I The physical symbol that indicates current flow in an electrical circuit.
I/O Input/Output.
IAA Inter-Agency Agreement
IAB Internet Architecture Board. A technical advisory group of the Internet Society, whose responsibilities include overseeing the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the Internet Standards process, and publishing and managing Request for Comments (RFCs).
IACT Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescopes.
IACT The actual current in a magnet displayed by the computer at the last update.
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency.
IAM Identity and Access Management.
IARC International Agency for Research on Cancer.
IAS Integrated Assessment Schedule.
IAT Initial Acceptance Testing.
iAT it's About Time (SLAC Time & Attendance system).
IATA International Air Transport Association.
IATO Interim Authority to Operate. (DOE)
IBBH Intermediate Binary Black Hole
IBFFM Interacting Boson-Fermion-Fermion Model
IBL Inserted/Insertable B-layer (ATLAS).
IBM Interactive Boson Model
IC Ionization Chamber. A device for detecting ionizing radiation consisting of two high-voltage electrodes in a gas-filled chamber. The current passing between these electrodes through the ionized gas is proportional to the level of radiation causing the ionization. It is often used in beam lines to detect beam loss.
IC Integrated Circuit.
IC Incident Commander.
ICAB Institutional Change Advisory Board.(SLAC)
ICALEPCS International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics and Control Systems.
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization.
ICAP International Computational Accelerator Physics.
ICARUS Imagining Cosmic and Rare Underground Signals (detector, Gran Sasso, Italy)
ICB International Collaboration Board (ILC).
ICC International Code Council.
ICCB Institutional Change Control Board. (SLAC)
ICD Instrumentation and Controls Division (Accelerator Directorate)
ICE Independent Cost Estimate.
ICEC International Cryogenice Engineering Conference.
IceCube A neutrino detector / telescope at the South Pole.
ICEG International Cryogenic Engineering Conference.
ICET ILC Cost Estimating Tool.
ICFA International Committee for Future Accelerators.
ICHEP International Conference on High Energy Physics.
ICLRT International Center for Lightning Research and Testing.(FL)
ICM IntraCluster Media
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol. See PING.
ICP Institutional Capital Projects. (SLAC)
ICPT Integrated contractor Purchasing Team. (DOE)
ICR Institutional Cost Report.
ICRP International Commission on Radiological Protection.
ICRU International Commission on Radiation Units and measurements.
ICS Incident Command System.
ICS Inverse Compton Scattering
ICSC International Centre for Scientific Culture.
ICSC International Committee for Science Communication.
ICSM Integrated CyberSecurity Management.
ICSU International Council for Science.
ICUIL International Committee on Ultra-high Intensity Lasers.
ID Inner Detector.
IDAG International Detector Advisory Group. (ILC)
IDE Integrated Development Environment.
IDEAL Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Access to Learning
IDEAS Initiative to Develop Education through Astronomy and Space science.
IDIQ Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (contract).
IDLH Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health. An atmospheric level of a substance which will result in death or irreversible illness to an individual exposed for more than 30 minutes.
iDM inelastic Dark Matter.
IDP Individual Development Plan.
IDP Internal Dosimetry Program.
IDT Inter-Disciplinary Team.
IE Invert Elevation (with reference to bottom of pipe).
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
IEPM Internet End-to-end Performance Monitoring.
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force. One of the task forces of the IAB. The IETF is responsible for solving short-term engineering needs of the Internet.
IFC International Fire Code.
IFEFFIT An interactive program for XAFS analysis. (Matt Newville, CARS, University of Chicago).
IFEL Inverse Free Electron Laser
IFI Integrated Facilities and Infrastructure
iFLM Integrated Fluorescence Light Microscopy
IFP Initial Financial Plans. (SLAC)
IFR Instrument/instrumented Flux Return.
IFSH Institut fur Friedensfoschung und SicherHeitspolitik (Universitat Hamburg). (Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy).
IFZ Internet-Free Zone.
IG Inspector General.
IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor.
IGCC Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation.
