Aerial of SLAC, 2021

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R     Region.

R     Roentgen.

R&D     Research and Development.

R2A2     Roles, Responsibilities, Authorities and Accountability (ES&H).

R2As     Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities.

RA     Radiation Area.

RA     Return Air.

RACT     Reasonably Available Control Technology (from CAA).

RAD     Radiation Absorbed Dose. A unit of absorbed dose of radiation. One RAD of absorbed dose is equal to .01 joules per kilogram.

Radiation Absorbed Dose     See RAD.

Radiation Physics     See RP.

Radiological Worker     Worker whose job assignment requires work on, with, or in the proximity of radiation-producing machines or radioactive materials. A radiological worker has the potential of being exposed to more than 0.1 rem (1 mSv) per year, which is the sum of the dose equivalent from external irradiation and the committed effective dose equivalent from internal irradiation. A "radiological worker" may also be referred to as a "radiation worker" or a "rad worker."

Radionuclides     Atoms which give off various radiations through spontaneous nuclear events.

RAFEL    Regenerative Amplifier Free-Electron Laser

RAID     Redundant Array of Independent/Inexpensive Disks.

RAIRS     Reflection Absorption Infrared Spectroscopy

RAL     Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK).

RAM     Random Access Memory.

RAM     RadioActive Material.

RAMSY     RadioActive Materials Storage Yard.

Random Variable     In probability theory, the event whose probability of occurrence is in question is the 'random variable.'

RAP     Remedial Action Plan.

RARP     Reverse Address Resolution Protocol. The Internet protocol a diskless host uses to find its Internet address at startup. RARP maps a physical (hardware) address to an Internet address.

RAS     Russian Academy of Science.

RAS     Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability. Part of ATCA specifications.

RASICAM     Radiometric All-Sky Infrared CAMera. (SLAC)

RASK     Restricted Access Safety Key. Used to enable magnets to be tested while personnel are present in an area where the power supplies are normally interlocked off with the PPS system. The RASK key circumvents the normal protection interlock system, and must be used under a strict set of operational procedures that are designed to prevent accidents during the magnet test.

Rate     LIMit See RLIM.

RCA     Radiologically Controlled Area.

RCE     Reconfigurable Cluster Element. (ATLAS)

RCF     RHIC Computing Facility, located at BNL.

RCFT     Rational Conformal Field Theory.

RCM     Radiological Control Manager.


RCNP     Research Center for Nuclear Physics

RCRA     Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. (42 U.S.C. Ch. 82, Sec. 6901 et seq)

RDBMS     Relational DataBase Management System.

RDC     Remote Desktop Connection.

RDDS    Rounded Damped Detuned Structures. (NLC)

RDDS     Rounded Damped-Detuned Structure

RDF     Radical Distribution Function

RDP     Remote Desktop Protocol.

RDR     Reference Design Report (ILC).

RDTS    Rausch De Traubenberg and Slupinsky

REA     Registered Environmental Assessor. (CH&SC Sec. 25570 et seq)

REC     REConstruction of the physical properties of events (data). (HEP)

Recharge Zone     A land area where rainwater, or infiltration from surface streams or impoundment areas or other sources soaks into the ground and enters an aquifer.

REDE     Resonance depolarization.

Reduced Instruction Set Computer     See RISC.

REE     Rare Earth Elements.

Reflected Power     An RF engineering parameter that indicates the quality of impedance matching between any two power devices in an RF system. The lower the reflected power, the better the impedance match at any given frequency.

Refractory Organics     Organic compounds which are resistant to decomposition through burning or high temperature treatment.

Refrigerated Baffle     See DPS.

REG     Research Electronics Group.

REG     Research Engineering Group.

Regional Response Team     See RRT.

REL     Recommended Exposure Level. (from NIOSH)

Relativistic     A mechanical or electrical system that involves velocities close enough to the speed of light to require the formulas of relativistic mechanics is said to be `relativistic.' If the velocities involved in the system are far enough sub-light to be approximated by Newtonian mechanics, then the system is said to be `non-relativistic.'

REM     Readiness and Emergency Management Team (ES&H).

REM     Roentgen Equivalent Man. A unit of radiation absorbed by a person. A 'q' multiplication factor is used to adjust for different type of radiation (having differing effects on the human body).

REML     Radiological Environmental Monitoring Laboratory.

Remote Amplifier Monitor     See RAMM.

Remote Procedure Call     See RPC.

Remote Procedure-Co-System     A subset of a distributed computing environment that includes a programming library, network-resource mapping, and binding services. These tools provide the means for client processes to execute procedures on a remote server.

REMP     Radiological Environmental Monitoring Plan.

RENO     Reactor Experiment for Neutrino Oscillations. (Korea)

REPMM     Rare Earth Permanent Magnet Multipoles.

REPMM     Rare Earth Permanent Magnet Material.

Reportable Occurrence     A DOE administrative definition. Reportable occurrences are defined by DOE order 5000.3A. and include all emergencies and unusual occurrences. These events are reported by the EOIC in a Notification note book (a binder on the MCC Console desk).

Reportable Quantity     See RQ.

RES     RESonant.

Research Yard     The area east of the BSY and including End Stations A, B, and C. This term is not generally used for the SLC collider hall or any facilities east of Beam Dump East.

Restricted Access     A PPS beam housing access status designed to allow the safe operation of electrical hazards in the beam housing without having to prepare for beam operations that require the extra discipline of radiation safety. This allows the safe testing of magnets and power supplies without meeting all of the requirements of the BAS that would be required to get to the `no access' state.(Does not exist in CID and LINAC.)

Reverse Bend     See RB.

Rexx     REstructured eXtended eXecutor (programming language).

RF     The microwave radio frequency power used to accelerate particles in the LINAC (2856 MHz) and in the ring cavities (714 MHz). Generally, any oscillation frequency above 30 KHz (above audio).

RF     RadioFrequency.

RFAR     Radio Frequency Accelerator Research.

RFARD     Radio Frequency Accelerator Research Division. (SLAC)

RFARE     RF Accelerator Research and Engineering Division. (SLAC)

RFARED     RF Accelerator Research and Engineering Division.

RFC     Request for Comments. The document series, begun in 1969, which describes the Internet suite of protocols and related experiments. Not all RFCs describe Internet standards, but all Internet standards are written as RFCs.

RFI     Request For Information.

RFP     Request For Proposal

RFQ     Request For Quotation

RFQ     Radio-Frequency Quadrupole

RFQD     Radio-Frequency Quadrupole Decelerator.

RG     Renormalization Group

RGA     Residual Gas Analyzer

RGB     Red, Green, and Blue.

RGD     Radiation Generating Devices.

RGE     Renormalization Group Equation

RGT     Renormalization Group Transformation

RHEED     Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction.

RHEL4     Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.

RHIC     Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. A Brookhaven National Lab collider that generates 100 Gev/n per beam.

RHM     Running Hour Meter.

RHMC     Rational Hybrid Monte Carlo.

RHW     Restricted Hazardous Wastes.

RI/FS     Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study.

RIA     Rare Isotope Accelerator.

RIA     Relativistic Impulse Approximation

RICH     Ring-Imaging CHerenkov detector.

RID     Review Item Discrepancy.

RID     Ratio of Intensity Driver.


Rigidity Factor     A database constant used in the calculation of KMOD and equal to 33.356. BDES = KMOD X Rigidity X Length.

RIKEN     Institute of Physical and Chemical Research in Saitama, Japan. Active in many areas of physics, especially nuclear physics.

Ring Network     LAN in which multiple stations are each connected to an adjacent workstation. Communications must be relayed through the adjacent stations to reach the desired station.

Ring To LINAC     See RTL.

RISC     Reduced Instruction Set Computer. See also RISC Architecture.

RISC Architecture     The objective of this computer technology is to reduce the complexity of instructions so each can be completed in a CPU clock cycle, producing faster results.

RISE     Raising Interest in Science and Engineering. (Stanford-DOE program )

Risk     The probability of an adverse health effect as a result of exposure to a hazardous substance or substances.

Risk Assessment     The use of available information to evaluate and estimate exposure to a substance(s) and its consequent adverse health effects.

Risk Management     The process of integrating risk-assessment results with engineering data and social, economic, and political concerns, then weighing alternatives to select the most appropriate public health action (ranging from public education to interdiction) that will lead to reduction or elimination of the identified risk.

RIST     Radioactive Ion Source Test

RIXS     Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering.

RJ-45 connector     Small plastic phone-jack style (but different size) connecter used (at SLAC) on 10base-T Ethernet connections.

RLA     Recirculating Linear Accelerator.

RLIM     Rate LIMit. A common effect of the MPS is to rate limit the beam.

R-Matrix     A transport matrix which describes the path of a charged particle through a magnet lattice. It may be used to calculate the position and angle of a particle at point B from a known position and angle at point A.

RM     Records Management.

RM     Requirements Management.

RMA     Return Merchandise Authorization.

RMA     Radiological Materials Area.

RMCL     Recommended Maximum Contaminant Level.

RMDF     Radiation Materials Declaration Form

RMF     Response Matrix File.

RMF     Risk Management Framework.

RMMA     Radioactive Materials Management Area.

RMPP     Risk Management and Prevention Program. (CH&SC Sec. 25531 et seq)

RMS     Root Mean Square. The RMS value of the calculated-by-history buffer.

RNA     RiboNucleic Acid

RNB     Radioactive Nuclear Beam

RNL     Relativistic Nonlocality

RNO     Reduced normal-ordering

RO     Reverse Osmosis.

