20th Anniversary of SLAC's first Z°
Saturday, April 11 marked the 20th anniversary of the first recording of a Z° particle by the Stanford Linear Collider. The feature article in the April 1989 issue of the SLAC employee newsletter, SLAC Beam Line, crowed, "The long wait is over," but Burton Richter's lab director's column in the same issue cautioned staff that the SLC still had a long road ahead of it.
It was 20 years ago this month, in that same issue of SLAC Beam Line, that the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory announced a major advance in the imaging of human coronary arteries employing dual beams of synchrotron radiation produced in a dedicated run at the SPEAR storage ring.
Read the entire April 1989 issue of the SLAC Beam Line online.
By Laura O'Hara, Assistant Archivist