Aerial of SLAC, 2021

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T&DF     Trigger & Data Flow system (GLAST).

T(c)      Critical Temperature (for superconductors).

T/R     Transmit/Receive.

T2K     Tokai to Kamioka (KEK experiment).

TA     Test Accelerator.

TAC     Toxic Air Contaminant. (CH&SC Sec. 39650 et seq)

TAC     Texas Accelerator Center.

TAC     Time to Amplitude or Analog Converter.

TAC     Technical Advisory Committee (LCLS).

TAG     Temporal Axial Gauge

Taleo     Enterprise management staffing software in use at SLAC.

TAMA     Interferometric gravitational-wave detector. (Japan)

TANGO     an object oriented control system based on CORBA.

TAOS     Taiwanese American Occultation Survey.

TAPS     Two-Arm Photon Spectrometer

TARC     Third-Party Activity Review Committee or The Activity Review Committee reviews and approves activities with external entities (SLAC).

Target Coil     The coil around the positron target.

TARLA     Turkish Accelerator and Radiation Laboratory at Ankara.

TASI     Theoretical Advanced Study Institute.

TASS     TASSo detector (DESY).

Tau Charm Factory     See TCF.

Tauon     Tau-Lepton.

TB     Two Boson

TBA     Two-Beam Accelerator.

TBA     Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz

TBD     Technical Basis Document (ES&H).

TBR     To Be Replaced. A klystron status mode indicating the klystron tube needs replacement.

TC     Toxicity Characteristics.

Tc     critical Temperature (in superconductivity).

TC     Target Changer multiple, beryllium, single foil, liquid H2or D2

TCA     1,1,1-Trichloroethane.

TCAV     Transverse CAVity. (LCLS)

TCE     Trichloroethylene.

TCF     Tau Charm Factory. A very high-luminosity electron- positron collider with a total energy of about 3 to 4.5 GeV. This energy range enables the copious production of tau leptons and charmed mesons by electron-positron annihilation with a minimum of background from other annihilation processes.

TCLP     Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure. (See 40 CFR, Part 268, Appendix l.)

tcmIS     total chemical Information System.

TCP     Transmission Control Protocol. The major transport protocol in the Internet suite of protocols providing reliable, connection- oriented, full-duplex streams. Uses IP for delivery.

TCP/IP     Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. A common computer data standard combining transport and network level protocols. Often used with Ethernet as a physical layer protocol.


TCSA     Truncated Conformal Space Approach

TCSG     A secondary collimator at the LHC.

TCW     ThermoCouple Wire.

TD     Transportation Department.

TDAQ Week     Trigger and Data AQuisition Week. (Atlas -- at SLAC)

TDGL     Time-Dependent Ginzburg-Landau

TDHF     Time-Dependent Hartree-Fock.

TDM     Transportation Demand Management.

TDP     Technical Design Phase. (ILC)

TDP-1     Technical Design Phase 1 (ILC).

TDR     Technical Design Report.

TDRSS     Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System. (GLAST)

TEA     Triethylamine

TEAM     Transformational Energy Action Management.(DOE Initiative)

TEC     Total Estimated Cost.

TEDE     Total Effective Dose Equivalent.

TEK     Twisted Euguchi-Kawai.

Telnet     The Internet standard protocol for remote terminal connection service. Telnet allows a user at one site to interact with a remote time-sharing system at another site as if the user's terminal were connected directly to the remote computer.

TEM     Tower Electronics Module. (GLAST)

Ten Finger Box     A section in the DRIP vacuum chamber where ten beam pipes are connected together.

TERA     Thunderstorm Energetic Radiation Array. (University of Florida/ Florida Tech)

TERA     TErapia con Radiazioni Adroniche, or Therapy with Hadronic Radiations. part of the Italian foundation for hadron therapy, Fondazione per Adroterapia OncologIca.

Teratogenic     Capable of producing congenital malformations.

Terminal     An interactive station connected to a host computer. Can be classified into four categories: visual display, hard copy, graphics and emulation. A terminal emulation can be done with a microcomputer and the appropriate software. Terminals usually consist of a keyboard, modem or network connection, and video display.

Terminal Server     A small, specialized, networked computer that connects many terminals to a LAN through one network connection. Any user on the network can then telnet to various network hosts. A terminal server can also connect many networks' users to its asynchronous ports.

TERR     Transmitter ERRor.

Tertiary Treatment     Advanced cleaning of wastewater that goes beyond the secondary or biological stage. It removes nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen and most BOD and suspended solids.

TES     Transition Edge Sensors.

TESLA     TeV Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator (DESY)

Tesla     The standard unit of magnetic field strength. A typical non-superconducting magnet has a maximum strength of approximately two tesla.

TESLA-XFEL     TeV Energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator X-Ray Free-Electron Laser. (DESY)

TESS     Transitory Exoplanet Survey Satellite.

TeV     Tera Electron Volt (1 trillion electron volts).

TEX     TeX (pronounced 'tek'). A text processing program, available for many computers, to create and format text output. TeX is a free typesetting system designed by Stanford's Donald Knuth.

TeX macro     A TeX command that invokes a predefined set of other TeX commands, which may contain other TeX macros or TeX primitive commands.

TeX primitive     A command native to TeX, that is, a command that TeX recognizes when no extra macros are defined.

TFBK     Timing FeedBacK. A feedback used to stabilize kicker timing.

TFD     Thermo Field Dynamics

TFT     Topological Field Theory.

TFXA     Time Focused Xtal Analyzer

TG     Tangential Group

TGAS     Trigger Gate And Synchronization. A module which allows continuous gating of the gun trigger in steps of a few picoseconds. It uses the 178.5 MHz RF synchronized with the 119 MHz of aPDU to allow fine adjustments.

TGC     Thin-Gap Chambers.

TGC     Triple Gauge Couplings

TGM     Toroidal Grating Monochromator

TGP     Tuition Grant Program. (Stanford)

THDM     Two Higgs Doublet Model.

THEO     THEOretical or heavily model-dependent result.

Thermocouple Reference Plane     See TRP.

Thermoluminescent Dosimeter     See TLD.

THI     High intensity transport

THM     TriHaloMethane.

THP     THeoretical Physics. (SLAC)

Threshold Limit Value     See TLV.

Threshold Planning Quantity     See TPQ.

THY     Theory.

Thyratron     A gas filled tube used as a switching device for modulators and for kickers. The tube holds off high voltage until its grid is pulsed, ionizing the gas, and allowing immediate high current flow. Its solid state equivalent is the SCR, or silicon controlled rectifier. See SCR.

Thyratron Reservoir     A device for regulating the ionization gas pressure in a thyratron.

THz     TeraHertz.

TIC     Time Interval Counter.

TID     Technology and Innovation Directorate. (SLAC)

TIFF     Tagged Information File Format.

TILC     The International Linear Collider (workshop).

TIM     Technical Interchange Meeting.

Time Reference     See TREF.

Time Slot     See TS.

Time Slot Separation     The timing jitter or variance between beams on different time slots. It is caused by time varying magnetic or electric fields not synchronous with the incoming AC phase.

Time to Digital Converter     See TDC.

TIMES     Theory Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences

Timing Feedback     See TFBK.

TIPP     Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics (Conference)

Title 08     The title of the California Code of Regulations which contains regulations promulgated by Cal/OSHA pertaining to worker safety and health.

Title 13     The title of the California Code of Regulations which contains regulations promulgated by the CHP pertaining to the transport of hazardous materials.

Title 19     The title of the California Code of Regulations which contains regulations promulgated by OES pertaining to business emergency plans, area plans, emergency spill notification, and community right-to-know.

Title 22     The title of the California Code of Regulations which contains regulations pertaining to hazardous waste management and other related matters as promulgated by the CDHS.

Title 23     The title of the California Code of Regulations which contains regulations regarding water protection (including underground tanks) as promulgated by the SWRCB.

Title 26     The title of the California Code of Regulations which contains excerpts from other titles pertaining to toxics. This title was created as a convenience to the user. It contains no regulations which are not also located within another of the first twenty-five titles.

TIU     Tone Interrupt Unit. The MPS system uses a 20 to 60 KHz tone signal loop whose interruption by various machine protection monitoring devices will cause the beam to trip off. The tone interrupt units are the interface between the tone loop and these devices.

TIXEL     TIme-resolving piXELated particle detector.

TKR     silicon-strip detector TracKeR (GLAST)

TL     Test Laboratory building.

TL     Team Leader.

TLA     Three-Letter Acronym.

TLC     Taiwan Light Source.

TLC     TeV Linear Collider.

TLD     ThermoLuminescent Dosimeter. Sometimes called a 'Film Badge.' Every SLAC employee who has to enter the area inside the radiation fence must be issued, and carry, a TLD at all times.

TLM     TeLeMetry.

TLNG     TooLiNG

TLNGB     TooLiNG Ball.

TLS     ThermoLuminescent Sheet stack (detector). (Japan).

TLV     Threshold Limit Value. Maximum workplace, airborne concentrations to which normal, healthy, adult workers may be exposed daily without adverse effects. Determined by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. Also see PEL.

TLV-C     TLV-Ceiling. An occupational exposure standard which should never be exceeded.

TLV-Ceiling     See TLV-C.

TLV-Short Term Exposure Limit     See TLV-STEL.

TLV-STEL     TLV-Short Term Exposure Limit. An occupational exposure standard which is a 15-minute time-weighted average which may not be exceeded more than once in a one-hour period and no more than four times in an eight-hour work shift.

TLV-Time-Weighted Average     See TLV-TWA.

TLV-TWA     TLV-Time-Weighted Average. An occupational exposure standard which is a time-weighted average for a normal 8-hour work day and 40-hour work week.

TMA     Telescope Mount Assembly (LSST).

TMAE     Tetrakis diMethylAmine Ethylene.

T-Matrix     A reference to the Twiss Parameters Matrix.

TMIT     TransMitted InTensity. A sum signal derived from the 4 striplines of a BPM or from a toroid. The TMIT signal is a running indication of the beam's transmission intensity down the machine.

TMO     Time-resolved Atomic, Molecular and Optical Science end station (LCLS-II)

TMR     Tunneling MagnetoResistance

TMS     Travel Management System

TMSK     Trigger MaSK. A 36-bit mask indicating the allowable broadcast pattern of a beam code.

TMTP     Test Move To Production. (OCIO) 

TO     Technical Operations.

To Be Replaced     See TBR.

TOC     Technical Operations Committee.

TOC     Total Organic Carbon.

TOC     Trigger Over Current. A Klystron SDS message.

TOF     Time-Of-Flight.

TOFC     Trailer On Flat Car.

TOFF     Time OFFset.

TOKAMAK     Toroidal Magnetic Chamber

TOLS     A set of BDES tolerances in the database for trimming and checking a magnet.

TOMCAT     Server plugin that creates an environment for servlet execution. (GLAST)

Tone Interrupt Unit     See TIU.

Tone Loop     A PPS/MPS system circulating AC signals (tone) throughout selected beam monitoring devices which when interrupted by a fault condition in one of the devices will shut off the machine. It includes a tone transmitter and a tone receiver (Rx) and does not have to be a closed loop. See TIU.

TOO     Target Of Opportunity.

TOP     Technical Operations Procedure.

TOP     TOP of duct.

TOPAZ     TOP And Z. The KEK TRISTAN solenoidal spectrometer with TPC, time projection chamber.

TOPS     A network software package used to communicate between Macintosh computers.


TORI     TORoId.

TORO     TOROid. A beam current monitor which uses transformer action to measure the intensity of a beam pulse. Usually placed around a ceramic gap in the beam pipe.

Toroid     See TORO.

Toroid Charge Monitor     See TCM.

TORR     Named after Torricelli. A unit of pressure equivalent to 1/760 Atmosphere or 133.322 Pascals.

TOTEM     an experiment at CERN, called Total Cross Section, Elastic Scattering and Diffraction Dissociation.

Toxic Cloud     An airborne mass of gases, vapors, fumes, or aerosols containing toxic materials.

Toxicity     The ability of a substance to cause injury once it reaches a susceptible site in or on the body.

TPa     TeraPascal. One trillion Pascals.

TPC     Total Project Cost.

TPCA     Toxic Pits Cleanup Act. (CH&SC Sec. 25122.7, 25208-25208.17)

TPI     Tap changer Position Indicator

TPQ     Threshold Planning Quantity. (from EPCRA)

TPS     Tagged Photon Spectrometer (FNAL)

TPS     Taiwan Photon Source.

TPY     Tons Per Year.

TQ     Technology Quadrupole.

TQFT     Topological Quantum Field Theory

TR     Travel Office.

TRAC     Teachers Research Associate Program.

Track16     Track display program for the 1.6-GeV Magnetic Spectrometer.

Transaction Processing     A major type of networked and shared database application where transactions (such as purchasing an airline ticket) from multiple simultaneous users are immediately recorded in database (or collection of databases), and where the database remains in a continuous state of updated and current transition. Transaction processing implies the existence of a robust underlying management system that ensures the integrity of the database against which the transactions are made, as well as the ability to recover the database to a known point of existence in the event of hardware or software crash.

Transceiver     Transmitter-receiver. The physical device that connects a host interface to a local area network, such as Ethernet. Ethernet transceivers contain electronics that apply signals to the cable and sense collisions.

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol     See TCP/IP.

Transmitted Intensity    See TMIT.

TRANSPORT     A computer program for designing and modeling charged particle beam transport systems. It is a first and second order matrix multiplication program and was developed at SLAC for designing beam line optical systems.

Transport Layer     An OSI layer that is responsible for reliable end-to-end data transfer between systems.

TRAP     Penning trap.

TRB     Technical design Review Board. (SLAC)

TRC     Total Recordable Cases. A rate defined as the number of cases (accidents) per 200,000 person-hours worked per year.

TRD     Transition Radiation Detector

TREF     Time REFerence. T-Matrix and beam matrix timing delays associated with each individual PDU. It is the time difference between a fiducial and a bunch 1 beam BPM signal arriving at that PDU's crate.