ROB     Research Office Building

ROC     Read-Out Chip.

ROCKSTAR     Robust Overdensity Calculation using K-Space Topologically Adaptive Refinement.

ROD     Record Of Decision.

ROD     Repair Opportunity Day.

ROD     The SSRL Research and Operations Division.

ROG     Reactive Organic Gases.

ROI     Regions Of Interest.

ROI     Return On Investment.

Roller Screen     A type of beam monitoring screen that `rolls' in and out of the beam path.

ROM     Read Only Memory.

ROMEOs     Retired Old Men Eating Out. (Informal SLAC social club).

ROOT     An object-oriented data-analysis framework developed at CERN.

ROR     Receiver Over Run.

Ross Diagram     A timing diagram showing the beam codes and their firing order for a specified machine rate. Named for Marc Ross, its originator.

Route     The path that network traffic takes from its source to its destination.

Router     A dedicated computer (or other device) that sends packets from one place to another, paying attention to the current state of the network.

RP     Responsible Party.

RP     Radiation Physics. The SLAC organization group responsible for Radiation shielding design, Beam Line containment and BAS definitions. Also called Radiation Protection.

RP&TC     Research Partnerships & Technology Commercialization. (SLAC)

RPA     Rapid Prototype Array.

RPA     Random Phase Approximation

RPAR     See Special Review.

RPC     Remote Procedure Call. A type of interprocess communication that allows a process on one computer to call a process located in another computer.

RPD     Radiation Protection Department. (SLAC)

RPFO     Radiation Protection Field Operations group. (SLAC)

RPG     Radiation Physics Group.

RPM     Risk Prioritization Model.

RPO     Recovery Point Objective (Business Continuity Plan).

RPP     Respiratory Protection Program.

RPP     Radiation Protection Program

RPP     Review of Particle Physics. A biennial review published by The Particle Data Group which summarizes much of particle physics. Formerly titled Review of Particle Properties, RPP is available on the web at

RPTC     Rinecker Proton Therapy Center, located in Munich, Germany. Contains Europe's first clinical proton-therapy system.

RPTC     Research Partnerships and Technology Commercialization. (SLAC)

RPWIA     Relativistic Plane Wave Impulse Approximation.

RQ     Reportable Quantity. (from 49 CFR) The quantity of a hazardous substance that triggers reports under CERCLA. If a substance is released in amounts exceeding its RQ, the release must be reported to the National Response Center, the State Emergency Response Commission, and community emergency coordinators for areas likely to be affected.

RQRPA     Renormalized Quasiparticle Random Phase Approximation

RR     Ramond-Ramond

RRA     Roles, Responsibilities, and Authorities (ES&H).

RRAT     Rotating RAdio Transients.

RRCAT     Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology. (India)

RRD     Round Robin Database tool.

RRQM     Reconstruction of Relativistic Quantum Mechanics

RRR     Residual Resistance Ratio

RRT     Regional Response Team. Representatives of federal, local, and state agencies who may assist in coordination of activities at the request of the On-Scene Coordinator before and during a Superfund response action.

RS-232     The Electronics Industry Association standard defining interface voltage and current levels and other signal characteristics for connecting digital equipment to a transmission line.

RSB     Research Services/Support Building (Bld. 052).

RSC     Radiation Safety Committee.

RSC     Rigid Steel Conduit.

RSFP    Resonant Spin Flavor Precession

RSO     Radiation Safety Officer.

RSOS     Restricted Solid On Solid

RSOXS     Resonant Soft X-ray Scattering.

RST     Russo-Susskind-Thorlacius

RSVP     Rare Symmetry Violating Processes. (Brookhaven)

RSWCF     Radiation Safety Work Control Form.

RSXS     Resonant Soft X-ray Scattering (a type of chamber / end station in LCLS and a type of science done at LCLS)

RTECS     Registry of the Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances. It is published by NIOSH.

RTEMS     Real-Time Executive for Multiprocessor Systems.

RTM     Rear Transition Modules.

RTML     Ring To Main Linac. (ILC)

RTO     Recovery Time Objective (Business Continuity Plan).

RTOS     Real-Time Operating System.

RTP     Rapid-Thermal-Processing.

Rubin     Vera C. Rubin Observatory, in Chile, location of LSST experiment

RUF     Respirator User's Form

Running Schedule     See Operations Schedule.

RVT     Restart Validation Team.(SLAC)

RVUE     Review of previous data.

RWG     Revolutionary Working Group. (SLAC Contract Project)

RWK     ReWorK.

RWM     Radiation Waste Management group (SLAC)

RWP     Radiological Work Permit.

RWQCB     Regional Water Quality Control Board.

RWT     Radiation Worker Training.

RWTP     Rinse Water Treatment Plant.

RXTE     Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer satellite