B The magnetic field of a Magnet. The physical symbol for magnetic field. The field in a magnet is sometimes referred to as the 'B-Field.'
B Bend magnet.
B Configuration See BCON.
B Requested See BREQ.
B&R Budget and Reporting. (sometimes listed as BNR)
B3 A bend magnet.
BA Breathing Apparatus.
BA Budget Authority.
BAAQMD Bay Area Air Quality Management District.
BAC Budget At Completion.
Back Phasing To change the position of a bunch with respect to the RF. This fixes wakefield effects where the energy of the leading edge of the bunch is greater than that of the trailing edge.
Backbone The primary connectivity mechanism of a hierarchical distributed system. All systems which have connectivity to an intermediate system on the backbone are assured of connectivity teach other. This does not prevent systems from setting up private arrangements with each other to bypass the backbone for reasons of cost, performance, or security.
Background Refers to background noise, or to the spurious radiation in a detector that tends to obscure the data.
Backleg An extra winding on a magnet to add to, subtract from, or cancel a magnetic field. Sometimes called trim windings, backleg windings `fine tune' adjustments to the field.
BACT Best Available Control Technology. (from CAA)
The actual field of a magnet at the last computer check in kilogauss/meter for a quadrupole, in kilogauss for a bend.
BADC Brilliant ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter)
Baikal an experiment in neutrino astronomy.
Bakeout The process of heating a vacuum pipe or chamber in order to drive out residual gas molecules which may have been trapped in or on the cavity walls.
Bandwidth The capacity of the transmission medium stated in bits per second or as a frequency. The bandwidth of the optical fiber is in the gigabit or billion bits per second range. Ethernet coaxial cable is in the megabit or million bits per second range.
Banking A system for recording qualified air emission reductions for later use in bubble, offset, or netting transactions. See also Emissions Trading.
BAO Baryon Acoustic Oscillations.
BAPVC Bay Area PhotoVoltaics Consortium.
Bar Screen In wastewater treatment, a device used to remove large solids.
Barn A unit of area equal to 10 to the minus 24 square centimeters, used to measure cross-sections in nuclear and particle physics. The cross-section of a uranium nucleus is approximately one barn.
BARRnet Bay Area Regional Research Network. BARRnet was established in mid-1986 to serve the regional needs of Northern California and surroundings as a mid-level component of the NSFnet and has been operational since May 1987. The upper layer protocols in use are based on TCP/IP. SLAC connected to BARRnet through SUnet in the spring of 1988. See also NSFnet and SUnet.
BART Best Available Retrofit Technology. (from CAA)
BAS Beam Analyzing Station. BAS-1 AND BAS-10 are magnetic spectrometers used to check beam energy and spectrum (note that BAS-2 is no longer a spectrometer).
BAS Beam Authorization Sheet. An official document kept in the control room which lists all of the radiation protection devices that must be locked in place to safely operate each beamline. Any changes to the BAS must be noted and signed for by the Operator in charge. Signing the BAS document certifies that the EOIC has read and understood all changes made to the current running conditions. Beams for each individual experiment are certified by radiation physics and ADSO, and for each beam the BAS lists those devices of the BCS that must be checked by the operator in charge before running that beam.
BAS Business Application Services. (SLAC)
BAS-1 Beam Analyzing Station-1. Located immediately following the chicane in sector 1.
BAS-10 Beam Analyzing Station-10. BAS-10 is located at the beginning of sector 10 in the LINAC. BAS-10 is used for bunch length measurements: A dipole bends the beam to a screen and introduces dispersion. Bunch length is transformed to an energy spread, which can then be measured accurately.
BAS-2 Beam Analyzing Station-2. The sector 20 dump is used to run the beam in a `LINAC only mode,' also called BAS-2 MODE. Note that BAS-2 is no longer a Beam Analyzing Station. It is now a mode of operation that allows BSY entry while the front two-thirds of the LINAC is on.
BAS-2 Mode BAS-2 was a beam analyzing station in sector 20 of the LINAC. BAS-2 mode is a LINAC mode of operation, in which the beam is dumped in sector 20 dump. Because BAS-2 mode is not interlocked with the FF or the arc MPS, operation may continue in BAS-2 mode whenever problems occur downstream of the BSY. The last two klystron sectors of the LINAC, sector 29 and sector 30, are then routinely shut down as a PPS protection for entry into the BSY if necessary.
base A substance which forms a salt when reacted with an acid. Bases have a pH greater than 7.
Baseband Characteristic of any network technology that uses a single carrier frequency and requires all stations attached to the network to participate in every transmission.
Basic User's Guide See BUG.
BASO Bay Area Site Office (DOE)
BASS Broadband Array Spectrograph System.
BAT Best Available Technology. (from CWA)
Batch Job A type of computer processing in which a batch of requests is stored and then executed all at one time. Batch job processing can take place without the user being present or online.
Batch Queue A sequence of stored batch job requests that are awaiting execution.
Baud (rate) A unit of computer data transmission speed named after Emile Jean Baudot who developed a transmission system in 1874. One Baud is equivalent to one BTS (BiT per Second).
Bay Area Regional Research Network See BARRnet.
BBA Beam-Based Alignment
BBN Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
BBR Black Body Radiation
BBS Behavior Based Safety.
BBU Beam BreakUp.
BC Bunch Compressor. (LCLS)
BC Bare Copper.
BCCB Baseline Change Control Board.
BCCP Berkeley Center for Cosmological Physics.
BCDR Business Continuity Disaster Recovery
BCIM Beam Current Intensity Monitor.
BCM Beam Containment Module.
BCON B CONfiguration. The B Field of a magnet as specified in a saved configuration. BCON can only be changed by loading another configuration. Note that BDES changes to match BCON when a loaded configuration is activated.
BCP Business Continuity Plan.
BCP B physics and CP.
BCP Building Contact Person.
BCR Baseline Change Request.
BCS Beam Containment System. The beam containment system incorporates a variety of devices designed to prevent the beam from damaging the machine or escaping into areas where it would represent a hazard to machinery and/or personnel. The system uses comparators, average current monitors, SEM integrators, micro switches, flow switches, burn through monitors and ionization chambers to detect excessive power being applied to the various machine parts that are in need of protection, and to suppress the beam at its source (the injector) should this be necessary. Redundancy is liberally incorporated into the beam containment system.
BCSOS Body Centered Solid-On-Solid
BCT Best Control Technology for conventional pollutants. (from CWA)
BCT Brady-Cerighton-Thorne
BCW Bare Copper Wire.
BCWP Budgeted Cost for Work Performed.
BCWS Budgeted Cost for Work Scheduled.
BD Beam Driven.
BDAT Best Demonstrated Available Technology. (from RCRA)
BDE Beam Dump East. The dump or area at the end of the A Line.
BDES B-DESired. The B field value of a magnet calculated from the model by the computer and saved into a configuration by the operator. It is retrieved whenever the saved configuration is recalled. A magnet will be set to BDES value only after the operator requests a trim action from the control system. BDES is usually calculated from the MODEL. BDES = Rigidity factor X KMOD.
B-Desired See BDES.
BDL Beam Design Language. A stand-alone (non-SCP) program for setting TNOM for a given beam code.
BDMP Beam dump.
BDMPSZ Baier-Dokshitzer-Mueller-Peigne-Schiff-Zakharov
BDO Beamline Duty Operator for SSRL.
B-DOT The rate of change of a B field over time ( dB / dt ).
BDS Beam Delivery System.
BE Bose-Einstein
Beam Analyzing Station See BAS.
Beam Analyzing Station-1 See BAS-1.
Beam Analyzing Station-10 See BAS-10.
Beam Analyzing Station-2 See BAS-2.
Beam Authorization Sheet See BAS.
Beam Containment System see BCS.
Beam Design Language See BDL.
Beam Intensity Display See BIDB.
Beam Intensity Display Unit See BIDU.
Beam Position Monitor see BPM.
Beam Position Monitor Processor See BPMP.
Beam Position Monitor Stripline See BPMS.
Beam Shut Off Ion Chamber See BSOIC.
Beam Stay Clear See BSC.
Beam Switchyard See BSY.
Beam Tree Also sometimes called "current tree." A block of acrylic in which a defocussed low-energy beam has been stopped. The block is then struck with a sharp metal object, and the layer of additional charges is released as a cascade of current towards the point of impact. Permanent damage to the acrylic caused by the current flow appears as a tree-like structure. Also called a Lichtenberg tree. (For further information, see https://www.slac.stanford.edu/history/beamtree.shtml.)
Beamstrahlung The synchrotron radiation emitted by each bunch of particles as it passes through the electromagnetic field of the opposing, or colliding bunch. Beamstrahlung signal is a function of the luminosity at the interaction point.
Beamstrahlung Monitor See BSM.
Beamstrahlung Monitor Data See BSMD.
Beamtree See Beam Tree.
BEAP Building Emergency Action Plan.
BEARS Budget Execution And Reporting System (DOE)
BEAST Background Emission Anisotropy Scanning Telescope.
BEC Bose-Einstein Condensate. A unique state of matter in which gas atoms, cooled to near-absolute-zero temperatures, overlap with each other and collapse into a common quantum state, where they behave essentially as a single "superparticle."
Becquerel The International System (SI) unit for activity of radioactive material. One becquerel is that quantity of radioactive material in which one atom is transformed per second.
BELLA Berkeley Lab Laser Accelerator center.
Bend A dipole magnet.
Bend String Two or more bend magnets connected in series.
Bend Trim See BTRM.
BENE Beams for European Neutrino Experiments.
BENKEI KEK - PS detector
BEPC Beijing Electron Positron Collider
BEPC-II Beijing Electron Positron Collider upgrade (2006).
BER Biological and Environmental Research.
BES BEijing Spectrometer.
BES Basic Energy Sciences
BESAC Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee (DOE)
BESI Beam Energy Spectrum Indicator.
BES-III BEijing Spectrometer upgrade.
BESM Beam Energy Spread Monitor
BESS Breaking Electroweak Symmetry Strongly
BESSY Berliner Elektronenspeicherring-gesellschaft für Synchrotron Strahlung.
Beta See Betatron Oscillation.
Beta Function See Betatron Oscillation. There is both a horizontal and a vertical beta function.
Beta Star The value of the beta function at the IP. There is a horizontal and a vertical beta star.
Betatron Oscillation The wavelength of the transverse oscillation of a beam, measured in meters. The restoring force for the Betatron oscillations is provided by the quadrupole magnets which focus separately, in the vertical and horizontal planes. Therefore, there are both horizontal and vertical betatron oscillations. Beta is a Twiss parameter.
BeV Billion (Giga) electron Volt. This term was used in early writing about linear accelerators, but GeV is now preferred. (See GeV)
Bezoic see BSOIC.
BF Batalin-Fradkin
BFACF Berg-Foerster-Aragao de Carvalho-Caracciolo-Frohlich
BFEM Balloon Flight Engineering Model.
BFFT Batalin-Fradkin-Fradkina-Tyutin
BFKL Balitskii-Fadin-Kuraev-Lipatov
BFL Beryllium Focusing Lens.
BFT Batalin-Fradkin-Tyutin
BFV Batalin-Fradkin-Vilkovisky
BFW Beam Finder Wire.
BFYM Balatin-Fradkin-Yang-Mills
BH Beam Hardener.
BH Black Hole
Bhabha An elastic electron-positron collision.
BHF Brueckner-Hartree-Fock
BHFP Black Hole Finder Probe.
BIA Business Impact Assessment.
BIC Bunch Intensity Control.
Bicep, Bicep2 Background Imaging of Cosmic Extragalactic Polarisation.
BICSI Building Industry Consulting Service International.
Big Science Science projects which have large budgets, many collaborators, and, more recently, are multinational.
BigBOSS Big Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey instrument.
Big-endian A format for storage or transmission of binary data in which the most significant bit or byte comes first. The reverse convention is called little-endian.
Bill Of Lading A receipt listing goods shipped, issued by a common carrier.
Binder Service See Broker Service.
Binding Logically associating a name with a socket. When a handle for an ONC RPC is created, it is bound to a network socket address.
Bino In models of supersymmetry, the lightest new particle and partner of the photon.
BINP Budker Institute for Nuclear Physics (Novosibirsk).
BIO Building Inspection Office (ES&H).
Bioaccumulation See Bioconcentration.
Bioconcentration A biological process whereby chemicals are accumulated in tissues at concentrations above those in the immediate environment. This process is also knows as bioaccumulation.
Biodegradation The process of breaking down a chemical substance or mixture through biological mechanisms.
Biological Monitoring Use of biological organisms and their products to monitor toxicity levels.
Biological Treatment Treatment process utilizing living microorganisms to decompose organic wastes into less complex organic or inorganic substances. Techniques include activated sludge, aerated lagoons, trickling filters, waste stabilization ponds, and anaerobic digestion.
Biosecurity protocols and procedures to ensure infectious disease research is securely conducted, e.g. pathogen control measures and monitoring to reduce biological risks
BIR Beam Interrupt Relay.
Bits per Second See BTS.
Bjorken scaling A method of predicting the behavior of inelastic electron scattering cross sections developed by James D. Bjorken.
BKT Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless
BL Beam Line.
BL LACs BL LACertaes. A type of active galactic nuclei.
BLA Beam Line Authorization.
BlackHat Computer program that automates computation of QCD amplitudes.
BLD Beam Line Division
BLDG Building.
BLE Beam Line Electronics. (SSRL)
BLEV E Boiling-Liquid-Expanding-Vapor Explosion. The possible result of a complex sequence of events involving the impingement of flame on the exterior of a container of liquefied gas.
BLH Beam Line, Hard. LCLS Hard X-Ray beamline.
BLI Brightest Light Initiative
BLM Bureau of Land Management.
BLM Brodsky-Lepage-MacKenzie
BLR B-Layer Replacement. (ATLAS)
BLS Beam Line Systems. (SSRL)
BLT Batalin-Lavrov-Tyutin
BLT Back-Lit Thyratron.
Blue Book The popular name for the `The Stanford Two Mile Accelerator' by Richard B. Neal (N.Y., Benjamin, 1968), SLAC Library call number QCD191.N41. Refers, too, to the 'SLC Design Handbook,' which also has a blue cover. (Note that the paperback edition of 'The Stanford Two Mile Accelerator' is not blue.)
BM Building Manager. (SLAC)
BMAX The maximum allowable magnetic strength in kilogauss.
BMBF "BundesMinisterium für Bildung und Forschung. (The Federal Ministry of Education and Research)"
BMF Business Managers' Forum.(SLAC)
BMN Berenstein-Maldacena-Nastase
BMP Best Management Practices. (from CWA)
BMP Building Manager Program.
BMPF Best Management Practice Finding.
BMS Bondi-Metzner-Sachs.
BMSC Building Managers Steering Committee.
BMT Bargmann-Michel-Telegdi
BNCT Boron Neutron Capture Therapy
BNDS BeND String.
BNL Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY.
BNS Damping Balakin, Novakhatsky, and Smirnov are the names of the three Russian physicists who developed the technique called BNS Damping. It is a technique which spreads the oscillation frequencies of the particles in a beam (in order to avoid resonance) by introducing a longitudinal energy spread along the bunch. This is done by backphasing early klystrons (creating an energy spread) and forward phasing later klystrons. Sometimes inaccurately referred to as Landau Damping. See SLAC-PUB-3944.
BOC Business Offices Coordination meeting within the BTS organization for the Business and Finance managers throughout the Lab (SLAC).
BOD Basis of Design
BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand.
BOD Beam Overlap Diagnostic. A device used to locate the positions and orientation of the electron and x-ray beams after they exit the magnetic chicane and grating monochromator. A subsystem of the Soft X-ray Self Seeding (SXRSS) project.
BOD Bottom Of Duct.
Boiling Point See BP.
Boiling-Liquid-Expanding-Vapor Explosion See BLEVE.
Bone Yard A storage area north of Sectors 12 and 13 of the linac, where concrete blocks and metal scrap used in radiation shielding applications are stored.
BOO Board Of Overseers. (Stanford)
bookmark (verb) To mark an electronic document or a specific place in an electronic document for later retrieval. (noun) The hard-drive file that contains a URL and the text identifying the URL. Nearly all Web browsers support a bookmarking feature that lets you save the address (URL) of a Web page so that you can easily revisit the page at a later time.
BOOMERanG Balloon Observations Of Millimetric Extragalactic Radiation ANd Geophysics.
Booster to SPEAR See BTS.
BOOTP Bootstrap Protocol. An Internet protocol that enables a diskless workstation to discover its own IP address, the IP address of a BOOTP server on the network, and a file to be loaded into memory to boot the machine. This enables the workstation to boot without requiring a hard or floppy disk drive.
BOREXINO a solar neutrino experiment at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy.
BOSS Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey. (Third Sloan Digital Sky Survey)
Bottomonium General name for the set of particles that contain both a bottom quark and an anti-bottom quark, but are bound together with different energies.
Bounce The return of a piece of electronic mail because of an error in its delivery.
BP Boiling Point. The temperature at which a continuous flow of vapor bubbles occurs in a liquid being heated in an open container.
BP Beam Physics.
BPE Borated PolyEster. Common term for specifically formulated polyester material used to shield gamma and fast neutron radiation. Available in sheets, bricks, cylinders, blocks and in certain formulations, pellets.
BPFTW Braaten-Pisarski-Frenkel-Taylor-Wong
BPHZ Bogolyubov-Parasiuk-Hepp-Zimmerman
BPM Beam Position Monitor. A device including four electrodes located inside the beam pipe, and the associated electronics necessary to locate the position of the centroid of the beam. The electrodes are usually located about 90 degrees apart inside the vacuum chamber, far enough away from the beam's path not to interfere with it, but close enough to feel the electric charge of the beam's passing.
BPM Strip One of four electrodes inserted in the beam line to measure the position of a beam. Also known as a Button.
BPMO See Beam Position Monitor.
BPMS Beam Position Monitor Stripline. Also used for BPM reading.
BPP Bose-Parker-Peleg
BPS Bits Per Second. The number of bits of data transferred by a terminal, modem, or computer in one second. See also Baud.
BPS Bogomolny-Prasad-Sommerfield
BPS Beijing Proton-Synchrotron.
BPT Best Practicable Technology. (from CWA)
BPWA Barrelet-zero Partial-Wave Analysis.
BPX Burning Plasma eXperiment.
BRAHMS Broad Range Hadron Magnetic Spectrometer, one of RHIC's detectors.
BRC Below Regulatory Concern.
Breakthrough Time See BTT.
BREMSS BREMSStrahlung. (German: braking radiation)
Bremsstrahlung (German: braking radiation) The X rays emitted when a charged particle is decelerated by passing through matter.
BREQ B REQuested. The B field of a magnet asked for by a feedback process. BREQ is a magnet database secondary.
BRIDGE Bridging Research Interactions through collaborative Development Grants in Energy. (DOE)
BRM Business Relations Management.
Broadband Characteristic of any network that multiplexes multiple, independent network carriers onto a single cable. This is usually done using frequency division multiplexing. Broadband technology allows several networks to coexist on one single cable traffic from one network does not interfere with traffic from another since the "conversations" happen on different frequencies in the ether, rather like the commercial radio system.
Broker Service Synonymous with a binder service. It maintains binding information for network services.
Brown Out A reduced main line electric power condition caused by excessive draw on the power grid, usually due to a combination of factors. These factors include irrigation pumps running in the San Joaquin Valley, air conditioners, wind tunnel operation at NASA Ames Research Center, etc. When the brown out is imminent, SLAC usually gets enough notice to shut down its major power-consuming devices to avoid excessively loading down the grid. We frequently get several hours notice before a brown out, and can plan to run some of the lower power experiments on the site, depending on the maximum power we are allowed to consume.
BRS Becchi-Rouet-Stora
BRST Becchi-Rouet-Stora Transformation. A quantization method of gauge and string theories.
BS Bethe-Salpeter
BS Beam Stopper.
BSA Beam Synchronous Acquisition
BSC Beam Stay Clear. The maximum cross section a beam may have before particles get lost in the physical or dynamic aperture, whichever is smaller. HEP
BSC BioSafety Cabinet (ES&H)
BSD Berkeley Software Distribution. Term used when describing different versions of the Berkeley UNIX software, as in "4.3BSD UNIX."
BSE Bethe-Salpeter equations
BSFT Boundary String Field Theory.
