December 6, 2008

Photon Science history research in SLAC Archives and History Office

We are thrilled that Olof Hallonsten, PhD student at Lund University in Sweden, is diligently researching part of SLAC's history of photon science. His aim is to explore the multiple and complex relationships between scientific conduct in a laboratory and the characteristics of instrumentation and infrastructure through the case of synchrotron light facilities. He is using SSRL, MAX-lab, and ESRF as his case studies. We look forward to the completion of his thesis.

For a peek at his work see “Why large research infrastructures can be built despite small investments? MAX-lab and the Swedish research infrastructure,” part of the SISTER working paper series, co-written with Mats Benner.

9/15/2009 UPDATE: Olof successfully defended his thesis Small science on big machines last Friday.

By Laura O'Hara, Assistant Archivist