Aerial of SLAC, 2021

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OA     Office of Assurance (SLAC)

OAL     Office of Administrative Law. (California)

OAS     Office of Assessment and Support.

OASIS     Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards.

OBE     One Boson Exchange


OBS     Organization Breakdown Structure.

OCCG     Operations Computing Coordinating Group.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration     See OSHA.

OCFO     Office of the Chief Financial Officer.

OCIO     Office of the Chief Information Officer. (SLAC)

OCL     Obligation Control Level.

OCRWM     Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management.

OD     Operations Directorate (SLAC).

Odd Sector Key     A PPS key used to open the door of odd-numbered Sectors of the LINAC (except Sector 19).

ODE     Ordinary Differential Equations

ODH     Oxygen Deficiency Hazards.

ODM     Oxygen Deficiency Monitor.

Odor Threshold     The lowest concentration at which a substance is able to be smelled by a person with normal olfactory capability.

OE     OErsted.

OE&ED     Organization Effectiveness and Employee Development.

OECD     Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

OECM     Office of Engineering and Construction Management (DOE).

OES     Governor's Office of Emergency Services. (California)

OFE     Office of Fusion Energy.

OFE     Oxygen Free Electrolytic (copper).

OFES     Office of Fusion Energy Sciences.

Offs     The x and y offsets for the center of a magnet in millimeters.

Off-Site Facility     A hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal area that is located at a place away from the generating site.

OFI     Opportunity For Improvement.

OGC     Office of General Counsel. (SLAC)

OGE     One Gluon Exchange Model.

OGLE     Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment.

OGSA     Open Grid Service Architecture, from the Global Grid Forum.

OHEP     Office of High-Energy Physics. (DOE)

OHMTADS     Oil and Hazardous Materials Technical Assistance Data System. A computerized data retrieval system developed by the EPA.

OHP     Operational Health Physics. The group charged with the task of monitoring radiation, TLDs, and preventing radiation accidents.

OIO     Office of Independent Oversight.

OIP     Operations Improvement Project(s).

OIPRP     Office of Intellectual Property and Research Partnerships.

OJT     On-the-Job Training.

OLA     Operational Level Agreement.

OLC     Online Learning Center. (DOE)

OLCF     Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (DOE)

OM     Open Membranes

OMB     Office of Management and Budget.

OMC     Occupational Medicine Clinic.

Omega Space     In probability theory, the entire field of all possibilities in a given experiment is represented by the Greek symbol Omega, and is called "Omega Space." If you are rolling a pair of dice, for example, the 11 whole numbers from two through twelve are the Omega Space.

OMVPE     OrganoMetallic Vapor Phase Epitaxy.

ONC     Open Network Computing Group (Sun).

One-Shot     An IC used to generate a single output pulse in response to a trigger, as in "one-shot multivibrator."

ONR     Office of Naval Research (U.S. Dept. of the Navy, Washington DC).

ONS     Okamoto-Nolen-Schiffer.

On-Scene Coordinator     See OSC.

OO     Object-Oriented.

OOA     Object-Oriented Analysis.

OOC     Ordering Operator Calculus.

OOP     Object Oriented Programming.

OOPS     Out Of Plane Spectrometer. (MIT-Bates)

OOPSLA     Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications.

OOUI     Object Oriented User Interface. OOUIs are object-oriented Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs). In an OOUI, an object may be a document that knows how to open, print, and shred itself, to be distinguished from a non-object word processor that knows how to open a document. The OS/2 Workplace '91 shell, with its templates for classes of interface objects and containers for windows holding other windows, is an OOUI.

OPA     Optical Parametric Amplifier.

OPA     Office of Project Assessment (SLAC).

OPA     Office of Planning Assessment (NSF).

OPC     Other Project Costs.

OPCPA     Optical Parametric Chirped Pulse Amplification

OPE     One Pion Exchange

OPEN LOOK     A GUI based on X Windows and developed by AT&T. Alternative to Motif.

Open Software Foundation     See OSF.

Open Systems Interconnection     See OSI.     Open Energy Information. (DOE)

OpenGATE     A collaboration to improve, validate, document and test GATE software.

OPEP     One Pion Exchange Potential

OPERA     Oscillation Project with Emulsion-tRacking Apparatus.

Operational Health Physics     See OHP.

Operations Schedule     Long-term schedule of experiments on the accelerator. It is available from The Technical Director's office in the Technical Division. Previously called Experiment Schedule. Also called the Running Schedule, or, the Schedule.

Operator    A member of the SLAC Accelerator Operations Department who operates the accelerator and beam transport systems in order to deliver a beam to a team of experimenters. This function involves tuning to specifications, failure analysis, and PPS procedures.

OPEX     OPerational EXcellence (SLAC)

OPI     Organization of Principal Interest.

OPIM     Other Potentially Infectious Materials.

OPM     Office of Personnel Management.

OPOC     Organizational Point Of Contact.

OPR     OPeRating.

OPR     Owner Project Requirement

OPS     OPerationS. See Operator.

OR     Oak Ridge. See also ORNL.

Oracle     A relational database management system which runs on most mainframe computers and networked microcomputers. Oracle users can use databases on other platforms as if on their own. SLAC has several site licenses for Oracle.

ORAU     Oak Ridge Associated Universities

Orbit     The path of a beam along a transport line. Originated from storage ring terminology.

ORCID     Open Researcher and Contributor ID.

Organic Chemicals     A large group of chemicals in which carbon atoms are key constituents. Other key elements may include sulfur, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen.

ORION     A facility for advanced accelerator research based on the Next Linear Collider Test Accelerator (NLCTA)  at SLAC.

ORM     Other Regulated Material (from 49 CFR).

ORNL     Oak Ridge National Laboratory (TN)

ORO     Oak Ridge Operations Office (DOE).

ORPS     Occurrence Reporting and Processing System. (DOE)

ORR     Operational Readiness Review

OSA     Optical Society of America.

OSC     On-Scene Coordinator. The predesignated EPA, Coast Guard, or Department of Defense official who coordinates and directs Superfund removal actions or Clean Water Act oil- or hazardous-spill corrective actions.

OSC     Operating Safety Committee (SLAC)

OSF     Operations Support Facility (ALMA telescope - Chile).

OSF     An acronym for Open Software Foundation, a consortium consisting of DEC, IBM, HP/Apollo, and other major vendors of Unix hardware. The group was formed in response to the formation of the Unix International compact. Now part of The Open Group.

OSFT    Open String Field Theory.

OSG     Open Science Grid.

OSHA    Occupational Safety and Health Administration. The U.S. Government agency in charge of safety in the workplace. The California State equivalent is CAL/OSHA.

OSI     Open Systems Interconnection. The international standard program to facilitate data communication among computers from different manufacturers. The standard defines seven layers of protocols (Physical layer, Link layer, Network layer, Transport layer, Session layer, Presentation layer and Application layer). Most of the functionality in the OSI model exists in all communication systems, although two or three OSI layers may be incorporated into one.

OSP    Operational Safety Procedure (or Policy).

OSP     Office of Strategic Planning. (SLAC)

OSR     Operational Safety Requirement.

OSR     Office of Sponsored Research. (Stanford)

OSR    Open Science Repository.

OSTP     Office of Science and Technology Policy.

OSU     Off-Site Use.

OSWER     Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response. A subdivision of EPA.

OTA     Office of Technology Assessment. (Federal)

OTIC     Orient Tantalum Industry Corporation. (Ningxia, China)

OTL     Office of Technology Licensing. (Stanford)

OTQM     Odd Truncated Quadrupole-Phonon Model

OTR     Optical Transition Radiation.

OTT     Office of Technology Transitions (DOE).

OU     Organizational Unit. (SLAC)

OUO     Official Use Only. Designation of unclassified information that may be exempt from public release

OZI     Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka