Aerial of SLAC, 2021

SLACspeak K

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K     Kicker magnet.

K Wastes     A federal waste category comprised of wastes from specific sources.

K3T     K3 - Thurston

KAERI     Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute.

KAM     Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser. A theorem stating that oscillatory motions in conservative dynamical systems persist through the addition of small perturbations to the system.

KAM2     KAMIOKANDE-II underground Cherenkov detector (Tokyo, Japan)

KAMI     KAMIOKANDE underground Cherenkov detector (Tokyo, Japan)

KamiokaNDE     Kamioka Nucleon Decay Experiment

KamLAND     Kamioka Liquid-scintillator AntiNeutrino Detector, located in the Kamioka mine in Japan.

KARMEN     Karsruch-Rutherford Medium Energy Neutrino Experiment

KASCADE     KArlsruhe Shower Core and Array DEtector.

KAT     Komitee für AstroTeilchenphysik. (Committee for Astroparticle Physics, in Germany)

KB     Kirkpatrick Baez (mirror system).

k-Band     Microwave frequency band extending from 11 GHz to 36 GHz.

Kbps     Kilobits per second.

KDD     Knowledge Discovery in Databases. (Data mining)

KDP     Kemmer-Duffin-Petiau

KDPS     Key Decision PointS

KdV     Korteweg-de Vries

KEDR     The Magnetic Spectrometer Experiment at VEPP-4M (Novosibirsk).

KEK     Koo Energy Ken. The High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, Japan. KEK consists of the Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies and the Institute of Materials StructureScience.

KEK PF LINAC     KEK electron linac (2.5 GeV) for Photon Factory and TRISTAN.

KEK PS     KEK Proton Synchrotron (12 GeV/c Plab).

KEK TRISTAN    KEK Tri Ring Intersecting STorage Accelerators at Nippon, an electron-positron storage ring (60 GeV Ecm).

KEKB     KEK B-factory. See also B Factory.

Kerberos     A network authentication system for use on physically insecure networks, based on the key distribution model presented by Needham and Schroeder. It allows entities communicating over networks to prove their identity to each other while preventing eavesdropping or replay attacks.

Kermit     A communications protocol that can be used to transfer files or for terminal emulation.

KERN ECDS     Surveying and alignment software.

Kernel     The level of an operating system or networking system that contains the system-level commands or all of the functions hidden from the user. In a Unix system, the kernel is a program that contains the device drivers, the memory management routines, the scheduler, and system calls. This program is always running while the system is operating.

Keybank     A chassis that holds eight PPS keys. Keybanks are located outside PPS gates and are used by operators to: A) monitor and control traffic at the gate, and B) preserve the area PPS status(status cannot be changed if the keybank is not complete).

KFTC     Klystron Fast Time plot Condition.

KG     KiloGram.

Kick     Kicker magnet.

Kicker     A pulsed bend magnet used to kick a beam from its normal path at a precisely predetermined time.

KICP     Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics. (U of Chicago)

KIMS     Korea Invisible Mass Search.

KIPAC     Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology. (SLAC)

Kirk key     A special type of key made by Brown Bavarian Kirk. Keys are used with keybanks for Personnel Protection System (PPS) purposes, or for Power Supply (PS) interlock.

KIT     Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.


KK     Kaluza-Klein Theory

KKW     Keski-vakuri-Kraus-Wilczek.

Klixon     A temperature sensor placed on a magnet to shut down the magnet's power supply when the temperature exceeds a given level. (Klixon is a brand name.)

KLN     Kinoshita-Lee-Nauenberg

KLOE     Experiment conducted at the Frascati National Laboratories (Italy) phi-meson factory DAFNE

KLT     KLystron Temperature. A klystron summary display message indicating that the klystron temperature is out of tolerance.

KLV     KLystron Vacuum. A klystron summary message indicating a fault with the internal klystron vacuum.

KLY     See KMD.

KLY     KLYstron.

Klystron     An electron tube that amplifies microwaves by velocity modulation. A beam of electrons from a hot cathode is passed through a resonant cavity where it is modulated by high frequency radio waves. The electrons are bunched as they pass through a final cavity, where they induce RF with a higher gain. The RF from the klystrons is transmitted by rectangular waveguide to the DLWG of the LINAC.

klystron gallery     The narrow building directly above SLAC's two mile linac. It houses the klystrons which power the linac.

Klystron Phase Requested     See KPHR.

Klystron Reflected Energy     See RE.

KM     Kobayashi-Masakawa.

KM     Knowledge Management.

KMB     Klystron Magnetic Breaker. A klystron Summary Display message indicating a fault with the electromagnet circuit breaker that feeds power to the klystron focusing magnet power supply.

KMC     Klystron Magnet Current.

KMC     A klystron Summary Display indicating a fault with the klystron focusing magnet.

KMD     Klystron and Microwave Department.

KMOD     The normalized (to energy) field strength of a quadrupole. K stands for curvature and MOD for model. The KMOD is loaded from a model configuration or is calculated from BDES and the beam energy.

KMS     Kubo-Martin-Schwinger

KMST     K Minimum Spanning Tree.

KNN     K Nearest Neighbor.

KNO     Koba-Nielsen-Olesen

KOLR     Kolar Gold Field underground detector (India)

Koo Energy Ken     See KEK.

KOSEF     Korean Science and Engineering Foundation.

KP     Kadomtsev-Petviashvili

kPa     kiloPascal. 1,000 Pascals.

KPHR     Klystron PHase Requested. This is the value sent to the Fox Phase Shifter.

KPI     Key Performance Indicator.

KPP     Key Performance Parameters.

KPZ     Knizhnik-Polyakov-Zamolodchikov

KRF     Korean Research Fund.

KSC     Kennedy Space Center.

KTIM     A magnet parameter and database secondary indicating the last time a magnet was successfully standardized. See also Standardization.

KTL     Klystron Test Lab. (SLAC)

KTLO     Keep The Lights On.

kV     kiloVolt.

KVI     Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut, located in the Netherlands.

KZ     Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov

KZB     Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov-Bernard