TRG     TRiGger. A klystron SDS message indicating that there are no triggers present.

TRI     Toxic chemical Release Inventory.

Trickle charge     Procedure at SSLR where a small amount of beam is injected every few minutes to keep the stored current steady to within a fraction of a percent.

Trigger     See TRG.

Trigger Gate and Synchronization     See TGAS.

Trigger Mask     See TMSK.

Trigger Multiplexer     See TMUX.

Trigger Over Current     See TOC.

Trim     An operator command to bring a magnet current or a klystron phase to a desired value. If a device has drifted from its book value, 'trimming' it will cause the computer to adjust it back to the proper setting.

Triplet     See Final Triplet.

TRIUMF     TRIangle University Meson Facility (Canada)

TRMS     Ratio of RMS TOLS to TOLS.


TRO     Travel Reimbursement Office. (SLAC)

Trombone     In the positron transport system, just after the positrons are created by the source, the beam line makes a 180 degree turnaround called `ETA.' The whole assembly, including B1 Bends, a sextupole, and instrumentation, can physically be moved forward or backward like a trombone slide, causing the path length to vary. This adjusts the time of arrival of the positrons for re-injection into the LINAC at sector 1.

TRP     Thermocouple Reference Plane. A cold junction used as a temperature reference for the 15 thermocouples of a SAM.

TRS     Training Registration System.

TRT     Total Run Time.

TRT     Transition Radiation Tracker

TS     Test Stand (Klystron).

TS     Time Slot. One of the six zero crossings of the 360 Hz 3 phase PG&E power used to generate timing fiducials. At a 120pps rep rate, time slots 1 and 4 are used: at 60pps, time slot 1 or 4 is used.

TSA     Technical Safety Appraisal.

TSC     Terminal Standards Committee.

TSCA     hazardous waste and Toxic Substance Control Act. (15 U.S.C. Sec. 2 601 et seq)

TSCD     Toxic Substances Control Division. A division of California Department of Health Services.

TSD     Treater, Storer, Disposer (ES&H).

TSD Facility     See TSDF.

TSDF     Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facility (for hazardous waste). (From RCRA.)

TSI     Thermal System Insulation.

TSOM     Transmitter Start Of Message.

TSP     Total Suspended Particulate.

TSP     Titanium Sublimation Pump.

TSP     Theory and Special Projects.

TSR     Technical Safety Requirements

TSS     Total Suspended Solids.

TSSM     TeV scale Supersymmetric Standard Model

TT     Transverse Tracefill

TTC     TESLA Technology Collaboration.

TTE     Time Tagged Event

TTF     TESLA Test Facility.(DESY)

TTHMs     Total TriHaloMethanes.

TTIM     A magnet parameter indicating the last time the magnet was successfully trimmed. A magnet database secondary.

TTLC     Total Threshold Limit Concentration. (CCR Title 22)

TTO     Technology Transfer Office. (SLAC)

TTO     Transfer To Operations.

TTS      Time-To-Spill

TTU     Transportable Treatment Unit.

TUD     Tune Up Dump. A safe place to absorb beam energy during tuning and adjustment.

TULIP     Trilateration Utility for Locating IP hosts.

TUNE     In a storage ring, the fractional part of the quotient when the betatron oscillation frequency (or synchrotron frequency) is divided into the go-around frequency. The whole digit part of this quotient is called the betatron number.

Tune     To adjust the steering, focus, current or energy of a beam to bring it to proper specifications.

Tune Up Dump     See TUD.

Tuple     In relational database systems, a record.

TURTLE     Trace Unlimited Rays Through Lumped Elements. A computer program used to model beam transport optics by simulating the propagation of a beam, one particle at a time.

TV     TeleVision camera.

TWAS     Academy of Sciences for the Developing World. (Known as TWAS for its original name, Third World Academy of Sciences).

TWC     Talk, Walk and Clean (Safety Stand-down).

TWG     Technical Working Group (2006).

Twiss     See TWSP.

Twiss Parameter     See TWSP.

Twisted Pair     Cable made up of a pair of insulated copper wires wrapped around each other to cancel the effects of electrical noise.

TWSP     TWiSs Parameter. The beam ellipse is given by the matrix: s11 s12 b a = e s21 s22 a g, where e, b, a, g are the beam parameters: emittance, betafunction, Alpha and gamma respectively. These parameters have historically been known as the Twiss Parameters after the physicist R.Q. Twiss.

TWT     Traveling-Wave Tube.

TWTA     Traveling-Wave Tube Amplifiers.

TX     Tone Transmitter. See Tone Loop.

TXI     Tender X-ray Instrument (LCLS-II)

TXM     Transmission X-ray Microscopy.

TXRF     Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence.