.

SG     Sine-Gordon

SGD     Soft Gamma-ray Detector. One of the planned components of ASTRO-H.

SGM     Superon Graviton Model.

SGML     Standard Generalized Markup Language. A system for organizing and tagging elements of a document. See also XML.

SGR     Soft Gamma Repeater

SHA     Safety, Health and Assurance. (Dept. in ES&H)

SHAB     Second Harmonic AfterBurner. (LCLS)

SHALA     Stanford Health and Lifestyle Assessment.

SHAM     Sample and Hold Module.

SHCDM     Super-Hubble Cold Dark Matter.

SHDM     Super-Heavy Dark Matter.

SHM     Safe Hold Mode.

SHMET     SHeet METal.

Shower     Any multiplicative radiation effect whereby a particle 'creates' two or more particles, each of which creates two or more, etc. causing a 'shower' of radiation from a few initial particles. Also, a cascade of particles generated by pair production and bremsstrahlung radiation.

SHPO     State Historic Preservation Office. (California)

SI     System Integrator. (Computing)

SIAD    Stanford Internal Audit Department.

SIAM   Summary Interlock and Alarm Module

SIB     Storage Interface Board.

Siberian Snake     A term coined by Y.S. Derbenev and A. Kondralenko at the Institute of Nuclear Physics in Novosibirsk, the Siberian Snake is a device to be inserted into the lattice of a circular accelerator to preserve the polarization of a proton beam during the acceleration process.

SIC     Standard Industrial Classification.

SID     SLAC Institutional Database.

SiD     Silicon Detector concept for the ILC.

SID #    SLAC Institutional Database Number. A number given to every employee, contractor, or other worker at SLAC. Formerly called the BinKey (during SLAC's mainframe days).

SIDIS     SemiInclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering.

SIEM     Security Incident and Event Monitoring. (Computing)

Sierra Monitor     A computerized hazardous gas analyzing station with 16 multiplexed input channels and a printer. It is used to monitor oxygen deficiency in the pit and in the NRTL cryogenics system.

Sieve Collimator     A special collimator used in CID to control beam current. The collimator has four or five holes with various diameters and can be rotated for a desired aperture. Two of the apertures have multiple small holes like a sieve, allowing from ten percent to 33 percent of the beam to get through.

SIGM     Serpukhov CERN-IHEP magnetic spectrometer (SIGMA).

Sigma     A statistical parameter referring to the standard deviation of a distribution where 'one sigma' means one standard deviation away from the median (the square root of the variance). It is used for a bunch of particles approximated to a normal, or Gaussian distribution. For a normal distribution, 68 percent of the particles are within 'one sigma,' 95 percent are within 'two sigmas' and 99.7 percent within 'three sigmas.' In a storage ring, the aperture should be at least eight sigmas for reasonable lifetimes.

Sigma     The size (section) of a beam, assuming that the bunch shape is Gaussian and limited to one sigma.

Sigma Matrix    A matrix description of the phase space distribution of a beam.

Sigma Phi    The vertical angular divergence at the IP.

Sigma Theta     Horizontal Angular divergence at the IP.

Sigma X     The transverse size of the beam in the X, or horizontal direction.

Sigma Y     The transverse size of the beam in the Y, or vertical direction.

Signal Words    The words used on a pesticide label--'Danger,' 'Warning,' 'Caution'--to indicate the level of toxicity of the chemicals.

Signal-to-Noise Ratio     When used in reference to Usenet activity, 'signal-to-noise ratio' describes the relation between amount of actual information in a discussion, compared to their quantity. More often than not, there is substantial activity in a newsgroup, but a very small number of those articles actually contain anything useful.

Signature    The small, usually four-line message at the bottom of a piece of E-mail or a Usenet article. In Unix, it is added by creating a file '.signature' in the user's home directory. Large signatures are a no-no.

SIIMS    SLAC Issues & Improvements Management System

SIL    Safety Integrity Level.

SILI    Silicon detector.

