Aerial of SLAC, 2021

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F     Focusing

F Wastes     A federal waste category comprised of wastes from nonspecific sources.

F&A     Finance and Audit committee (BoO)

F&O     Facilities and Operations. (SLAC)

FA     Fire Alarm.

FAA     Federal Aviation Administration.

FAC     Federal Administrative Charge.

FAC     Facilities Office. Merged with Plant Engineering in 2000 and re- named Site Engineering and Maintenance (SEM).

FACET     Facility for Advanced Accelerator Experimental Tests. (SLAC)

FACP     Fire Alarm Control Panel.

Facsimile     see Fax.

FACTS      Foreign Access Central Tracking System. (DOE)

FADC     Flash Analog-to-Digital Converter.

FADGI     Federal Agencies Digital Guidelines Initiative

FAIR     Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research.(Germany)

FALC     Funding Agencies for Large Colliders.

FALM     Fire ALarM.

FAN     Facilities Action Notice.

FAQ     Frequently Asked Question. Pronounced as separate letters or as faK, a FAQ is a document that answers questions about some technical topic. Frequently, FAQ's are available electronically, and are formatted as help files or hypertext documents.

FAR     Federal Acquisition Regulation

Faraday Cup     See FARC.

FARC     FARaday Cup. A device designed to stop an accelerated beam and measure the integrated charge. Some are also used to park beams at low rep rates for short periods. FARCs are usually connected to ground through a current measuring device so that the integrated current in the beam may be measured.

FaST     Faculty and Student Teams.

FAST     Five-hundred meter Aperture Spherical Telescope. (China)

FaST     Faculty and Student Teacher program (DOE)

Fast Fault Finder     Electronic safety interlock system that diagnoses klystron or Marx modulator malfunctions.

Fast Time Plot     See FTP.

FAT     Factory Acceptance Test

Fault Lock Out     See FLK.

Fault Tolerance     The ability of hardware to tolerate the breakdown of any major components, such as CPUs, hard drives and power supplies. Fault tolerance is typically provided by supplying two or more of the same component, with the additional hardware serving on a standby basis. True fault tolerance provides standby hardware that instantaneously takes over for malfunctioning hardware elements in a completely transparent manner with, ideally, absolutely no loss of data and no processing downtime.

Fax     (verb) To send a document via a facsimile machine, which is a device that can send or receive pictures and text over a telephone line. (noun) A document sent or received via a fax machine.

FB     FeedBack.

FB29     A microprocessor dedicated to the steering feedback through the collimators at the end of the LINAC.

FB31     A microprocessor dedicated to the Fast Energy Feedback at the end of the LINAC.

FB69     A Microprocessor controlling IP devices.

FBR     Field Budget Request.

FCAL     Forward liquid argon CALorimeter of the ATLAS detector. (CERN)

FCC     Federal Communications Commission. Federal commission that sets policy and regulates the U.S. communications industry under the authority of the Communications Act of 1934.

FCEB     Federal Civilian Executive Branch

FCEV     Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle.

FCM     Field Construction Manager.

FCNC     Flavor Changing Neutral Currents

FCSM     Finance and Supply Chain Management.

FD     Fluorescence Detector (Auger Observatory).

FD     Fire Damper.

FDA     Free Differential Algebra

FDDI     Fiber Distributed Data Interface. A set of ANSI protocols for sending digital data over fiber-optic cable.

FDDI     networks are token-passing networks, and support data rates of up to 100Mbps (100 million bits) per second. FDDI networks are typically used as backbones for wide-area networks.

FDIRC     Focused Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov light.

FDTHRU     FeeD THRoUgh.

FDW     Financial Data Warehouse.

Federal Communications Commission     See FCC.

Federal Telecommunications System     See FTS.

FEE     Front-End Enclosure (LCLS). Also known as XTES (X-ray Transport and Experimental Systems)

FEFF     An automated program for ab initio multiple scattering calculation s of XAFS an XANES spectra for cluster of atoms. (University of Washington).

FEH     Far Experimental Hall. (LCLS)

FEIS     Final Environmental Impact Statement.

FEL     Free-Electron Laser

FEMA     Federal Emergency Management Agency.

FEMP     Federal Energy Management Program.

Femtobarn     10-39 square centimeters (10-15 of a barn).

Femtosecond     One quadrillionth of a second.

FEO     Federal Energy Office.

FEP     Facility Emergency Plan.

FERMI     FERMI gamma-ray space telescope.

FERMI     Free Electron Radiation and Matching Instrumentation

FERMI     Federal Electronic Records Modernization Initiative (NARA)

Fermi solution     A method for generating approximate solutions quickly. Named after Enrico Fermi, who had considerable ability in this area. The method requires that one know a close approximation tithe range into which the computational results should fall.


FES     Fusion Energy Sciences.

FESAC     Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee.

FEWG     Fugitive Emissions Working Group.

FF     Final Focus.

FF     Finding Foil.

FFA     Federal Facility Agreement.

FFAG     Fixed-Field Alternating Gradient accelerators.

FFBK     Fast FeedBacK.

FFD     Fitness For Duty.

FFRDC     Federally Funded Research and Development Centers.

FFT     Fast Fourier Transform

FFTB     Final Focus Test Beam. (SLAC)

FFZ     Fairlie-Fletcher-Zachos

FGS     Fine Guidance Sensor. (JWST)

FGST     Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. (Formerly called GLAST)

FIA     Factory Insurance Association.

FIAT     PHasing, Isolation, Attenuation, and Trigger. (The F is phonetic.) Double-width racks that stand at every klystron/modulator station and hold electronic chassis that relate to the klystron/modulator functionality and protection.

FIB     Focused Ion Beam.

FIB-SEM     Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscope.

Fiber Distributed Data Interface     See FDDI.

Fiber Optics     A data transmission medium made of tiny threads of glass or plastic that transmit huge amounts of data at the speed of light. The light is normally generated by a light emitting diode(LED) or a laser.

Fiberglass     See FRP.

FICA     Federal Insurance Contributions Act.

FID     Free Interface Diffusion.

Fieldbus     A local area network technology used for the control of sensors and actuators in industrial applications such as data acquisition and control. Normally a Fieldbus network uses transmission media such as twisted-pairs cables. The Fieldbus communication protocol is designed to exchange short command messages among devices such as actuators, sensors, controllers, general-purpose computers and other industrial devices connected on a network. Several proprietary Fieldbus protocols exist, including Foundation Fieldbus, CANbus , BITBUS, WorldFIP, and Profibus.

FIFO     First In First Out. A computer jargon term referring to the order data is transferred, as in a queue.

FIFRA     Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act. (7 U.S.C. Sec. 136 et seq)

File Transfer Protocol     See FTP.

FIMS     Facilities Information Management System

Final Focus Test Beam     See FFTB.

Final Triplet     The last three quadrupole magnets in the beam line optics of the Final Focus just before the IP.

Finger     A standard protocol specified in RFC 742 which lists who is currently logged in on another host.

FIPS     Federal Information Processing Standards. Developed by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in accordance with the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) for federal computer systems

FIR     Finite Impulse Response

FIRAS     Far-Infrared Absolute Spectrophotometer

Fire P     Fire Point. The lowest temperature at which a mixture of air and vapor continues to burn in an open container when ignited. It is usually above the flash point.

Fire Point     See Fire P.

FIRST     Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty centimeters.

Fiscal Year     See FY.

FISMA     Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002.

FIT     Fit to previously existing data.

FITS     Flexible Image Transport System. Originally an astronomical image file format, now also used for tabular data.

Fixation     A process whereby waste is made unchangeable and/or stationary.


FJPPL     France-Japan Particle Physics Laboratory.

FJ-PPL     France-Japan Particle Physics international associated Laboratory.

FLAMINGOS     FLoridA Multi-object Imaging Near-infrared Grism Observational Spectrometer.

Flammability Range     For a given substance, that range of percentages from the LEL to the UEL, any of which will ignite if provided an ignition source.

FLASH     Free-electron LASer in Hamburg. (DESY)

Flash P     Flash Point. The lowest temperature at which a liquid will give off enough flammable vapors at or near its surface such that in an intimate mixture with air and a spark or flame, it ignites.

Flash Point     See Flash P.

FLCO     FLoor CleanOut.

FLIC     Fat Link Irrelevant Clover.

Flip Coil     A device for measuring the strength of a magnetic field. It consists of a coil which rotates through the B field of the magnet, inducing a current in the coil which is proportional tithe field and the rotational velocity of the coil. The field strength thus measured may be correlated to a specific beam energy.

Flipper     A phase shifter used to delay an RF phase by 180 degrees as for the FIDO norm beam subharmonic buncher phase.

FLK     Fault Lock Out. A klystron summary display message indicating a modulator fault lockout.

Flow Switch     An interlocked device protecting beam line elements, such as magnets, from a cooling system failure

FLRW     Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker

FLS     First Level Supervisor

FLTSW     FLoaT SWitch.

FLUENCE     FLuid-ENhanced Crystal Engineering.

Fluidized-Bed Incineration     A process whereby wastes are injected into agitated beds of inert granular material and burned. This method is suitable for sludges and liquid waste: solid wastes may need grinding.

FLUKA     A multiparticle transport computer code, developed at INFN and CERN.

FMA     Fisher Matrix Analysis.

FMD     Facilities Management Designee.

FMEA     Failure Modes and Effects Analysis

FMECA     Failure Mode, Effects, Criticality Analysis.

FMO     Fire Marshal's Office.

FMPS     Fermilab Multi-Particle Spectrometer.

FNAL     Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Batavia, IL). Also known as FERMILAB.

FOA     Funding Opportunity Announcement (DOE)

FOC     Facilities Operations Center. Also used for Facilities Operations Control group.

FOCUS     center for the advancement of Frontiers in Optical Coherent Ultrafast Science. (NSF)

Focus Drift Defocus Drift     See FODO.

FODO     FOcus drift DefOcus drift. A beam transport line optional lattice composed of a focusing quadrupole and a defocusing quadrupole separated by equal drift sections.

FOFB     Fast Orbit Feed Back system.

Foils     Refers to the energy spectrum monitors used in the ETA and the WTA. Composed of six bpms strips (there are actually no foils). Also refers to strips on the BSY TUD for measuring energy spectrum.

Folio     The online information resource of the Stanford University libraries. It includes the online catalog, INSPEC, MEDLINE, and other databases.

FONSI     Finding of No Significant Impact (as the result of an environmental impact report)

Footprint     The shape and area of floor space required for a piece of equipment.

FOPT     Fixed Order Perturbation Theory

Form R     Toxic Release Inventory.

FORTRAN     FORmula TRANslator. The oldest high-level programming language, designed by John Backus for IBM in the late 1950's.

Forward Phasing     1. To adjust the RF phase of a particle beam to add energy to the particle bunch. 2. To compensate for wakefields by keeping E Tail greater than E Head.

Four By Six     The section of the PRL near Sector 19. It includes four bends of six degrees each.

FOV     Field-Of-View.

Fox     Phase Shifter The RF phase shifter directly above each LINAC klystron. Designed by A. Gardner Fox, after whom the device is named.

FP7     Seventh Framework Programme (European Union).

FPCD     Final Procurement and Construction Design.

FPD     Federal Project Director.

FPGA     Field Programmable Gate Array.

FPM     see JCC FPM

FPP     Fall Protection Plan.

FPP     Fast Pulse Pickup.

FQDN     Fully Qualified Domain Name. The FQDN is the full site name of a system, rather than just its hostname. For example, the system, lisa, at Widener University has a FQDN

FQH     Fractional Quantum Hall effect

FQHE     Fractional Quantum Hall Effect.

FQXi     Foundational Questions in Physics and Cosmology.

FR     Federal Register.

FRA     Federal Railroad Administration.

FRCP     Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.

FRED     FOX Ruby Event Display. Graphics client used for event display (GLAST).

FRIB     Facility for Rare Isotope Beams. (Michigan State)

FRMG     FoRMinG.

FRP     Fiber-Reinforced Plastic (fiberglass).

FRS     Functional Requirements Specification.

FRW     Friedmann-Robertson-Walker

FS     Femto-Second.

FS     See Flow Switch.

FSAD     Failure Safety Analysis Document.

FSAD     Final Safety Analysis Document

FSAR     Final Safety Analysis Report.

FSCM     Finance and Supply Chain Management. (SLAC)

FSHC     Faculty Staff Health Center (Stanford).

FSI     Final State Interaction.

FSIM     Financial Services Integration Meeting

FSR     Final State Radiation.

FSRQ     Flat-Spectrum Radio Quasar.

FSUST     Former Solvent Underground Storage Tank.

FSUSY     Fractional SUperSYmmetry

FT     Final Telescope.

FTAM     File Transfer Access Method, ISO standard ISO 8571.

FTDT     Finite-Difference Time-Domain.

FTE     Full Time Equivalent.

FTFT     Finite Temperature Field Theory.

FTIR     Fourier Transform InfraRed

FTM     Facilities Transition Manager

FTMS     Foreign Travel Management System.

FTMS     Federal Test Method Standard.

FTOOLS     NASA-sponsored software used to examine and manipulate the contents of FITS (image and tabular data) files.

FTP     Field Task Proposal.

FTP     File Transfer Protocol. The Internet standard protocol for transferring text and binary files from one computer to another.

FTP     Fast Time Plot. A klystron diagnostic software package that uses a variable sample gate to generate plots of klystron parameters vs. time. COMPUTING

FTPC     Forward Time Projection Chamber

FTR     Federal domestic TRavel per diem.

FTS     Federal Telecommunications System. A US Government network of leased long-distance lines, managed and operated by the General Services Administration to provide long-distance service at a lower cost than commercial service. (defunct)

Fudge Factor     Used by LEM to scale EACT to the desired energy. Makes EACT equal to EMOD at the end of the LINAC. The fudge factor distributes energy errors of unknown source evenly through the LINAC.

Fudge Factor     Any factor added to or multiplied by a theoretically derived equation to make it more closely match the real world. Fudge factors compensate for second and third order effects that are often too cumbersome to include in the theory, or for indeterminate misalignments in the hardware.

Full Duplex     Data transmission in both directions at the same time. See also Half Duplex.

Fully Qualified Domain Name     See FQDN.

Fumes     Smoke-like particles of metals suspended in air.

FUSE     Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer.

FUSRAP     Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (DOE).

FV     Fast acting vacuum Valve. Remotely operated accelerator valve.

FWHM     Full Width at Half Maximum. (Beam focus measure)

FWP     Field Work Proposal.

FWPCA     Federal Water Pollution Control Act (amended by CWA).

FWS     Fast Wire Scanner. Also Fast WSCNR.

FXI     Femtosecond X-ray Imaging.

FY     Fiscal Year. SLAC operates on the Federal Fiscal Year which starts 1 October and ends 30 September. Fiscal years are named for the year in which they end. ex. FY99 = 1 Oct 1998 thru 30Sep 1999.

FZJ     ForschungsZentrum Informatik. (German research center)

FZK     ForschungZentrum Karlsruhe. (a German science and engineering research institution)

FZR     ForschungZentrum Rossendorf, a research institute in Germany.