1/ab Inverse attobarns. An inverse attobarn corresponds to one billion pairs of particles (ex. one billion pairs of B and anti-B particles produced at SLAC by the PEP-II accelerator).
29 CFR The title within the Code of Federal Regulations which contains requirements pertaining to worker health and safety as promulgated by OSHA.
2DEG 2-Dimensional Electron Gas.
2DFGRS Two Degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey.
2HDM two Higgs-Doublet Model
2HSM Two-Higgs Standard Model
2PACL 2-Phase Accumulator Controlled Loop.
4f-HRM 4f-High Resolution Monochromator (LCLS-II-HE)
40 CFR The title within the Code of Federal Regulations which contains regulations pursuant to many environmental laws, most notably RCRA.
49 CFR The title within the Code of Federal Regulations which contains regulations pertaining to the transport of hazardous materials as promulgated by DOT.
A Angstrom.
A DC steering magnet.
A&E Administration and Engineering. (Building 042)
A/D Analog to Digital.
A/E Acquisition Executive.
AAA Advanced Accelerator Association for promoting science and technology.
AAA Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting
AAAS American Association for the Advancement of Science
AAM Annual Actual Maintenance
AANM Astronomy and Astrophysics in the New Millennium. (2001)
AAP Accelerator Advisory Panel. (ILC)
AARD Advanced Accelerator Research and Development
AARP Advanced Accelerator and Radiation Physics.
AAS American Astronomical Society.
AAS Advanced Accelerator Studies.
AB Assembly Bill.
ABA Aetron-Blume-Atkinson (Aetron Division of Aerojet-General Corporation; John A. Blume and Associates, Engineers; and the Guy F. Atkinson Construction Company), joint venture involved with the construction of SLAC
ABAG Association of Bay Area Governments.
ABC Abashian-Booth-Crowe
ABEL EPA's computer model for analyzing a violator's ability to pay a civil penalty.
ABF Andrews-Baxter-Forrester
ABJ Adler-Bell-Jackiw anomaly.
ABL Aharonov-Bergmann-Lebowitz
Absolute zero Zero on the Kelvin and Rankine scales. See WORD-OF-THE-WEEK at http://today.slac.stanford.edu/a/2008/04-11.htm http://today.slac.stanford.edu/a/2008/04-11.htm.
AC Air Conditioning or Air Conditioning unit.
ACC ACCounting Office.
Accelerator Device used to produce high-energy beams of charged particles such as electrons, protons, or heavy ions for research in high -energy and nuclear physics, synchrotron radiation research, medical therapies, and some industrial applications.
Accelerator A particle accelerator uses electric fields to propel subatomic particles to speeds rivaling that of light.
Accelerator Status See ACCS.
acceptance A measurement of the size of the beampipe aperture as applied to generalized parameters such as energy, angle, and transverse positions. The units of acceptance are the units of the particular parameter whose acceptance is being measured or defined. Geometric acceptance is the emittance at which 90% or some arbitrary fraction of the beam is transmitted through the available aperture. Energy acceptance is the energy range at which 90% or some arbitrary fraction of the beam energy is transmitted through the pipe. See also Emittance.
Accident Site The location of an unexpected occurrence, failure or loss, either at a plant or along a transportation route, resulting in a release of hazardous materials.
ACCMM Altarelli-Cabibbo-Corbo-Maiani-Martinelli
ACCMOR Amsterdam-CERN-Cracow-Munich-OxfoRd
ACD Advanced Conceptual Design.
ACD Analytic Continuation by Duality
ACD Anti-Coincidence Detector (GLAST).
ACDS Administrative Controlled Document System. (SLAC)
ACE Astrophysical Composition Explorer.
ACE3P Advanced Computational Electromagnetics 3-D Parallel. A software suite used to run accelerators.
ACFA Asian Committee for Future Accelerators.
ACGIH American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. This group is best known for developing TLVs for occupational chemical exposures.
ACH Air Changes per Hour. The movement of a volume of air in a given period of time. If a house has one air change per hour, it means that all of the air in the house will be replaced in a one-hour period.
acid A large class of substances having a pH less than 7. An acid waste is considered hazardous when its pH is 2.0 or less.