IGEC International Gravitational Event Collaboration (US, Italy, CERN, Australia)
IGES Initial Graphics Exchange Standard.
IGFD Insulin-like Growth Factor Deficiency.
IGM Inter-Galactic Medium
Ignitable Capable of burning or causing a fire.
IGP Interior Gateway Protocol. The generic term applied to any protocol used to propagate network reachability and routing information within an autonomous system.
IGP Intra-net Gateway Portal. (SLAC)
IGPE Institutional General Purpose Equipment.
IGPP Institutional General Plant Projects. (SLAC)
IGRT Image Guided RadioTherapy.
IH Industrial Hygiene.
IHEM In-House Energy Management.
IHEP Institute for High Energy Physics (Protvino, Russia)
IHEP Institute for High Energy Physics (Beijing, PRC)
IIA Internal Independent Assessment.
IIP Institutional Improvement Plan. A single initiative umbrella prioritizing actions for implementation with three primary areas of focus: safety, WPC, and performance management.
IIP Integrated Interagency Pre-application process. (DOE)
IKE Interactive Klystron Evaluation.
ILC InterLaboratory Collaboration (for R&D towards TeV-scale Electron-Positron Linear Colliders)
ILC International Linear Collider.
ILCSC International Linear Collider Steering Committee (ICFA).
ILCSG International Linear Collider Steering Group.
ILCTA International Linear Collider Test Accelerator (FermiLab).
ILC-TRC International Linear Collider - Technical Review Committee.
ILD International Large Detector concept (ILC). A combination of the former LDC and GLD detector designs.
ILL Institut Laue Langevin. (France)
ILM Integrated Lifecycle Management.
ILT Instructor-Led Training.
IM&PS Information Management and Portal Services. (SLAC)
IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol.
IMCO Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization.
IMDG International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code. (49 CFR)
IMF Intermediate Mass Fragment
Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health level See IDLH.
IMMO 1 min, 1 max, for operating conditions.
IMO International Maritime Organization.
IMP Institute for Modern Physics, of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Impoundment A body of water or sludge confined by a dam, dike, floodgate, or other barrier.
IMPT Intensity-Modulated Proton Treatment / Therapy.
IMRT Intensity-Modulated Radiation Treatment.
IMS Intelligent Motion Systems (Inc.)
IMS International Monitoring Systems
ImSim IMage SIMulator. (LSST)
IN2P3 Institut National de Physique Nucleaire et de Physique des Particules (France).
Incineration A treatment technology involving destruction of waste by controlled burning at high temperatures, e.g., burning sludge to remove the water and reduce the remaining residues to a safe, on-burnable ash which can be disposed of safely on land, in some waters, or in underground locations.
Incineration Burning of certain types of solid, liquid, or gaseous materials.
Incinerator A furnace for burning wastes under controlled conditions.
INCITE Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment program (DOE).
INCREASE INterdisciplinary Consortium for Research and Educational Access in Science and Engineering.
INDU magnetic INDUction.
Indus-1 Electron storage ring, the first synchrotron radiation source designed and developed in India.
Indus-II Synchrotron light source at RRCAT. (India)
INEL Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (now Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL).
Inert Exhibiting no chemical activity, totally unreactive.
INFN Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (The Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics, Frascati)
INFN-CNAF Centro Nazionale per la Ricerca e Sviluppo nelle Tecnologie Informatiche e Telematiche. (the INFN National Center for Telematics and Informatics)
InGrid An InteGrated micromegas.
Initial Program Load See IPL.
INL Idaho National Laboratory. (DOE)
Inorganic Chemicals A large group of chemicals in which carbon atoms are generally not included, includes oxides, acids, bases, and salts.
INP Institute of Nuclear Problems, of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
INR Institute for Nuclear Research, of the Russian academy of sciences in Moscow.
INSPIRE INvenio plus SPIREs. The next-generation high-energy physics information system. (2008)
INTEGRAL INTERnational Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory (ESA).
Integrated Services Digital Network See ISDN.
Interaction Point See IP.