Silicon Controlled Rectifier    See SCR.

SIMES    Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences. (Formerly XL AM).

SIMP     Strongly Interacting Massive Particle

SIMPLE 2000    Superheated Instrument for Massive ParticLE searches

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol     See SMTP.

Simple Network Management Protocol     See SNMP.

Single Beam Dumper     A pulsed magnet in the 51 or 52 line that kicks the beam to a dump. Used to dump the beam whenever the arcs are not ready. Some MPS trips cause the Single Beam Dumper to fire.

SINGS     SIRTF / Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey.

Singularity     A point with infinite density where space-time is infinitely curved a boundary or edge to space-time.

SINQ     Swiss Spallation Neutron Source (Paul Scherer Institute)

SIOP     Serial Input -- Operating Parallel.

SIP     State Implementation Plan. (from CAA)

SiPIN     Silicon Positive-Intrinsic-Negative photodiodes.

SiPM     Silicon PhotoMultiplier.

SISGR    Single-Investigator and Small-Group Research. (DOE)

SISSA     Scuola Internatizionale Superiore du Studi Avanzati. (Trieste, Italy)

SIT     Saitama Institute of Technology. (Japan)

SIT     South Injection Tunnel. The positron transport line going from the BSY to PEP. Also: South Injection Transport.

SIT     System Integration Test. (OCIO)

SITE     Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program. (from CERCLA)

SiW     Silicon tungsten group (ILC).

SIXA     Silicon X-ray Array

SK     SuperKamiokande.

SKA     Square Kilometer Array.

SKdV     Supersymmetric Korteweg-de Vries

Skew Quad     A quadrupole whose axis is rotated 45 degrees. This puts the coils vertical and horizontal instead of `X' shaped as in a regular quadrupole.

Skyshine     Air-scattered radiation.

SL     energy defining SLit, high Z slit.

SL     SuperLattices

SLA     Service Level Agreement

SLAC     Stanford Labor Action Coalition.

SLAC     ScaphoLunate Advanced Collapse.(Wrist condition: see

SLAC     SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. (Formerly Stanford Linear Accelerator Center.)

SLA     C Energy Doubler See SLED.

SLAC Orange     A portable ionization chamber survey meter designed by the SLAC Health Physics Group and fabricated onsite.

SLAC Standard Operating Procedure     See SOP.

SLAC Web page     a Web Page that is served by a SLAC computer.

SLACERT     SLAC Emergency Response Team.


SLACronym     Acronym / lingo used at SLAC.

SLACS     Sloan Lens ACS survey. An efficient Hubble Space Telescope (HST) snapshot imaging survey for new galaxy-scale strong gravitational lenses.

SLCCC    Systems of Laboratories Computer Coordinating Committee. (DOE)

SLDA     Superfluid Local Density Approximation.

SLED     SLAC Energy Doubler. A system of RF resonant cavities on the output of each klystron which doubles the strength of the electric field delivered to the LINAC. It works by storing the front, or leading half of the klystron pulse, and then adding that energy to the rear, or trailing half of the pulse to get a pulse which is about half as long but twice as strong in peak power. 'Sledding' the linac has enabled it to double its total accelerating range from about 30 GeV to 60 GeV at a fraction of the cost of doubling the number of klystrons.

SLED II     SLAC Energy Doubler, version 2. Upgrade to SLED system designed by Sami Tantawi.

SLEGS     Shanghai Laser Electron Gamma Source.

Sleuth     A model-independent search strategy for new high-pT physics, developed by physicist Bruce Knuteson and used by the D0 collaboration in Tevatron Run I. Initially known as Sherlock, the name was changed to Sleuth to avoid trademark litigation.

SLEW     Stanford-SLAC Engagement Working Group

sLHC     Super LHC.

SLI     Science Laboratory Infrastructure.

SLIC     GEANT4-based flexible full-detector simulation program. Replaces LCDG4.

SLIP     Serial Line IP. A protocol that allows a computer to use the Internet protocols and become an Internet member with a standard phone line and a high-speed modem. Being superseded by PPP but still used.