ACKS Astro/CSSA/KIPAC/SLAC (Seminar series).
ACL Alternate Concentration Limit or Administrative Control Level.
ACLs Access Controls Lists
AC-LEEM Aberration-Corrected Low-Energy Electron Microscope.
ACM Asbestos Containing Materials
ACP SSRL Accelerator Systems Department, Accelerator Development and Controls Group.
ACR Accelerator Control Room. (Building 052)
ACS Access Control System.
ACS Advanced Computing Services
ACSR Advanced Science Computing Research. (DOE)
ACSR Arillaga Center for Sports and Recreation
ACT Agreement for Commercializing Technology. DOE
Activated Carbon A highly adsorbent form of carbon used to remove odors and toxic substances from liquid or gaseous emissions. In waste treatment it is used to remove dissolved organic matter from wastewater. It is also used in motor vehicle evaporative control systems.
Activated Sludge Sludge that results when primary effluent is mixed with bacteria-laden sludge and then agitated and aerated to promote biological treatment. This speeds breakdown of organic matter in raw sewage undergoing secondary waste treatment.
Activated Sludge Treatment Exposing waters to microorganisms and air. A portion of the organic matter is oxidized to carbon dioxide and water and the other portion is synthesized into new microbial cells.
ActiveX A loosely defined set of technologies developed by Microsoft. ActiveX is an outgrowth of two other Microsoft technologies, called OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) and COM (ComponentObject Model).
Acute Effects Toxic effects which occur over a relatively short period of time (minutes, hours). See also Chronic Effects.
Acute Toxicity A quantitative measure of the effects of a toxic agent administered once or only a few times over a short period of time, e.g., 24 hours. See also Chronic Toxicity.
ACWP Actual Cost of Work Performed.
AD Associate Director.
AD Active Directory.
AD Accelerator Directorate
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act.
ADC Analog-to-Digital Converter.
ADC Tolerance See ATOL.
ADD Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos, and Dvali (1998)
Address Resolution Conversion of an Internet address to the corresponding physical address.
Address Resolution Protocol See ARP.
ADE ADE refers to the A_n, D_n and exceptional E_n Lie Groups. These are the Lie groups with only single lines in their Dynkin diagrams.
ADEPT Advanced Dark Energy Physics Telescope.
ADHM Atiyah-Drinfeld-Hitchin-Manin.
ADHMN Atiyah-Drinfeld-Hitchin-Manin-Nahm.
ADI Angular Differential Imaging.
ADM Arnowitt-Deser-Misner
Administrative Order On Consent A legal agreement signed by EPA and an individual, business, or other entity through which the violator agrees to pay for correction of violations, take the required corrective or cleanup actions, or refrain from an activity. It describes the actions to be taken, may be subject to a comment period, applies to civil actions, and can be enforced in court.
ADMO Accelerator Division Maintenance Office.
ADs Associate Directors.
ADS Activity Data Sheet.
ADS Astrophysics Data System. (SAO/NASA)
ADS Accelerator-Driven machine concept. (Europe)
ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line. A technology that allows more data to be sent over existing copper telephone lines. ADSL supports data rates from 1.5 to 9 Mbps when receiving data (downstream rate) and from 16 to 640 Kbps when sending data (upstream rate).
ADSO Accelerator Directorate Safety Office.
Adsorption Gathering a gas, liquid, or dissolved substance on a surface (e.g., charcoal adsorbs gases.) Can be used to remove low concentrations of organic materials from gaseous and watery waste streams.
ADST Asymptotic Disappearance of Space-Time.
ADTT Accelerator-Driven Transmutation Technology
Advanced Projects Research Agency See ARPA.
Advanced TCA Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture.
Advanced Wastewater Treatment Any treatment of sewage that goes beyond the secondary or biological water treatment stage and includes the removal of nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen and a high percentage of suspended solids. See Primary Waste Treatment and Secondary Treatment.
AdvLIGO Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory.
AED Automated External Defibrillator.
AED or AE Accelerator Engineering Division.(SLAC)
AEESP Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors.(Canada)
AEG Alignment Engineering Group
AEL Accessible Emission Limit.
Aerobic Occurring in the presence of free oxygen.
aerogel extremely light, diaphanous substance
AES Auger Electron Spectroscopy.
AFB Air Force Base
AFF Above Finished Floor.
AFFF Aqueous Film-Forming Foam. Contains fluorocarbon surfactants to change the surface tension of water such that it will float on hydrocarbon compounds in which it would normally sink, thereby enhancing firefighting.
AFM Atomic Force Microscopy.
AFP Approved Funding Plan.
AFS A widely used Unix network file facility allowing file sharing among machines many thousands of miles apart. AFS is descended from a distributed file system developed at CarnegieMellon University and was originally called the Andrew File System in honor of Andrew Carnegie.
AG Alternating Gradient.
AGASA Akeno Giant Air Shower Array.
AGC Automatic Gain Control.
AGK Abramovskii-Gribov-Kancheli
AGUT Anti-Grand Unification Theory.
AH Air Handler.
AHA Area Hazard Analysis.
AHERA Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1986. (Federal)
AHRO Archives, History and Records Office (SLAC)
AHJ Authority Having Jurisdiction.
AHM Acutely Hazardous Material. (CH&SC Sec. 25532 et seq)
AHU Air Handler Unit.
AI Artificial Intelligence. The branch of computer science that studies how smart a machine can be, which involves the capability of a device to perform functions normally associated with human intelligence, such as reasoning, learning, and self-improvement.
AI Accelerator Improvements. A class of DOE funding.
AIB Accident Investigation Board
AICHE American Institute of CHemical Engineers.
AIDA Accelerator Integrated Data Access. A software service in the accelerator complex, which allows scientific software applications to access the various kinds of data necessary for control and optimization of the beam. For instance, control data, mathematical models , archived data, static data in Oracle, etc. See http://www.slac.stanford.edu/grp/cd/soft/aida/.
AIDA Advanced european Infrastructures for Detectors and Accelerators.
AIHA American Industrial Hygiene Association.
AIL Agreement of Associated International Laboratory (France and Japan ).
AIP American Institute of Physics.
AIR Advanced Instrumentation for Research division. (SLAC)
Air Changes per Hour See ACH.
Air Pollutant Any substance in air which could, if in high enough concentration, harm humans, other animals, vegetation, or material. Pollutants may include almost any natural or artificial composition of matter capable of being airborne. They may be in the form of solid particles, liquid droplets, gases, or in combinations of these forms. Generally, they fall into two main groups: 1) those emitted directly from identifiable sources and 2) those produced in the air by interaction between two or more primary pollutants, or by reaction with normal atmospheric constituents, with or without photoactivation. Exclusive of pollen, fog, and dust, which are of natural origin, about 100 contaminants have been identified and fall into the following categories: solids, sulfur compounds, volatile organic chemicals, nitrogen compounds, oxygen compounds, halogen compounds, radioactive compounds, and odors.
Air Quality Control Region An area--designated by the federal government--in which communities share a common air pollution problem. Sometimes several states are involved.
AIS Advanced Instrumentation Seminars.
AJAX Asynchronous Javascript and XML.
AKHEP Association of Korean High Energy Physicists.
AKNS Ablowitz-Kaup-Newell-Segur
AL Ablowitz-Ladik
ALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable.
ALBA New third-generation synchrotron light source located near Barcelona, Spain.
Alcove A room located in each klystron gallery sector housing a micro and other controls and hardware for a LINAC sector. The areas housing electronics in the arcs are also called `alcoves.'
ALCPG American Linear Collider Physics Group.
ALCSC Asian Linear Collider Steering Committee.
ALCTS Association for Library Collections and Technical Services.
ALD Associate Laboratory Director (SLAC)
ALD Atomic Layer Deposition.
Alderson phantom A human skeleton enclosed in plastic tanks filled with tissue-equivalent liquids containing the 0 same trace elements as are found in human bodies. Used under controlled conditions to safely determine radiation exposure.
ALF Left-Right Asymmetry (measurement in Z interactions)
A-Line The transport line from the beam switchyard (BSY) to End Station A (ESA).
ALLM Abramowicz-Levin-Levy-Maor
ALMA Atacama Large Millimeter Array telescope. (Chile)
ALP Annual Laboratory Plan.
ALP Axion-Like Particle
Alpha Generally refers to a Twiss parameter measuring the rate of change of Beta, used in studies of accelerator optics.
ALPHA Antihydrogen Laser PHysics Apparatus.
Alpha Magnet A dipole magnet designed to bend the beam through a sharp angle (in the shape of the Greek letter Alpha). For example, an alpha magnet is used to bend the beam out of the NPI injector back into the linac
ALPS Any Light Particle Search. (DESY)
ALS Advanced Light Source.
ALS Advanced Life Support.
ALTA Alberta Large-scale Time-coincidence Array.
Alternating Gradient Focusing Magnet See AGF.
AMANDA Antarctic Muon And Neutrino Detector Array
AMBER Advanced Materials Beamline for Energy Research (LBNL)
AMD Antisymmetrized Molecular Dynamics.
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists See ACGIH.
American National Standards Institute See ANSI.
AMO Atomic, Molecular, and Optical physics.
AMOS Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Science
AMS Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (PSI). An experiment to detect antimatter and dark matter in space.
AMS Acquisitions Management System. (Purchasing)
AMSB Anomaly Mediated Symmetry Breaking.
Angstrom An angstrom is a very tiny unit of measure equivalent to 10-10 meters, or about the average distance between individual atoms. It's commonly used to describe the lengths of chemical bonds and wavelengths of light, such as X-rays. The Linac Coherent Light Source produceS "hard" X-rays with a wavelength of 1.5 angstroms, giving it the power to make images of objects on the atomic scale.
ANITA ANtarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna.
ANL Argonne National Laboratory.
Annihilation See WORD-OF-THE-WEEK
Anonymous FTP A method for downloading public files using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP). Anonymous FTP is called anonymous because you don't need to identify yourself before accessing files.
ANP Adler-Nussinov-Paschos.
ANS American Nuclear Society.
ANSI American National Standards Institute. The Institute disseminates basic standards like ASCII, and acts as the United States' delegate to the ISO. Standards can be ordered by writing to the ANSI Sales Department, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036, or by telephoning 212.642.4900
Antagonism The interaction of two chemicals having an opposing, or neutralizing effect on each other, or--given some specific biological effect--a chemical interaction that appears to have an opposing or neutralizing effect over what might otherwise be expected.
Antibodies Proteins produced in the body by immune system cells in response to antigens, and capable of combining with antigens.
Anti-Degradation Clause Part of federal air quality and water quality requirements prohibiting deterioration where pollution levels are above the legal limit.
AO Adaptive Optics.
AOD Analysis Object Data.
AOFSRR Asia Oceania Forum for Synchrotron Radiation Research.
AOPDF Acousto-Optic Programmable Dispersive Filter (the Dazzler).
AOS Array Operations Site. (ALMA telescope - Chile).
AOS Accelerator Operations and Safety. (SLAC) See Also AOSD.
AOSD Accelerator Operations and Safety Division. (SLAC Accelerator Directorate)
AP pulse steering magnet.
AP Accounts Payable
APAC Asian Particle Accelerator Conference.
Apache Web Server A public-domain Web server developed by a loosely knit group of programmers. The first version of Apache, based on the NCSA http daemon Web server, was developed in 1995. Because it was developed from existing NSCA code and various patches, it was called a patchy web server. Sophisticated features, excellent performance, and low price (it's free), have made Apache the world's most popular Web server. By some estimates, in 1999 it hosted more than 50% of all Web sites in the world.
APAF Advanced Plasma Acceleration Facility. (proposed)
APB Administrative Panel on Biosafety. (Stanford University)
APCA Air Pollution Control Association.
APCD Air Pollution Control District. (CH&SC Sec. 40000 et seq)
APE Array Processor Elements, a European project involving INFN, DESY, and the University of Paris-Sud.