BSI Broken Scale Invariant
BSL BioSafety Level
BSL-1 BioSafety Level 1, a basic level of containment that relies on standard microbiological practices (defined by the CDC).
BSM Business Service Management maps (ServiceNow).
BSOIC Beam Shut Off Ion Chamber. One of a number of PPS radiation-monitoring devices situated at strategic points throughout the machine, usually close to, but on the outside of, the beam housing shielding. Ionization of the gas-filled chamber by radiation will cause the BSOIC to trip off the beam if the level of radiation is above the trip point of the chamber. At SLAC the BSOIC trip points are set at 100 mr/hour. The BSOICs are monitored both by MCC and OHP. They are fail-safe devices, and will trip the beam off if unplugged. (Sometimes seen as BeSOIC or Bezoic).
BSRF Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility (China).
BSY Beam SwitchYard. The end of the LINAC where beams are switched to the SLC arcs, the PEP ring or end station areas.
BTCF Beijing Tau-Charm Factory (proposed)
BTEM Beam Test Engineering Model.
BTEM Beam TEst tracker Module (GLAST).
BTH Beam Transport Hall. (LCLS)
BTM Burn-Through Monitor.
BTP Biomedical Technology Program. (NIH)
BTP Batch Treatment Plant.
BTR Beam Target Room.
BTRM Bend TRiM. An extra winding of wire around the iron of a bend magnet designed for lower current, and with its own power supply for independent control, used to fine adjust the field strength of the magnet. See Backleg.
BTS Booster To SPEAR. The beam transport line between the SSRL booster ring and the SPEAR storage ring incorporating a section of the old 17 line.
BTS Base Transceiver Station (part of a cell phone tower).
BTT BreakThrough Time. The period of time that elapses between initial contact of one side of a protective barrier (e.g. gloves, suits, etc.) and the time that the material is able to be detected on the other side of the barrier.
BTU British Thermal Unit.
BTUH British Thermal Units-Hours.
BTX Benzene-Toluene-Xylene.
BTZ Banados-Teitelboim-Zanelli
BU Bargaining Unit.
BU BackUp.
BU Business Unit.
Bucket One of the possible positions to store a bunch in a storage ring. The number of buckets can be calculated by dividing the circulation frequency into the RF accelerating frequency. For example, if the RF oscillates 100 times every time the bunch circulates once around the ring, then there are 100 buckets, or possible places for the bunch to exist in that particular ring. In SPEAR, there are 280 possible buckets, and the users would like to be able to fill all of them in order to maximize the stored current and the resultant synchrotron light.
Buffer A temporary storage facility, used to accumulate data into blocks of sufficient size to be handled efficiently by a processor or terminal.
Buffer Zone An area of land which surrounds a hazardous waste facility and on which certain land uses and activities are restricted to protect the public health and safety and the environment from existing or potential hazards caused by the migration of hazardous waste. (CH&SE Sec. 251 10.3)
Bugger To jump or otherwise circumvent the interlocks in an operating system.
Bulk Supplies A power supply that feeds more than one magnet, usually by feeding unregulated DC power to more than one regulator. In this manner, one large transformer and rectifier-filter system can feed several regulators, which is usually cheaper than each magnet having its own complete power supply system.
Bunch A compressed packet of particles. A repeating train of such bunches is usually referred to as a beam.
Bunch Muncher A trigger driven device that momentarily shuts off the RF in the damping rings. In the past this has been used to compress the bunch or to dump unwanted beams.
Buncher An accelerator section used to compress a cloud of electrons into a bunch.
Burn Through Monitor A beam containment device used to detect the destruction of a primary beam stopping device. These units are usually canisters under pressure positioned near beam dumps or collimators. When the beam hits a burn through monitor, the can develops a leak and the pressure drops. This pressure drop triggers a switch which shuts off the accelerator. Formerly called Disaster Monitors or DM's.
Bus A collection of wires through which data is transmitted from one part of a computer to another.
Button See BPM Strip.
BUU Boltzmann-Uhling-Uhlenbeck
BV Balatin-Vilkovisky
BW Birman-Wenzl
BW BackWard.
BWM Birman-Wenzl-Murakami
BWR Boiling Water Reactor.