C A high-level programming language developed by Dennis Ritchie and Brian Kernighan at Bell Labs in the mid 1970's. C is particularly popular with personal computer programmers because it is relatively small, and requires less memory than other languages.
C&A Certification & Authorization.
C++ A high-level programming language developed by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Labs. C++ adds object-oriented features to its predecessor, C. It is one of the most popular programming languages for graphical applications, such as those that run in Windows and Macintosh environments.
CA Corrective Action (ES&H)
CA Channel Access
CA HSC CAlifornia Health and Safety Code.
CAA Clean Air Act. (42 U.S.C. Ch. 85, Sec. 7401 et seq)
Cable See CBL.
Cable Access Receiver See CAR.
Cable Access Transmitter See CAT.
CACM Contract Assurance / Contract Management.
CAD/CAM Computer Assisted Design / Computer Assisted Manufacturing.
CAE Chinese Academy of Engineering
CAER Community Awareness and Emergency Response (a CMA program).
CAIRS Computerized Accident / Incident Reporting System.
CAIs Calcium Aluminum-rich InclusionS.
CAL CALorimeter subsystem (GLAST/FERMI).
CAL/OSHA California Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
Cal-ARP California Accidental Release Program.
Calendar Year See CY.
Calibration BPMs: Calibration measures pedestal and ADC linearity so the computer can position the beam from the BPM data more precisely.
Calibration Magnets: A method of matching the actual current of a magnet to its set value. The DAC to current function is accurately measured for improved trimming performance.
CALO Calorimeter.
Calorimeter A detector or any device measuring the energy of a particle or system.
CalSim CALibration SIMulation. (LSST)
CAM Control or Cost Account Manager.
CAM Continuous Air Monitor. (SSRL)
CAMEO Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations. (NOAA)
CAMERA Center for Advanced Mathematics for Energy Research Applications. (LBNL)
CAMP Capital Asset Management Process.
CAMP CFEL-ASG-Multi-Purpose. Instrument constructed for a series of experiments at the LCLS.
CAMS Corrective Action Management System.
CAMS Chemical and Materials Science (SSRL group)
CAN Controller Area Network.
CANDI Controller ANalog/Digital Interface card.
CANGAROO Collaboration of Australia and Nippon for a GAmma Ray Observatory in the Outback.
CAO Collaborative Agreement Order. Like a purchase order, but contain s a disclaimer that it is not a contract, but is issued as an admi nistrative convenience.
CAP Continuous Acquisition Pixel.
CAP Corrective Action Plan
Cap Sigma Capital Sigma. The square root of the quadratic sum of the sizes of the two beams at the IP. It is a fit parameter from a beam-beam deflection scan.
Capital Sigma See Cap Sigma.
CAPTAR The SLAC CAble Plant Tracking database.
CAPTCHA Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart.
CAR Canonical Anticommutation Relations
CARB California Air Resources Board. See ARB.
Carcinogenic Capable of causing cancer.
CARE Coordinated Accelerator Research in Europe.
CAS Cost Accounting Standards.
CAS Contract Assurance System.
CAS CERN Accelerator School.
CAS Chinese Academy of Sciences.
CAS Chemical Abstracts Service.
CAS Condition Assessment Surveys
CASA Center for Advanced Studies of Accelerators.
CASE Computer-Aided Software Engineering.
Cask A thick-walled container (usually lead) used to transport radioactive material. Also called a coffin.
CAST CERN Axion Solar Telescope.
CASTOR Centauro And Strange Object Research.
CAT Cherenkov Array at Themis. Astronomy telescope array in the French Pyrenees.
CatApp Computer application developed by SUNCAT scientists that displays reaction and activation energies for reactions occurring on cataly tic metal surfaces.
CATER Comprehensive Accelerator Tool For Enhancing Reliability. Accelerator trouble reporting system.
Caustic Soda Sodium Hydroxide, a strong alkaline substance used as the cleaning agent in some detergents.
Caustics A large class of substances which form solutions having a high pH, also bases and alkalis.
Cavity A metal enclosure whose dimensions are designed to resonate at some given RF or microwave frequency. Used to accelerate beams and/or compensate for loss of beam power in damping and storage rings.