APEL Accounting Processor for Event Logs.
APENext Array Processor Experiment/Next. (Supercomputer)
Aperture In optics, the effective diameter of a lens or mirror. In accelerator terminology, a measure of the transport line's effective opening.
API American Petroleum Institute.
API Application Program Interface. A set of calling conventions defining how a service is invoked through a software package.
APM Assurance Program Manager.
APPEC AstroParticle Physics European Coordination.
Applet A dynamic and interactive program written in the Java language, which can run inside a Web page displayed by a Java-capable browser.
Application Layer The top-most layer in the OSI Reference Model providing such communication services as electronic mail and file transfer.
Application Server A server dedicated to running specific applications (for example, a communications server).
APS Advanced Photon Source (x-ray facility) at the Argonne National Laboratory near Chicago, Illinois.
APS American Physical Society
APT Accelerator Production of Tritium
APT Advanced Persistent Threat. (Computing)
APTA Advanced Persistent Threat Actor
APU Atomic Parity Violating
AQMD Air Quality Management District.
AQS Air Quality Standards.
Aqueous Film-Forming Foam See AFFF.
Aquifer A geologic formation that contains sufficient saturated permeable material to yield significant quantities of water to wells and springs.
AR Assisted Reality.
AR Augmented Reality.
ARA Accelerator Research Department - A
ARAA Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics.
ARAC Atmospheric Release Advisory Capability.
ARB Air Resources Board. (CH&SC Sec. 39500 et seq)
ARB Accelerator Research Department - B
ARCADE Absolute Radiometer for Cosmic And Diffuse Emission.
ARCAS Arillaga Recreation Center At SLAC.
ARD Accelerator Research Division (SLAC).
ARDA Accelerator Research Department A (SLAC)
ARDB Accelerator Research Department B (SLAC)
Area of Review In the UIC program, the area surrounding an injection well that is reviewed during the permitting process to determine whether the injection operation will induce flow between aquifers.
Area Source Any small source of non-natural air pollution that is released over a relatively small area but which cannot be classified as a point source. Such sources may include vehicles and other small fuel combustion engines.
ARF Ancillary Response Files.
ARG Accident Response Group.
ARGO Astrophysical Radiation with Ground-based Observatory. (Tibet)
ARGOS Advanced Research and Global Observation Satellite. A US Air Force low earth orbit satellite launched in 1999 carrying the USA experiment (among others).
ARM SSRL Accelerator Systems Department, Accelerator and FEL Physics Group.
ARO After Receipt of Order
ARP Address Resolution Protocol. The Internet protocol used to dynamically map Internet addresses to physical (hardware) addresses on local area networks. Limited to networks that support hardware broadcast.
ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency. Former name of DARPA, the government agency that funded ARPANET and later the DARPA Internet.
ARPANET A pioneering long haul network funded by ARPA. It served as the basis for early networking research as well as a central backbone during the development of the Internet. The ARPANET consists of individual packet switching computers interconnected by leased lines.
ARPES Angle-Resolved PhotoEmission Spectroscopy. Technique pioneered at Stanford and at SLAC to study the behavior of complex materials. Uses a high-resolution spectrometer to detect electrons emitted from the surfaces of materials subjected to intense X-ray beams.
ARR Accelerator Readiness Review.
ART Algebraic Reconstruction Technique
ARTEMIS Accelerator Remedy Trouble Entry and Maintenance Information System.
Artesian Aquifer An aquifer in which ground water is confined under pressure significantly greater than atmospheric pressure. Also known as a Confined Aquifer.
Artificial Intelligence See AI.
AS Australian Synchrotron.
ASACUSA Atomic Spectroscopy And Collisions Using Slow Antiprotons. A Japanese-European collaboration at CERN. (Also the name of a famous temple district in Tokyo.)
ASC Arillaga Science Center, Building 057 (Formerly Photon Science Lab Building -- PSLB)
A-Scale Sound Level A measurement of sound approximating the sensitivity of the human ear, used to note the intensity or annoyance of sounds.
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange. Defines a 7-bit internal computer code for storing 128 letters, numbers, punctuation, and control codes. ASCII is used on almost all computers except some IBM mainframes (see EBCDIC). There is also an 'extended ASCII' which provides for 256 characters.
ASCR Advanced Scientific Computing Research (DOE).
ASD Accelerator Systems Development / Department. (SSRL)
ASD Accelerator Systems Division.
ASE Accelerator Safety Envelope.
ASEB Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board.
ASER Annual Site Environmental Reports.
ASG Advanced Study Group (of the Max Planck Society).
ASGC Academia Sinica Grid Center.
ASHER Active Shooter/Hostile Event Response (NFPA Standard)
ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers.
ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuits.
ASLS Advanced Synchrotron Light Source.
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
ASO Accelerator Systems Operator.
ASOD Accelerator Safety and Operations division, Accelerator Directorate.
ASOS Absolute value Solid-On-Solid
ASP Astronomical Society of the Pacific.
ASPENS Astrometric Search for Planets Encircling Nearby Stars.
ASPERA AStroParticle European Research Area.
ASRF Accelerator Systems and Research Facilities. (SLAC)
ASRP Australian Synchrotron Research Program.
Assimilation The ability of a body of water to purify itself of pollutants.
ASST Accelerator Systems String Test
AST Above ground Storage Tank (ESH)
ASTA Accelerator Structure Test Area.
ASTB As Sent To Bidder.
ASTeC Accelerator Science and Technology Centre. (UK)
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials.
ASTR Astronomy.
ASTRO-H The 6th Japanese-led international X-ray observatory, and the successor to the Suzaku satellite (ASTRO-E2)
Astronym ASTROnomical acroNYM
ASW Accelerator Safety Workshop.
Asymptotic freedom The decrease, at high energy, of the strong force between quarks.
Asynchronous Transmission by individual bytes, not related to specific timing on the transmitting end.
AT Ampere Trip.
ATA Allen Telescope Array.
ATA Activity Training and Authorization. When signed by the worker and their supervisor, this document authorizes and releases a worker to perform activities in their resident area. It is valid for one year.
ATCA Australia Telescope Compact Array
ATCA Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture.
ATF Accelerator Test Facility / Advanced Test Facility.
ATF2 Accelerator Test Facility 2 (KEK).
ATHENA AnTiHydrogEN Apparatus (CERN).
ATLAS A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS. (A general purpose detector at the LHC at CERN).
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
ATO Authority To Operate. (DOE)
ATOM Area Telecommunications Office Motivator
ATR Advanced microwave Technology Research department. (SLAC)
ATRAP Antihydrogen TRAP.
ATS Action Tracking System. (Replaced CATS)
ATSDR Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. (Federal)
ATST Advanced Technology Solar Telescope.
Attached Resource Computer Network See Arcane.
Attenuation The process by which a compound is reduced in concentration over time, through adsorption, degradation, dilution, and/or transformation.
Attosecond One billionth of one billionth of a second.
AU Astronomical Units
AUI Associated Universities Incorporated
AURA Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy. It is an organization of various universities and other nonprofit and educational institutions.
Auston switch Switch made of semiconductor material and triggered by an ultrafast optical laser. Passes an extremely short-lived current when hit by a photon.
Authentication The process of identifying an individual, usually based on a username and password. In security systems, authentication is distinct from authorization, which is the process of giving individuals access to system objects based on their identity. Authentication merely ensures that the individual is who he or she claims to be, but says nothing about the access rights of the individual.
Autoignition Temperature The temperature at which a material (solid, liquid, or gas) will self-ignite and sustain combustion in the absence of a spark or flame.
Auxiliary Door Any door between two PPS areas. An internal door in a PPS controlled zone.
AV Anti-Virus (Computing)
AVLIS Atomic Vapor Laser Isotope Separation
AWK Aho, Weinberger, and Kernighan. A Unix programming language for analyzing and manipulating text files.
AWLC Americas Workshop Linear Colliders
AXESS Stanford University employee benefits web portal.