Interim Status Allows owners and operators of TSDs that were in existence, or for which construction had commenced, prior to November 19, 1980 to continue to operate without a permit after this date pending final permit issuance. (from RCRA)
Interior Gateway Protocol See IGP.
International Organization for Standardization See ISO.
Internet A decentralized, global network connecting millions of computers worldwide. Each Internet computer, called a host, is independent, and its operators can choose which Internet services to use and which local services to make available to the global Internet community.
Internet Address A 32-bit address assigned to hosts using TCP/IP.
Internet Number The dotted-quad address used to specify a certain system. The Internet number for the site, cs.widener.edu, is: A resolver is used to translate between hostnames and Internet addresses.
Interoperate The ability of multi-vendor computers to work together using a common set of protocols.
Interstitial Monitoring The continuous surveillance of the space between the walls of an underground storage tank.
Invar Alloy prized for its resistance to changing shape with changes in temperature.
Inventory TSCA inventory of chemicals produced pursuant to Section 8(b) of the Toxic Substances Control Act.
Inverse barn A barn is a unit of area (10 to the minus 24 centimeters squared) used to measure the chance that something will happen when two particles collide. An inverse barn is the total number of collisions in a given period of time. Also called integrated luminosity.
IO International Organization.(ITER)
IOC Instrument Operation Center (GLAST).
Ion Chamber See IC.
Ion Gauge See Ionization Gauge.
Ion Pump A type of vacuum pump in which ionized gas molecules are attracted to a cathode by a high voltage where they remain trapped.
Ionization Ionization is the process of removing electrons from neutral atoms and thereby producing ions. Because radiation causes ionization, this effect is often used to detect stray beams in particle accelerators and particle detectors.
Ionization Chamber See IC.
Ionization Gauge A high-accuracy vacuum gauge consisting of a vacuum tube whose emission current is proportional to the density of residual ions in the volume in which the tube is immersed.
Ionizing Radiation Radiation of sufficiently high energy to cause ionization of the medium through which it passes. Ionizing radiation can cause extensive damage to biological tissues.
iOS Apple's mobile operating system. (was iPhone OS)
IP Internet Protocol. The network layer protocol for the Internet protocol suite.
IP Inflation Probe.
IP Interaction Point. The point where two beams collide.
IP Implementation Planning. (SLAC Office of Compliance)
IP Ion Pump.
IP / RP Intellectual Property / Research Partnerships (SLAC).
IP Datagram The basic unit of information passed across the Internet. An IP datagram is to the Internet as a hardware packet is to a physical network. It contains a source and destination address along with data. Large messages are broken down into a sequence of IP datagrams.
IPAC Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (Caltech).
IPAC Intra-Governmental Payment and Collection
IPAM IP Address Management. (Computing)
IPCMS Institute of Physics and Chemistry of Strasbourg.
IPLB Inverse Power Law.
IPM Integrated Performance Management. (DOE)
IPM Intensity Position Monitor.
IPM Ionization Profile Monitor.
IPMC Intelligent Platform Management Controller.
IPMI Intelligent Platform Management Interface.
IPMO Integrated Performance Management Office (SLAC).
IPMU Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe. Kavli Foundation institute at the University of Tokyo.
IPN Leibniz-Institut für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik. (The Leibniz Institute for Science Education at the University of Kiel)
IPNS Institute of Particle and Nuclear Science. (KEK)
IPNS Intense Pulse Neutron Source (Argonne)
IPP Institute of Particle Physics (Canada).
IPPP Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology.(Durham)
IPR Intellectual Property Rights.
IPR Interrupt Pending Register.
IPR Independent Project Review.
IPRP Intellectual Property and Research Partnerships. (SLAC)
IPRV The last recorded current that was within tolerance.
iPS induced Pluripotent Stemcell.
IPT Integrated Project Team.
IPTC International Press Telecommunications Council
IPWA energy-Independent Partial-Wave Analysis
IQHE Integer Quantum Hall Effect
IR Interaction Region.
IR InfraRed
IRAS InfraRed Astronomical Satellite
IRB Independent Review Board. (SLAC OCIO)
IRC Infrastructure Review Committee. (SLAC)
IREN Intense Resonance Neutron Source.
IRENG Interaction Region ENGineering design workshop (ILC).
IREP Interactive RadioEpidemiological Program.
IRFs Instrument Response Functions. (GLAST)
IRI Integrated Research Infrastructure
Iris The holes on both sides of an accelerator section or RF cavity.
Iris An aperture in an optical system. Profile monitor cameras have adjustable irises to regulate the light intensity.
iRODS integrated rule based data management system for the data grid.
IRP Integrated Resource Plan (WAPA).
IRR Instrument Readiness Review. (LCLS)
IRTF Infra-Red Telescope Facility. (Hawaii)
IRTF Internet Research Task Force. One of the task forces of the IAB. The group responsible for research and development of Internet protocol suite.
IS3C Integrated and Sustainable SLAC Scientific Computing.
ISA Industry Standard Architecture.
ISAC Isotope Separator and ACcelerator
ISC Integrated Support Center. (DOE)
ISD Interim Status Document.
ISDC Instrument Science Operations Center. (GLAST)
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network. An international communication standard for sending voice, video, and data over telephone lines.
ISEMS Integrated Safety and Environmental Management System.
ISF Israel Science Foundation.
ISGC International Symposium on Grid Computing. (Taipei)
ISGW Isgur-Scora-Grinstein-Wise
ISI Initial State Interaction
ISIS Spallation neutron source at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK).
ISM Inter-Stellar Matter.
ISM Integrated Safety Management (the concept of the process).
ISMS Integrated Safety Management System (DOE program).
ISO International Organization for Standardization. Coordinator of the main networking standards that are put into use today.
ISO International Services Office. (SLAC)
ISO Layer One of the seven layers of the International Standards Organization (ISO) Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model.
ISOC Instrument Science Operations Center.(GLAST)
ISOL Isotope Separator OnLine
Isolated Digital Input Module See IDIM.
Isolated Digital Output Module See IDOM.
ISOLDE On-line radioactive beam source at CERN
ISP Internet Service Provider.
ISPA Imaging Silicon Pixel Array
ISR Initial-State Radiation.
ISS Inner Shell Spectroscopy.
ISSC International SKA Steering Committee.
ISSM Integrated Safeguards and Security Management.
ISSP Institute for Solid State Physics.
IT Information Technology
ITAPS Interoperable Technologies for Advanced Petascale Simulations.
ITAR International Traffic in Arms Regulations.
ITEP Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (Moscow)
ITER International fusion experiment aimed at demonstrating the scientific and technological feasibility of fusion energy. Project partners are China, the European Union, India, Japan, Russia, South Korea and the United States. (Formerly interpreted as International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor.)
ITF Injector Test Facility.
ITIL Information Technology Infrastructure Library.
ITPMO Information Technology Project Management Office.
ITPO Innovative Technology Partnership Office.
ITRP International Technology Recommendation Panel (ICFA).
ITRY A magnet parameter indicating the maximum allowed number of tries (or attempts) to trim.
ITSC Information Technology Sub-Council. (SLAC)
ITSR Imaging Techniques with Synchrotron Radiation. (International work shop)
IUA ITER Unit of Account.
IUCF Indiana University Cyclotron Facility.
IUPAP International Union of Pure and Applied Physics.
IV Isolation Vacuum valve (slow), manually operated accelerator valve .
IVA A database polynomial to convert ADC volts to magnet current.
IVBD A function which converts magnet current to B field units when the magnet is on the way down, or being powered down (derived from magnetic measurements data).
IVBU A function which converts magnet current to B field units when the magnet is being powered up, or the field is increasing (derived from magnetic measurements data).
IW-BMP Industrial Wastewater - Best Management Plan.
IWO Inter-entity Work Order (DOE)
IWP Israel-Wilson-Perjes
IXAS International X-ray Absorption Society.
IXO International X-ray Observatory.