SLM     Synchrotron Light Monitor.

Slow Valve     See VAT Valve.

SLS     Swiss Light Source, a synchrotron radiation facility at the Paul Scherrer Institute (Switzerland).

SLSO     Systems Laser Safety Officer.

SLTR     South LINAC To Ring.

SLUM     Silicon LUMinosity tracker.

SLUO     SLAC Users Organization (previously SLAC-LBL Users Organization)

SLV-III     Satellite Launch Vehicle-III.(India)

SM     Standard Model.

Small Angle Monitor     See Mini Sam.

Small Power Supply     See SMPS.

SMART     Safety MAnagement Records Tool. (database)

Smart Analog Module     See SAM.

SMART goals     Specific, Measurable, Attainable (or aligned), Relevant (results-oriented or realistic), Time-bound goals for job performance.

SMARTS     Small and Moderate Aperture Research Telescope System.

SMASH-ML    Solving Materials And Structures by Heuristic Machine Learning

SMB     Structural Molecular Biology.

SMBH     Super Massive Black Hole.

SMC     Spin Muon Collaboration (CERN)

SMC     Small Magellanic Cloud

SMCT     Semiconductor Multiple-Compton Telescope.

SMDS     Switched Multimegabit Data Service. An emerging high-speed networking technology to be offered by the telephone companies in the U.S.

SME     Subject Matter Expert.

SME     Standard Model Extension.

SMEX     SMall EXplorer (NASA Program).

SMG     Standard Model Gauge group

SML     Standby Maintenance List (Artemis).

SM-LWFA     Self-Modulated Laser Wakefield Acceleration

SMMC     Shell Model Monte Carlo

Smog     Air pollution associated with oxidants.

SMRT     Single Molecule Real Time. Pacific Biosciences trademark term for its biological analysis platform.

SMS     Surface and Materials Science department (Formerly Physical Electronics).

SMS     Safety Management System.(SLAC's ISMS program.)

SMT     Senior Management Team.

SMT     SAM Tester.

SMTF     Superconducting Module Test Facility. (ILC)

SMTP     Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. The Internet standard protocol for transferring electronic mail messages from one computer to another. SMTP specifies how two mail systems interact and the format of control messages they exchange to transfer mail.

SN     ServiceNow.

SN     SuperNova

SN1987A     SuperNova 1987A.

SNA     Systems Network Architecture. The proprietary network architecture of IBM.

SNAP     SuperNova Acceleration Probe/Program. See JDEM.

SNARL     Suggested No Adverse Response Level.

SNBO     SuperNova Burst Observatory.

SND    Spherical Nonmagnetic Detector

SNe     SuperNovae.

SNF     Stanford Nanofabrication Facility.

SNI     Super Nova Type I

SNIa     Type Ia SuperNovae.

SNIC     SLAC-Novosibirsk Instrumentation Conference.

SNIF     Secret Neutrino Interactions Finder.

SNII     Type II SuperNovae.

SNLO     Select Non-Linear Optics.

SNMP     Simple Network Management Protocol. The network management protocol of choice for TCP/IP-based internets.

SNO     Subdury Neutrino Observatory (Canada). Also referred to as SNOLab.

SNOLAB     Sudbury Neutrino Observatory LABoratory. (Canada)

SNR     SuperNova Remnant

SNS     Spallation Neutron Source. (Oak Ridge)

SNUG     Synchrotron Neutron User Group. PHOTON

SNUR     Significant New Use Rule. (from TSCA)

SO    Secretarial Officer.

SO    Safety Officer (institutional).

SO2    Sulfur Dioxide. A heavy, pungent, colorless, gaseous air pollutant formed primarily by industrial fossil-fuel combustion processes.

SOC    Science Operation Center (GLAST-NASA).

SOC     Synthetic Organic Chemical.

SOC     Safety Overview Committee.

SODA     SLAC Online Drawing Access. (database) Obsolete: see SEDA.

