Past Spotlights, 2005-2011
News features on SLAC archives and history
December 2, 2011
Web @ SLAC is 20 years old!

October 20, 2011
On October 20, 2006, SLAC broke ground for the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS)...

October 4, 2011
It's Nobel Season again...
Thirty-five years ago, Burton Richter got the call...

September 15, 2011
Twenty years ago, in September 1991, physicist Paul Kunz brought the Web to SLAC...

August 10, 2011
E-print archive anniversary...

June 20, 2011
ANITA calibration anniversary

June 2, 2011
Anniversary of first synchrotron radiation coronary angiogram recorded on a human subject...

May 20, 2011
Linac first beam anniversary

May 5, 2011
A "charm"ing anniversary...

April 1, 2011
At SLAC, change is nothing new...

March 17, 2011
KIPAC anniversaries...

February 24, 2011
SLAC History Project anniversary...

January 25, 2011
"Golden Bolt" Ceremony anniversary...

November 9, 2010
Sid Drell wins Enrico Fermi Award...

October 13, 2010
National Fossil Day, 2010

October 6, 2010
It's Nobel season and two of SLAC's Nobelists mark significant anniversaries this year...

June 23, 2010
Homebrew Computer Club reunion at SLAC...

May 28, 2010
In 1970, SLAC had its first retiree...

April 1, 2010
Did SLAC host ghosts 30 and 35 years ago?

March 2, 2010
GLAST project 10-year milestone...

February 17, 2010
Forty years ago: French President Pompidou visits SLAC...

December 8, 2009
1991: SLAC launches first web site in North America...

November 1, 2009
35th Anniversary of "November Revolution" in Physics...

October 21, 2009
...More Loma Prieta earthquake memories...
October 15, 2009
Loma Prieta Earthquake remembered...

October 1, 2009
New Archives' Month contest...
August 21, 2009
Forty years ago: final payment for SLAC was made...

August 13, 2009
Tenth anniversary of BaBar at SLAC...

August 1, 2009
45 years of charm...

May 1, 2009
35 years of X-ray science...

April 14, 2009
20 years ago this month: SLAC's first Z ...

January 9, 2009
Archives month contest pays continuing dividends...
November 10, 2008
2008 Archives Month Contest Winners...
October 1, 2008
Celebrating Archives' Month with a Contest...
February 7, 2008
Director Panofsky memorialized...

September 25, 2007
Lab Director Emeritus, W.K.H. "Pief" Panofsky dies...

May 1, 2005