Cavity resonator A tunable copper cavity capable of storing electromagnetic energy of a particular wavelength and frequency and then, when properly synchronized, of imparting that energy to an electron beam passing through it. Invented by William W. Hansen, who called it the rhumbatron.
CAYG Clean As You Go
CAZ Controlled Access Zone.
CBAR Contracts, Billing and Accounts Receivable (SLAC)
CBD Commerce Business Daily
CBF Correlated Basis Function
CBI Cosmic Background Imager.
CBI Critical Behaviors Inventory.
CBL CaBLe. Klystron summary display message indicating that the cable has a problem.
CBM Cloudy Bag Model
CBR Cosmic Background Radiation
CBRP Campus Building Renovation Project (SLAC)
CBT Computer-Based Training.
CBXFEL Cavity-Based XFEL
CC Citizen Committee
CC Configuration Control.
CCAST China Center of Advanced Science and Technology.
CCB Change Control Board.
CCCP Chemical Carcinogen Control Program. (SLAC)
CCD Charge-Coupled Device. A device wherein semiconductors are arranged so that the output of one serves as the input of the next .
CCD Charge Control Device.
CCFM Ciafaloni-Catani-Fiorani-Marchesini
CCIN2P3 Computing Center of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics. (2 N's and 3 P's)
CCIRDA Coordinating Committee for Informatics Research Development and Application (DOE)
CCITT Consultative Committee International Telephone and Telegraph. A unit of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) of the United Nations. It produces technical standards, known as recommendations, for all internationally controlled aspects of analog and digital communications.
CCITT V.24 A set of data communications standards, similar to RS-232C, that calls out the signals to use to connect digital equipment to make the equipment compatible.
CCJ RIKEN PHENIX Computing Center in Japan, a regional center.
CCLRC the Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils in England.
CCM Channel-Cut Monochromator. Device that uses a pair of crystals to produce a monochromatic beam.
CCR California Code of Regulations (formerly California Administrative Code).
CCR Canonical Commutation Relations
CCS Carbon Capture and Storage.
CCSG Child Care Subsidy Grant. (Stanford)
CCST California Council on Science and Technology.
cctbx.xfel Computational Crystallography ToolboX for X-ray Free-Electron Lasers.
CCTV Closed Circuit TeleVision.
CCW Constituent Concentrations in Waste.
CCWE Constituent Concentrations in Waste Extract.
CD Controls Department.
CD Critical Decision.
CDC Central Drift Chamber. A part of a typical colliding beam detector used to track charged particle trajectories.
CDC Controlled Document Collection. (SLAC)
CDC Centers for Disease Control. (Federal)
CDE calorimeter Crystal DEtector (GLAST).
CDF Collider detector at Fermilab
CDFA California Department of Food and Agriculture.
CDHS California Department of Health Services (aka DHS, DOHS, SDOHS).
CDM Cold Dark Matter
CDMS Controlled Document Management System. (SLAC)
CDMS Cryogenic Dark Matter Search.
CDO Chief Diversity Officer (SLAC)
CDO Controlled Document Owner. (SLAC)
CDR Conceptual Design Report
CDS Controls & Data Systems PHOTON
CDS Controlled Document Specialist. (SLAC)
CDW Charge Density Waves.
CEA Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique. (French Atomic Energy Commission)
CEB Causal Entropy Bound.
CEBAF The Newport News, VA Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility was officially dedicated on 5-24-96, at which time its parent lab was renamed the Jefferson National Accelerator Laboratory (JNAL). CEBAF is a JNAL accelerator that uses radio-frequency cavities made of super-conducting materials to propel high-energy electrons around a race-track shaped course.
CEC California Energy Commission.
CEDE Committed Effective Dose Equivalent.
CEEMag Center for Energy Efficient Magnonics
CEF Conventional and Experimental Facilities. (Formerly SEM and EFD)
CELESTE a cosmic gamma-ray experiment.
Cell The smallest structural part of living matter capable of functioning as an independent unit.
Cell In solid waste disposal, a hole where waste is dumped, compacted, and covered with layers of dirt on a daily basis.
Cell A repetitive transport line unit in which the optics are such that beta out = beta in. Typical LINAC cells are 24 meters long, except for sectors two through fours which are six to 12 meters long.
CELLS Consorcio para la Construcción, Equipamiento y Explotación del Laboratorio de Luz de Sincrotrón. (Spain)
CEM Cascade Exiton Model.
CEM Continuous Emission Monitoring.
CENIC Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California.
Central Drift Chamber See CDC.
Central Lab Addition Building 084. Also known as Central Lab Annex. (SLAC)
Centrifugal Collector A mechanical system using centrifugal force to remove aerosols from a gas stream or water from sludge.
CEP Capitol Equipment Project.
CEPE-DOE office of Cost Estimating and Program Evaluation-Department of Energy.
CEPP Chemical Emergency Preparedness Program. (from EPA)
CEQ Council on Environmental Quality.
CEQA California Environmental Quality Act. (CPRC Sec. 21000 et seq)
CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act. Also known as Superfund. (42 U.S.C. Ch. 1, Subch. J, Part 300 et seq)
Cerenkov detector see Cherenkov detector.
CERFnet California Education and Research Federation Network.
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland. (in French: Organisation Europeenne pour la Recherche Nucleaire). The acronym, still used, derives from the organization's original name: Centre Europeen pour la Recherche Nucleair.
CERS California Environmental Reporting System
CERT Community Emergency Response Team (SLAC)
Certifiable Systems Computer and telecommunications systems that can be used for, or modified to be used for, classified information.
Certified Hazardous Waste Specialist See CHWS.
CESER Cybersecurity, Energy Security and EMergency Response, Office of. (DOE)
Cesiate The process of coating a cathode with a cesium compound to decrease its work function and improve its electron yield is called cesiation. The polarized light source used at CID in 1992 had its cathode cesiated once every several days.
CesrTA Cornell electron storage ring - Test Accelerator.
CF Core Function. ENVIRO
CF Conflat Flange.
CfA Center for Astrophysics (Harvard-Smithsonian).
CFCs Chlorofluorocarbons. A family of inert, nontoxic, and easily liquefied chemicals used in refrigeration, air conditioning, packaging, insulation, or as solvents and aerosol propellants. Because CFCs are not destroyed in the lower atmosphere, they drift into the upper atmosphere, where their chlorine components destroy ozone.
CFEL Centre for Free-Electron Laser science.
CFI CAD Framework Initiative.
CFL Color Flavor Locked.
CFO Chief Financial Officer.
CFP Cosmology and Fundamental Physics.
CFR Code of Federal Regulations.
CFS Conventional Facilities and Siting. (Also shown as CF&S).
CFS Cubic Feet per Second.
CFT Conformal Field Theory
CG Center of Gravity
CGC California Government Code.
CG C Clebsch-Gordan coefficients
CGHS Callan-Giddings-Harvey-Strominger
CGI Combustible Gas Indicator.
CGI Common Graphical Interface
CGI Common Gateway Interface
CGM Computer Graphics Metafile.
CGR Carbon Glass Resistance
CGRaBS Candidate Gamma-Ray Blazar Survey project.
CGRO Compton Gamma Ray Observatory.
CGS Chemical and General Safety.
CH Combinatorial Hierarchy.
CH CHicago office. (DOE)
CH&SC California Health and Safety Code.
ChEM-H Chemistry, Engineering, and Medicine for Human Health. (Stanford)
Chemical Emergency See Emergency (Chemical).
Chemical Transportation Emergency Center See CHEMTREC.
CHEMNET A mutual aid network of chemical shippers and contractors accessible through CHEMTREC.
ChemRIXS Chemical RIXS
CHEMTREC CHEMical TRansportation Emergency Center. Sponsored by the Chemical Manufacturers Association. Telephone: 800-424-9300.
CHEP Computing in High Energy and nuclear Physics (conference).
Cherenkov Detector A detector for counting or detecting high energy charged particles. The particle passes through a liquid or a gas, and the light emitted as Cherenkov radiation is registered by a photomultiplier tube. (Cherenkov radiation is produced when a charged particle passes through a medium at a speed greater than the speed of light in that medium.)
Cherenkov Ring Imaging Detector See CRID.
CHESS Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source.
CHFB Cranked Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov
CHI CHIcane.
Chicane A Beam line bump made with four bend magnets. Chicanes are used as energy filters to transmit only the part of the spectrum wanted or to eliminate particles of the wrong charge (as in the positron chicane in EP02). The strengths of the four bends are calculated to transmit beams of a specific energy. There are three chicanes in the SLC: the CID Compressor Chicane, the LI01 Chicane, and the EP02 Chicane.
CHICOS California High school Cosmic ray ObServatory.
CHIPP the Swiss Institute of Particle Physics.
Chirped Beam A beam that is accelerated so that the tail of the electronic bunch can be given a higher energy than the head (LCLS).
CHL Chaudhuri-Hockney-Lykken
CHLOREP CHLOrine Emergency Plan operated by the Chlorine Institute and activated through CHEMTREC.
Chlorinated Hydrocarbons Halogenated hydrocarbons in which the halogen in the molecular structure is chlorine.
Chlorinated Solvent An organic solvent containing chlorine atoms, e.g., methylene chloride and 1,1,1-trichloralmethane which is used in aerosol spray containers and in traffic paint.
Chlorofluorocarbons See CFCs.
CHP California Highway Patrol.
ChPT Chiral Perturbation Theory
CHRIS/HACS Chemical Hazard Response Information System/Hazard Assessment Computer System. Developed by and accessed through the U.S. Coast Guard. Also available for purchase in four manuals. HACS is a computerized model of the four CHRIS manuals.
CHRO Chief Human Resources Officer (SLAC)
Chromatic Aberration The energy-dependent distortion caused by a quadrupole. Particles of different energy are focused to different points because high-energy particles are focused (or bent) less than lower-energy particles. This is analogous to light optics, where light of different colors has different wavelengths (energy) and therefore different indexes of refraction when passing through a thin lens.
Chromatic Filamentation The increase in the phase space area resulting from chromatic aberration. As the beam rotates in phase space, the resulting emittance is larger.
Chronic Effects Toxic effects which occur over relatively long periods of time, e.g., months or years. See also Acute Effects.
Chronic Toxicity A qualitative measure of a toxic agent administered repeatedly over a long period of time, e.g., months or years. See also Acute Toxicity.
CHSC California Health and Safety Code.
CHWMP County Hazardous Waste Management Plan. (CH&SC Sec. 25135 et seq)
CHWR CHilled Water Return.
CHWS Certified Hazardous Waste Specialist. A certification issued by the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) to degreed individuals with specified experience in hazardous waste management who pass a written examination.
CHilled Water Supply.
Ci Curie. A quantitative measure of radioactivity equal to 3.7 x 1010 disintegrations per second.
CICC Cable In Conduit Conductors
CICG Centre International de Conférences Genève. (Geneva International Conference Center)
CICHEP Cairo International Conference on High Energy Physics.
CID Center for Inverse Design. DOE National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL ) project in which SSRL is a participant.
CID Analyzing Station See CAS-0.
CIEMAT Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas. (Research Center for Energy, Environment and Technology).(Spain)
CIFAR Canadian Institute For Advanced Research.
CIM Constituent Interchange Model.
CINVESTAV Centro de INVestigación y de ESTudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional. (Center for Investigation and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute in Mexico)
CIRCE The Coherent InfaRed CEnter, at LBNL.
CIS Commonwealth of Independent States.
CISAC Committee on International Security and Arms Control (National Academy of Sciences)
CISAC Center for International Security and Cooperation. (Stanford)
CISC Complex Instruction Set Computer.
CISC Center for Interface Science and Catalysis. (SLAC/Stanford)
CISE Computer and Information Science and Engineering
CISO Chief Information Security Officer.
CISTI Canada Institute for Scientific Technology Information.
CIT Compact Ignition Tokamak.
CITRIX Software application that allows SLAC staff and users to access computer accounts from home.
CIV Cachazo-Intriligator-Vafa.
CJT Cornwall-Jackiw-Tomboulis
CKM Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa. The name given to a matrix of numbers related to quark interactions. The numbers are often shown in a graphical form called the unitary triangle.
CL Controller Laser.
CLAS CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer
Class A Fires Fires involving ordinary combustible materials.
Class B Fires Fires involving flammable liquids.
Class C Fires Fires involving energized electrical equipment.
Class D Fires Fires involving combustible metals such as Li, Mg, Ti, Zn, Na, and K.
CLCWL China's Linear Collider Workshop.
CLE2 CLEO II detector at CESR.
CLEAN Continuous wave Linac for Efficiency and Availability iNnovation.
Clean Room A specifically prepared and designated location that limits the intrusion of airborne particles and/or fume contamination using positive pressure, filtered air, special ventilation systems, and other methods.
Cleanup Actions taken to deal with a release or threat of release of a hazardous substance that could affect humans and/or the environment. The term `cleanup' is sometimes used interchangeably with the terms remedial action, removal action, response action, or corrective action.
CLGW CooLinG Water.
CLI Command LIne access
Client/Client Process A program running on a network workstation that requests services from a network server. For example, a client might be a user sitting at a workstation using a front end program--a client process --that makes a request to a database server for data.
Client-Server Architecture A distributed computing system in which a client process (a front end program requesting a service) sends a request to a program running on another machine (a server) to perform some function. For example, a database client might request a database server to supply some collection of sorted data. The server performs the sort and sends the sorted data to the client.
CLM Chemical Lifecycle Management (ESH)
CLNSF Collaboration of the Light-and Neutron-Source Facilities. (US)
CLOC Central Lab Office Complex. (LCLS)
Closed-Loop Recycling Reclaiming or reusing wastewater for non-potable purposes in an enclosed process.
CLR Common Language Runtime.
CLSS Compton Laser Safety Stopper.
CM Crisis Manager.
CM Construction Manager.
CM Center of Mass
CMA Chemical Manufacturers Association.
CMB Cosmic Microwave Background.
CMBR Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation.
CMB-S4 Cosmic Microwave Background-Stage 4
CMD Cryogenic magnetic detector at VEPP-2M, Novosibirsk.
CMDB Configuration Management DataBase (ServiceNow)
CMFD Centrally Managed - Field Deployed.
CMIP Common Management Information Protocol. An OSI standard protocol used with the Common Management Information Services (CMIS).
CMIS Common Management Information Services.
CMMS Computer Maintenance Management System.
CMOS Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor detector.
CMR Colossal MagnetoResistance.
CMRF Cryomodule Maintenance and Repair Facility (SLAC)
CMS Compact Muon Solenoid, general purpose detector at the LHC (CERN).
CMS Chemical Management Services.
CMS Central Lab Machine Shop. (SLAC)
CMS Center-of-Mass System.
CMS Content Management Software.
CMSSM Constrained Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model.
CMT Crisis Management Team.
CN Cyanide.
CNAO Centro Nazionale di Adroterapia Oncologica, located in Pavia in Italy.
CNGrid China National Grid.
CNGS CERN Neutrinos to Gran Sasso, a project.
CNLS Cornell Laboratory of Nuclear Studies.
CNM Chiral NonMinimal
CNN Convolutional Neural Network.
CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France).
CNS Central Nervous System.
CNTR Counters.
CO Conduit Only.
Coaxial Cable An electrical cable in which a piece of wire is surrounded by insulation and then surrounded by a tubular piece of metal whose axis of curvature coincides with the center of the piece of wire, hence the term, `coaxial.' Such cable offers high transmission rates, and is used by Ethernet.
COBE COsmic Background Explorer satellite.
COBIT Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology.
COD Chemical Oxygen Demand.
COE Conduct Of Engineering.
COFC Container On Flat Car.
COG Continuity Of Government.
COH1 and COH2 COHerent 1 and COHerent 2 lasers. Used as sources for the beam
CoHE Control of Hazardous Energy.
Coherent Oscillation An oscillation created when all particles of a bunch oscillate with the same phase.
COI Conflict Of Interest.
Coliform Index A rating of the purity of water based on a count of fecal bacteria.
Collaboration The set of physicists (and related postdoctoral and graduate students) who are actively involved in a specific experiment at any time during its development, running, analysis and publication
Collider Injector Development See CID.
Collimator Sometimes called `slit.' A mechanical device installed in a beam line in order to reduce the aperture. SLC collimators are either `fixed' or have movable `jaws' and are used to define the energy and/or remove beam tails. Protection collimators are used to intercept high power beams before they can impact on magnetic elements in a beam line. See also PC.
COLTRIMS COld Target Recoil Ion Momentum Spectroscopy
Combustion Product Substance produced during the burning or oxidation of a material.
COMET superconducting proton cyclotron at the Paul Scherrer Institute (P SI).
COMFORT A program to design transport line optics. COMFORT computes only twiss and storage ring parameters.
Command Post See CP.
Common Management Information Protocol See CMIP.
Community Antenna Television See CATV.
Community Toxicology Unit See COMTU.
COMPASS Common Muon and Proton Apparatus for Structure and Spectroscopy (CERN)
COMPLETE COordinated Molecular Probe Line Extinction Thermal Emission survey.
Compliance Schedule A negotiated agreement between a pollution source and a government agency that specifies dates and procedures by which a source will reduce emissions and, thereby, comply with a regulation.
Compressor A system, incorporating an RF source and a bending transport line section, used to reduce the length of a particle bunch. An energy spread is introduced into the bunch using a short accelerator section. The leading particles, with more energy, will traverse a longer path through the bend section because they bend less. The tail, or trailing particles of lower energy, will make a sharper bend and catch up with the head, thus reducing the bunch length. This method is used to reduce bunch length after the damping rings in the NRTL and the SRTL.
Compton Effect The reduction in the energy of high-energy photons when they are scattered by free electrons during elastic collisions.
Compton Polarimeter A device which ascertains the degree of polarization of the electron beam by measuring the cross section of compton-scattered electrons from polarized laser light.
Computer Architecture The area of computer study that deals with the physical structure (hardware) of computer systems and the relationships among these various hardware components.
COMTU COMmunity Toxicology Unit. A subdivision of DHS.
Confined Aquifer See Artesian Aquifer.
Conservation Avoiding waste of, and renewing when possible, human and natural resources. The protection, improvement, and use of natural resources according to principles that will assure their highest economic or social benefits.
Contaminant Any physical, chemical, biological, or radiological substance or matter that has an adverse effect on air, water, or soil.
Contingency Plan A document setting out an organized, planned, and coordinated course of action to be followed in case of a fire or explosion or a release of hazardous waste from a TSDF or a generator's facility that could threaten human health or the environment. (from RCRA)
Control Technique Guidelines See CTG.
Controlled Access A PPS interlocked state that allows controlled entry without violating the `searched state' of an SLC area. An MCC operator must visually (by remote cable TV) identify and log all persons entering or leaving the area. An interlocked key bank system is used to control the number of people in the area. The operator logs the names of the people entering the area, and releases each of them a key which they may use for entry and must return upon leaving the area.
Controlled Area An area wherein entry is controlled for the purpose of radiation protection.
CONTV CONTrol Valve.
COO Chief Operating Officer.
Cookie A message given to a Web browser by a Web server. The browser stores the message in a text file called cookie.txt. The message is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server.
Coolant A liquid or gas used to reduce the heat generated by power production in nuclear reactors, electric generators, various industrial and mechanical processes, and automobile engines.
Cooling Tower A structure that helps remove heat from water used as a coolant, e.g., in electric power generating plants.
COPC Chemicals Of Potential Concern (ESH)
COPPER Modularized pipeline readout electronics system. Developed for KEK B-factory upgrade.
CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture, a software system which deals with distributed object computing
CORE Committee for Outreach, Recruitment & Engagement. (SLAC)
CORR CORRector magnet
Corrosion The dissolving and wearing away of metal caused by a chemical reaction such as between water and the pipes that the water contacts, chemicals touching a metal surface, or contact between two metals.
Corrosive A chemical agent that reacts with the surface of a material causing it to deteriorate or wear away.
COSM Cosmology and astrophysics.
COSMOS COsmologically Significant Mass Oscillation Search (A Fermilab Experiment)
Cost Recovery A legal process by which potentially responsible parties who contributed to contamination at a Superfund site can be required to reimburse the Trust Fund for money spent during any cleanup actions by the federal government.
CoSWMP County Solid Waste Management Plan. (California)
COSY COoler SYnchrotron.
COTR Coherent Optical Transition Radiation.
COTS Commercial Off The Shelf, components that are commercially available, generally in stock.
Counter An electronic device used to count pulses or the frequency of oscillations.
Counter A particle detector used for counting particles or monitoring radiation.
COUPP Chicagoland Observatory for Underground Particle Physics.
Cover Vegetation or other material providing protection as ground cover.
COVID-19 COronaVIrus Disease 2019 (previously known as "2019 novel coronavirus")
CP Cathodic Protection.
CP Command Post. A facility located at a safe distance upwind from an accident site, where the on-scene coordinator, responders, and technical representatives can make response decisions, deploy manpower and equipment, maintain liaison with news media, and handle communications.
CP Charge Parity.
CP Symmetry Charge-parity symmetry. Under this principle, the physics of an interaction would be unaffected if a particle were to be converted into its anti-particle and viewed in a mirror.
CP Violation The small but important asymmetry of the weak interactions under the combined operations of charge conjugation and parity inversion. Was discovered experimentally by James Cronin and Val Fitch of Princeton, who won the 1979 Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery.
CPARS Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System.
CPC Chemical Protective Clothing.
cPCI compact Peripheral Component Interface.
CPDG Comprehensive Project Design Guidance. (ILC)
CPE Controls and Power Electronics (Operations Directorate).
CPI Communications & Power Industries (Palo Alto)
CPIC Capital Planning and Investment Control.
CPIX Channeled-Proton-Induced Xrays.
CPO Chiral Primary Operator
CPP Compliance Partnership Program.
CPR CardoPulmonary Resuscitation
CPRC California Public Resources Code.
CPS Circular Polarization Sign.
CPSA Consumer Product Safety Act.
CPSC Consumer Product Safety Commission.
CPSR Contractor Purchasing System Review.
CPT Charge Parity Transformations
CPT theorem Charge conjugation Parity inversion Time reversal theorem. Holds that physics should not discriminate between particles and anti-particles (moving backwards in time).
CPU Central Processing Unit (in a computer)
CPV Charge-Parity Violation.
CPWC Central Proportional Wire Chamber.
CQA Contractor and Quality Assurance office (SLAC)
CQM Constituent Quark Model
CR Cosmic Ray.
CRAC Computer Room Air Conditioners.
CRAD Criteria Review and Approach Document.
CRADA Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (between a DOE contractor and private industry)
Crash Bar A device to push open a locked PPS gate in case of a fire or other emergency. Crash bars can be reset only with special keys kept in the MCC control room keysafe.
CREAM Cosmic Ray Energetics and Mass experiment.
CRENEL Commission to Review the Effectiveness of the National Energy Laboratories.
Criteria Descriptive factors taken into account by EPA in setting standards for various pollutants. These factors are used to determine limits on allowable concentration levels, and to limit the number of violations per year. When issued by EPA, the criteria provide guidance to the states on how to establish their standards.
Criteria Pollutants The 1970 amendments to the Clean Air Act required EPA to set National Ambient Air Quality Standards for certain pollutants known to be hazardous to human health. EPA has identified and set standards to protect human health and welfare for six pollutants: ozone, carbon monoxide, total suspended particulates, sulfur dioxide, lead, and nitrogen oxide. The term, `criteria pollutants' derives from the requirement that EPA must describe the characteristics and potential health and welfare effects of these pollutants. It is on the basis of these criteria that standards are set or revised.
CRL Compound Refractive Lens.
CRM Customer Relations Management.
CRMF Cryomodule Repair and Maintenance Facilities
CRO Chief Research Officer.
CROP Cosmic Ray Observatory Project.
Cross Section A measure of the probability that a collision will occur between a beam and a particular particle. The rate for a given process is proportional to its cross-section.
Cross Section The area of the section of an object generated by the intersection of a plane with that object.
Crowbar A circuit designed to quickly short out an electrical voltage in order to protect either equipment or personnel downstream of the system.
CRPP Centre de Recherches en Physique des Plasmas.
CRSI Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute.
CRT Cathode Ray Tube
CRYO CRYogenic Operations. A SLAC Group in the Experimental Facilities Department that is responsible for the storage, transportation and use of low temperature liquid gases (commonly used as targets, or in detectors and superconducting magnets).
cryoEM or cryo-EM cryogenic electron microscopy
cryoET or cryo-ET cryogenic electron tomography
cryo-FIB Cryogenic Focused Ion Beam
Cryo-FIB-SEM cryogenic Focused Ion Beam- Scanning Electron Microscopy
Cryo-FIB-TEM cryogenic Focused Ion Beam-Transmission Electron Microscopy
cryo-FLM cryogenic Fluorescence Light Microscopy
cryo-FLM-FIB cryogenic Fluorescence Light Microscopy – Focused Ion Beam
cryo-iFLM-FIB cryogenic Integrated Fluorescence Light Microscopy – Focused Ion Beam
Cryogenic Substance having a temperature below -150 degrees F (-101.1 degrees C).
Cryogenic Operations See CRYO.
Cryogenics The branch of physics and engineering dealing with very low temperatures.
Cryogenics Engineering See CYE.
Cryostat An apparatus for maintaining a very low temperature. The final focus superconducting triplet quadrupoles and the spin rotator solenoids are enclosed in cryostats (a fancy name for a thermos bottle).
CSA Canadian Standards Act.
CSA Chemical Waste Storage Area.
CSB Charge Symmetry Breaking.
CSB2 Columbia University - Stony Brook GBO calorimeter installed in an NaI array.
CS C Cathode Strip Chambers.
CSCNS Committee on Scientific Communication and National Security (NAS)
CSGAC Chinese Scientists Group on Arms Control
CSGB Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences Division (DOE)
CSIP Charge-Sensitive Infrared Phototransistor.
CSIP Cyber Safety Improvement Plan / Program.
CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation. (Australia)
CSIS Center for Strategic & International Studies (Washington D.C.)
CSKR Cremmer-Scherk-Kalb-Ramond.
CSM Calogero-Sutherland-Moser
CSO Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (Hawaii).
CSO Chief Safety Officer. (SLAC)
CSP Chemical Strategies Partnership.
CSPP Cyber Security Program Plan.
CSR Coherent Synchrotron Radiation.
CSS Common Site Support
CSX Five channel differential transceiver.
CT Computer-assisted Tomography.
CT Cooling Tower.
CT Cold Test.
CTA Cerenkov Telescope Array.
CTBT Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty
CTC Closed Timelike Curves.
CTD Cumulative Trauma Disorder. A form of musculo-skeletal disorder caused by damage to tissue from repetitive motion or sustained posture.
CTEQ Coordinated Theoretical-Experiment project on the QCD.
CTF Collider Test Facility
CTG Control Technique Guidelines. A series of EPA documents designed to assist states in defining reasonable available control technology (RACT) for major sources of volatile organic compounds (VOC).
CTM Corner Transfer Matrix
CTP Closed Time Path
CTW Cooling Tower Water.
CUDA Compute Unified Device Architecture. An open-source compiler.
CUI Controlled Unclassified Information.
CUIR Critical Utility Infrastructure Revitalization (DOE)
Cumulative Working Level Months See CWLM.
CUORE Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events. (Italy)
CUP Central Utility Plant.
Curie See Ci. ENVIRO
CUSB Columbia University-Stony Brook segmented NaI detector at CESR.
CV Cost Variance.
CVD Chemical Vapor Deposition method
CVM Cluster Variation Method
CVP Central Valley Project (WAPA)
CVSS Common Vulnerability Scoring System. (Computing)
CW Code Workshop.
CW Continuous Wave (RF).
CW Cooling water. See also LCW.
CWA Clean Water Act. (33 U.S.C. Sec. 1251 et seq)
CWC California Water Code.
CWE Current Working Estimate.
CWFA Cherenkov Wake Field Accelerator
CWKB Gomplex Wentzel-Karmers-Brillouin.
CWLM Cumulative Working Level Months. The sum of lifetime exposure to radon working levels expressed in total working level months.
CWMA Centralized Waste Management Area.
CWMB California Waste Management Board.
CWR Contingent WorkeR.
CX Categorical Exclusion.
CXD Categorical Exclusion Determination.
CXI Coherent X-ray Imaging (LCLS).
CXIDB Coherent X-ray Imaging Database.
CXL The central controller chassis from Cerberus, used at SLAC for fire detection.
CXO Chandra X-ray Observatory
CY Calendar Year, 1 Jan thru 31 Dec. See also FY (Fiscal Year).
CY Calabi-Yan
Cyberspace A term coined by William Gibson in his fantasy novel `Neuromancer' to describe the `world' of computers, and the society that gathers around them. Now more generally defined as the on-line world of computer networks.
CYE CrYogenics Engineering. A SLAC Organizational Group.
CYL CYLinder.
CYO CrYogenics Operations.
Czar Term used to designate person within a group who has responsibility for administration of a type of information resource. See also mega-czar.