Soft Bend     A weak bend magnet, usually the last bend in a string before a target or interaction point, which, due to its lower strength, creates less synchrotron radiation noise on the detection apparatus.

SOG     Science Operations Group.(GLAST)

SOI     Silicon-On-Insulator.

SOIC     SSRL Operator In Charge.

SOLEIL     Source Optimisee de Lumiere d'Energie Intermediaire du Lure. Third-generation synchrotron radiation source in France.

Solid State Subbooster     See SSSB.

Solubility     The ability of a solid, liquid, or gas to dissolve in a solvent (usually expressed in water). Not related to density or specific gravity.

Solvent     A substance (usually liquid) capable of dissolving or dispersing one or more other substances.

SOM     Same-Order Mode.

SOML     Steward Observatory Mirror Laboratory (Arizona).

SON     Safety Orientation for Non-employees (ES&H)

SOP     Standard Operating Procedure. SOP numbers are given to SLAC documents on various subjects.

SOR     Synchrotron Orbital Radiation.

Sorbent     A material that attracts and holds another material.

SORI     Safety and Operational Reliability Improvements project.(Sometimes written as S&ORI)

Sorption     The action of soaking up or attracting substances. A process used in many pollution control systems.

SOUD     SOUDan underground detector (MN, USA)

SOUDAN 2     One-kiloton underground detector in former iron mine in Soudan (MN, USA)

Source     The area or device where a beam of particles originates, as in 'positron source.'

SOW     Statement Of Work.

Space Charge     The repulsive Coulomb forces in a bunch of particles of the same polarity.

SPAFOA     Superconducting Particle Accelerator Forum of the Americas.

SPAG     Standards Promotion and Application Group. A group of European OSI manufacturers which chooses option subsets and publishes these in a 'Guide to the Use of Standards' (GUS).

Spallation     A process in which a beam of protons smashes into a target, releasing a flood of neutrons.

SPATS     South Pole Acoustic Test Setup.

SPC     Scientific Policy Committee. From 2005-2008, the SLAC Policy Committee.

SPCC     Spill Prevention, Countermeasures and Control plan.

SPD     Strategic Projects Division.(LCLS)

SPEAR     Stanford Positron Electron Accelerating Ring. Created in 1970 out of the SLAC operating budget (it was not separately funded). Originally designed in 1963 as a single-ring machine called the SLAC Electron-Positron Colliding Beam Storage Ring, the design was upgraded in 1969 and a double-ring asymmetric machine, the 'Stanford Positron Electron Asymmetric Rings' (hence, SPEAR)was proposed. When funding failed to materialize, the project was scaled back to a single, racetrack-ring configuration and the acronym was converted to the machine's one-word name. (For a time the scaled-back, single-ring revised design was referred to as 'SPEAR 1/2', but the name did not stick.) Many high-energy physics experiments have been conducted in this facility, two of which have earned Nobel prizes: one for the discovery of the Psi/J particle, or Charmed Quark in 1974, and a second for the discovery of the Tau lepton in 1975. SPEAR is now being used as a synchrotron light source by many experimenters from all over the world, and it is probably the most useful high-energy physics machine ever built.

SPEAR 3     Planned upgrade of SPEAR that proposes to replace the ring with a new set of magnets and other components which would improve its performance as a light source.

SPEC     SPECification.

SPEC     Spectrometer.

Special Review     Formerly known as Rebuttable Presumption Against Registration (RPAR), this is the regulatory process through which existing pesticides suspected of posing unreasonable risks to human health, non-target organisms, or the environment are referred for review by EPA. The review requires an intensive risk/benefit analysis with opportunity for public comment. If the risk of any use of a pesticide is found to outweigh social and economic benefits, regulatory actions--ranging from label revisions and use-restriction to cancellation or suspended registration--can be initiated.

Specific Gravity     The ratio of the density of a substance to the density of water.

SPECT     Single-Photon Emission Computer Tomography.

SPECT     SPECTrometer line.

Spectrometer     Energy Spectrometer. A device to measure the energy spectrum of a beam. Sometimes call a Mass Spectrometer. A beam of a given mass and energy is bent around a noodle shaped bend magnet into a detector or counter. Only particles of the required or specified mass and velocity (energy) will be bent into the target by the carefully regulated field of the bend magnet.

SPi     Smart Plug-in (HP integrated module used for Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise application)

SPICA     SPace Infrared telescope for Cosmology and Astrophysics.

SPIE     International Society for Optical Engineering.

Spill Monitor     An ion chamber near the beampipe designed to show the operators the relative amount of beam being lost by 'scraping' on the inside of the beampipe, or on any upstream device.

Spill Response    Environmental Safety and Health procedure for responding to the accidental overflow of hazardous or non-hazardous material.

SPIM     Selective Plane Illumination Microscope.

Spin Rotator     A solenoid magnet used to rotate the spin axis of electrons in a polarized beam.

SPIRAL     Système de Production d'Ions Radioactifs Accélérés en Ligne. (System for the Production of Radioactive Ions Accelerated on Line) Caen, France.

SPL     Single Purchase Limit.

SPL     Superconducting Proton Linac (CERN-proposed).

SPL     Sample Preparation Laboratories (LCLS)

SPOF     Single Point Of Failure.

Spoiler     A device to blow up the beam size. A spoiler is used in front of the positron target. Spoilers are used to reduce the density of energy deposited on a dump, stopper, or other target. Instead of the tightly focused beam burning a hole in the dump, stopper, or target, the spoiler `spreads the misery around,' distributing the energy over the whole frontal area of the device.

Spot     The bright mark made by the beam on a profile monitor screen. Generally, operators try to reduce the size of the spot and give it a good shape by adjusting machine parameters that are upstream of the screen.

SPP     Strategic Partnership Projects

SPPC     SPoolPieCe.

SPPS     Sub-Picosecond Particle Source (formerly Sub-Picosecond Photon Source).

SPPS     Super antiProton Proton Synchrotron (CERN).

SPring-8     Super Photon ring-8 GeV. Synchrotron radiation source at Harima, Japan.

SPRL     State Priority Ranking List.

SPs     Service Packs (computing).

SPS     Super Proton Synchrotron (CERN)

SPS+     Superconducting SPS.

SPSC     Super Proton Synchrotron Committee (CERN).

SPSC     SuperProton-Synchrotron Collider.

SPSCL     Set-up Phase Safety Checklist. (LCLS)

SPTpol     South Pole Telescope polarization-sensitive microwave camera.

SPTRM     SPecTRoMeter.

SPTT     SPuTTering.

SPY     Secondary Particle Yield (CERN experiment)

SQ     Sub-scale Quadrupole.

SQCD     Supersymmetric QCD

SQED     Supersymmetric Quantum ElectroDynamics.

SQF     Safety Qualification Form.

SQG     Small Quantity Generator. (from RCRA)

SQL     Structured Query Language. The international standard language for defining and accessing relational databases.

SQM     Strange Quark Matter.

SQM     Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics.

SQN      Strange Quark Nuggets.

SQS       Space of Quantum States.

SQUID     Superconducting QUantum Interference Device.

SR     Sponsored Research

SR     Synchrotron Radiation.

SR     SteRadian.

SR     Shielded Room. A PPS Item.

SR2A     Synchrotron Radiation in Art and Archeology (workshop).

SRB     Storage Resource Broker (grid software).

SRB     South Reverse Bend. See RB.

SRCF     Stanford Research Computing Facility.

SRCF-II     Stanford Research Computing Facility annex (planned construction)

SRD     Science, Research and Development division. (LCLS)

SRF     Superconducting RF.

SRF     Superconducting Radio-Frequency.

SRI     Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation

SRL     Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (Japan).

SRMS     Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science (conference).

SRR     Site Recommendation Report.

SRR     System Requirements Review

SRS     Savannah River Site. (DOE)

SRS     Synchrotron Radiation Source

SRTL     South Ring To LINAC.

SRX     Sub-micron Resolution X-ray spectroscopy.

SS     Suspended Solids.

SS     Source and Special

SSA     Single Spin Asymmetries.

SSB     Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking.

SSB     Science Support Building. See SUSB.

S-SBM    Strangeness-including Statistical Bootstrap Model

SSC     Stop-Start-Continue.

SSD     Silicon Strip Detector. (GLAST)

SSE     Stars and Stellar Evolution.

SSED     System Safety Engineering Division

SSI     SLAC Summer Institute.

SSJ     Single-Source Justification.

SSL     Secure Sockets Layer. A protocol developed by Netscape for transmitting private documents via the internet. SSL works by using a private key to encrypt data that is transferred over the SSL connection. Many web browsers support SSL, and many Web sites use the protocol to obtain confidential user information, such as credit card numbers. Web pages that require an SSL connection start with https instead of http.

SSM      Supersymmetric Standard Model

SSMB     Steady State Micro Bunching

SSO     Single Sign On

SSO     SLAC Site Office. (DOE)

SSOW     SLAC Statement of Work.

SSP     Shared Services Package (Microsoft).

SSP     Site Safety Plan.

SSP     System Security Plan. (OCIO)

SSPM     Solid-State PhotoMultiplier

SSPR     Self-Service Password Reset.

SSRC     Synchrotron Radiation Research Center. (China)

SSRF     Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility.

SSRL     Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource. A division of SLAC which does experiments with synchrotron light generated by the SPEAR storage ring. The synchrotron light produced by the SPEAR ring is a relatively narrow bandwidth, 'hard' X-Ray spectrum that is very useful in medical research, as well as in crystallography. (Formerly Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory 1977-2008, and Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Project 1973-1977.)

SSRLUOEC     SSRL Users' Organization Executive Committee.

SSRO     SLAC Sponsored Research Office.

SSRP     Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Project (1973-1977). Became SSRL in 1977.

SSSB     Solid State SuBbooster. The subboosters driving some of the klystrons are solid state (ex. K02, EP02, Rings).

SSSP     Site-Specific Safety Plan.

SSUN     SLAC, Stanford University, NREL. (SIMES)

SSUSY     Second derivative SUperSYmmetry.

STA     SLAC Training Assessment. A process matching training with hazards an individual faces in his/her work.

STA     Science and Technology Agency. Japanese government agency which, along with the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture (Monbusho) funds big science in Japan.

STACEE     Solar Tower Atmospheric Cherenkov Effect Experiment. (Sandia)

Standardization     The process of cycling magnet currents through a preset pattern to establish a known hysteresis point in the iron of each magnet. This gives any particular magnet field configuration the necessary repeatability to be useful in beam operations.

Standards     Prescriptive norms which govern action and actual limits on the amount of pollutants or emissions produced. EPA, under most of its responsibilities, establishes minimum standards. States are allowed to be stricter.

Standards Promotion and Application Group     See SPAG.

Standby     See STB.

Standby Maintenance List     A waiting maintenance list updated every morning at the Maintenance Meeting and posted near the MCC door. The list includes the problems, the area, the entry needs or not, and the person to contact.

Standby Timing     The continuous timing and pulsing of a kicker magnet or klystron even when no beam code triggers are present. The Standby time is 15 to 50 microseconds after beam time and is different for each sector to avoid acceleration of dark current. The stations need to be pulsed on standby to keep them warmed up so they will be in time and at the right energy when they are actually used to accelerate the beam.

STANFORD Positron Electron Accelerating Ring     See SPEAR.

Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory     See SSRL.

STAP     Staff Training Assistance Program. (Stanford University)

STAR     Scientific and Technical Abstracts Reports.

STAR     Science Teachers And Researchers. (SLAC, CSU, Bechtel)

STAR     Solenoidal Tracker At RHIC (BNL)

STAR     Stop Think, Act, Review

Star Network     LAN in which multiple workstations are connected to a central server. All communications must be routed through the central server.

STARE     Survey for Transient Astronomical Radio transmission

STARS     Stanford Training And Registration System

START     Scintillation Tile with mrs Apd light ReadouT.

START     Safety Toward Avoiding Risk Today.

Station     Usually refers to one of the klystrons of the LINAC, together with its modulator and other auxiliary devices necessary for operation.

Status Display Summary     See SDS.

STAU     Supersymmetric TAU

STB     Standby. A klystron CUD message indicating a poor or bad standby timing result. See Standby Timing.

STB     Simple Timing Buffer. A CAMAC timing module which converts differential MECL timing backplane signals to front panel NIM pulses. Used with a PDU.

STCC     Standard Transportation Commodity Code.

Steer     To guide a beam through its preferred optical path using the available corrector magnets and trim windings allocated for that purpose. Since upstream changes in steering magnify effects the further downstream you go, steering is usually done with the aid of computer programs based on mathematical models of the lattice. These are called `Autosteering' programs.

STELLA     Staged Electron Laser Acceleration. (Brookhaven)

STEM     Science Technology Education and Math.

Stepper Motor Controller     See SMC.

STF     Superconducting rf Test Facility (KEK).

STFC     Science and Technology Facilities Council. (UK)

STI     Steel Tank Institute.

STI     Scientific and Technical Information.

STIC     Small angle TIle Calorimeter

STIRAP     STImulated Raman Adiabatic Passage

STLC     Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration. (CCR Title 22)

Stochastic resonance     A nonlinear phenomenon in which random noise optimizes a system's response to a weak signal.

STOP     A trigger used to control the output of the thermionic gun in the injector by changing the bias on the grid. Trigger time is converted to a bias voltage.

Stopper     A PPS device used to stop the beam, usually by allowing a heavy metal slug to pivot into the beam's path.

STORI     an International Conference on Nuclear Physics at Storage Rings, originally called the Symposium on Nuclear Physics at Storage Rings.

STP     Standard Temperature and Pressure.

STPR     Stopper.

STR     Special Theory of Relativity

STRAW     Thin walled tube chambers.

Streak Camera     A device that measures the time distribution of a light pulse. Used to measure bunch length. Very fast pulses of the order of a nanosecond or less can be measured with a Streak Camera.

Strict Liability     Holds a party responsible for damages irrespective of the amount of care taken in handling a hazardous substance.

STRIPES     Strategic Integrated Procurement Enterprise System (DOE)

STRN     Standard Technical Report Number.

STRP     Staff Tuition Reimbursement Program (Stanford University).

Structured Query Language     See SQL.

STTR     Small business Technology TransfeR. (US Gov't)

STXM     Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscope.

SU     Stanford University.

SU-17A     Employee First Report of Injury form

Subbooster     See SBST.

Subbooster Drive Line     See SDL.

Subbooster Interface     See SBI.

Subharmonic Buncher     See SHB.

Subtitle 1     The part of RCRA which pertains to the storage of petroleum products and hazardous substances, other than wastes, in underground tanks.

Subtitle C     The part of RCRA which pertains to the management of hazardous waste.

SUD     Safe Use Determination.

SUGRA     SUperGRAvity

Sulfur Dioxide    See SO2.

SULI     Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship. (Formerly: SLAC Undergraduate Laboratory Internship)

Summarize     To encapsulate a number of responses into one coherent, usable message. Often done on controlled mailing lists or active newsgroups, to help reduce bandwidth.

SUMMIT     Stanford University Medical Media and Information Technology.

SUNCAT     SUstainable eNergy through CATalysis. (SLAC Photon Science initiative)

SUNET     Stanford University NETwork.

Sun's Network Information Service     See NIS.

SUOH     Stanford University OverHead.

Superfish     A modeling program used for CID which includes the S-BAND buncher and K02. It is able to calculate the field in a cavity.

Superfund     See CERCLA.

Supergravity     An enrichment of ordinary general relativity in which the space/ time coordinates are fermionic as well as bosonic. It is an up- dating of general relativity to include fermions just as supersymmetry is an updating of special relativity to take into account that fermions exist.

SuperKamiokande     A neutrino detector built in Japan to observe neutrinos from the Sun and supernovae. The detector is a 50,000 ton water tank that is 41 meters high, 39 meters wide, and surrounded by 11,200 giant photomultiplier tubes. The tubes detect the flashes of Cherenkov radiation produced when the neutrinos interact with the water. The detector is located in a lead-zinc mine under 1000 meters of rock, which filter out the background cosmic rays.

Supersymmetry     A conjectured symmetry between fermions and bosons. Two- dimensional supersymmetry emerged historically from Pierre Ramond's discovery in 1970 of how to incorporate fermions into string theory. Supersymmetry was formulated as a four-dimensional symmetry by Julius Wess and Bruno Zumino in 1974. It was also conceived independently by Yuri Gol'fand and Eugeny Likhtman in 1971.

SURA     Southeastern Universities Research Association.

SURF     Sanford Underground Research Facility (Lead, South Dakota)

SUSB     Science and User Support Building.

SUSY     SUperSymmetrY.

SUSYM     SUperSymmetric Yang-Mills.

SUTI     Sensitive Unclassified Technical Information

Suzaku     Astro-E2 / ASTRO-EII. Renamed Suzaku (Red Bird) in July 2005.

SV     Schedule Variance.

SV     Small Velocity

SVAC     Science Verification And Calibration. (GLAST)

SVD     Singular Value Decomposition

SVT     Silicon Vertex Tracker.

SW     Solid Waste.

SW     Seiberg-Witten

SWAA     Satellite Waste Accumulation Area.

SWAT     Solid Waste Assessment Test. (CGC Sec. 66796.53, 66796.54, CWC Sec. 1 3273)

SWG     Science Working Group.

SWG     Space Working Group (SLAC).

SWIC     Scanning Wire Ion Chamber. A precise beam position measuring device used to calculate beam energy.

Swift-BAT     Swift Burst Alert Telescope. (NASA-Goddard)

Switched Multimegabit Data Service     See SMDS.

SWKB     Supersymmetric Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin

SWMB     Solid Waste Management Board (aka CWMB).

SWMR     Single-Writer Multiple-Reader.

SWOPSI     Stanford Workshops On Political and Social Issues.

SWOT     Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.

SWP     Safety Watch Person.

SWPPP     Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan.

SWRCB     State Water Resources Control Board. (California)

SXNS     Surface X-ray and Neutron Scattering.

SXR     Soft X-Ray materials science instrument. (LCLS)

SXRD     Synchrotron-based surface X-Ray Diffraction.

SXRSS     Soft X-Ray Self Seeding.

SYM     Supersymmetric Yang-Mills

Synchronous Data     Communications in which transmissions are sent at a fixed rate, with the sending and receiving devices synchronized.

Synchrotron Feedback     A damping ring RF feedback system which regulates the longitudinal beam oscillations due to the RF driving forces.

Synchrotron Light     See Synchrotron Radiation.

Synchrotron Oscillation     A longitudinal oscillation induced in an accelerated bunch by the RF driving forces imparted to the bunch by the cavities.

Synchrotron Radiation     When a charged particle such as an electron or positron is bent in a magnetic field, it loses energy in the form of photons (light) which are given off in a direction tangential to the curved path of the charged particle. These photons are called Synchrotron Radiation after the high energy physics machine where they were first observed. The photon energy increases with the 4th power of the beam energy and decreases with the square of the radius of curvature. Synchrotron light, or X-rays, are used for beam observation purposes, for the study of the structure of matter, and for medical research. See also SPEAR.

Synergism     The cooperative interaction of two or more chemicals or other phenomena producing a greater total effect than the sum of their individual effects.

Systems Network Architecture     See SNA.

SYZ     Strominger-Yau-Zaslow.

SZ     Sunyaev-Zeldovich

SZE     Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect.