Aerial of SLAC, 2021

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N&S     Necessary and Sufficient (ES&H).

n. o. s.     Not otherwise specified. (from 49 CFR)

NA     Nucleon area

NA Code     North American Code. (from 49 CFR)

NAA     NonAttainment Area (from CAA). An area whose ambient air levels exceed federal or state standards.

NAAQS     National Ambient Air Quality Standards. (from CAA)

NACA     National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.

NACE     National Association of Corrosion Engineers.

NAE     National Academy of Engineering

NAG     Numerical Algorithms Group

NAL     National Accelerator Laboratory (FermiLab). See also FNAL

NALCD     North American Linear Collider Detector

NALTA     North American Large-scale Time-coincidence Array.

NAMASTE     Next generation Atomic, Molecular, and Accelerator Science and Technology Experiments (LCLS)

Named Pipes     A reliable form of interprocess communication in which a direct link is established by a server for a client.

nanoPE     nanoporous PolyEthylene.

NARA     National Archives and Records Administration.

Narrow Pulse Generator     See NPG.

NAS     National Academy of Sciences.

NAS     Network Attached Storage

NASA     National Aeronautics and Space Administration

NASA/GSFC     National Aeronautics and Space Administration/Goddard Space Flight Center.

National Environmental Policy Act     See NEPA.

NB     Negative Binomial

NBD     Negative binomial distribution

NC     Neutral Current

NCA     Network Computing Architecture.

NCG     NonCommutative Geometry

NCI     National Cancer Institute.

NCI     Nuclear Control Institute (non-proliferation research), Washington D.C.

NCI     Nuclear Cities Initiative

NCM    NEPA Compliance Manager.

NCOS     NonCommutative Open String theory.

NCP     National Contingency Plan.

NCQFT     Non-Commutatitive Quantum Field Theories.

NCRP     National Council on Radiation Protection.

NCRR     National Center for Research Resources (National Institutes of Health).

NCS     National Communications System.

NCSA     National Center for Supercomputing Applications. A federally-funded organization whose mission is to develop and research high-technology resources for the scientific community.(Illinois).

NCSC     National Computer Security Center.

NCXT     National Center for X-ray Tomography (ALS).

NCYM     NonCommutative Yang-Mills.

ND     NaI detector at VEPP-2M, Novosibirsk.

NDA     Non-Disclosure Agreement.

NDBD     Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay

NDE     Non-Destructive Examination.

NDIM     Negative Dimensional Integration Method

NDMS     National Disaster Medical System.

NDR     Naive Dimensional Regularization

NDT     Non-Destructive Testing

NE     Nuclear Experiment.

NEA     Near-Earth Asteroid.

NEAC     Nuclear Energy Advisory Committee (DOE) GOV

NEC     National Electrical Code.

NECA     National Electrical Code Association.

NEG     Non-Evaporable Getter (pump).

NEH     Near Experimental Hall. (LCLS) 

NEHA     National Environmental Health Association. See also CHWS.

NEIC     National Enforcement Investigations Center. A subdivision of EPA.

NEMA     National Electrical Manufacturers Association.

NEO     Near-Earth Objects.

NEO     New Employee Orientation. (SLAC)

Neoparadoxia Repenningi     A member of a small family of large, herbivorous marine mammals that inhabited the northern Pacific coastal region during the Miocene epoch (20 to 10 million years ago). A fossil skeleton was unearthed at SLAC in October 1964, during the excavation for the linear accelerator beam switchyard. Originally called paleoparadoxia, it was reclassified in 2013.

NEPA     National Environmental Policy Act. The 1969 federal act which created the requirement for an Environmental Impact Statement for projects involving federal funding.

NERAC     Nuclear Energy Research Advisory Committee (DOE). See NEAC.

NERSC     National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center. (DOE)

NESHAP     National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants. (from CAA)

NEST     Nuclear Emergency Search Team.

NESTOR     Neutrino Extended Submarine Telescope with Oceanographic Research. (Greece).

NetBEUI     NetBIOS Enhanced User Interface. An interprocess communications standard developed by IBM. NetBEUI provides network interfaces used by a network operating system (which operates at the presentation layer) to access the session layer of the ISO model. As defined by IBM.

NetBIOS     Network Basic Input/Output Subsystem. An interprocess communications standard developed by IBM. NetBIOS provides network interfaces used by a network operating system (which operates at the presentation layer) to access the session layer of the ISO model.

NetBIOS     Enhanced User Interface See NetBEUI.

NETC     National Emergency Training Center.

NETL     National Energy Technology Laboratory. (DOE)

Network     A group of machines connected together so they can transmit information to one another. There are two kinds of networks: local networks and remote networks.

Network Address      1) The physical or hardware address of a network interface card. For Ethernet this 48-bit address might be 0260.8C00.7666. The hardware address is used to forward packets within physical network. 2) The logical or Internet address is used to facilitate moving data between physical networks. The 32-bit Internet address is made up of a network number, a subnetwork number, and a host number. Each host computer on the Internet has a unique address. All Internet addresses at SLAC have a network number of 134.79. All Internet hosts have a numeric address and an English-style name. For example, the Internet address for SLAC's IBM 3480 is Its Internet name is SLAC.Stanford.EDU.

Network Basic Input/Output Subsystem     See NetBIOS.

Network Operating System     See NOS.

NEUL     NEULand large-angle neutrino spectrometer.

NEXAFS     Near Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure.

nEXO     next-generation Enriched Xenon Observatory.

NFC     Natural Flavor Conserving

NFPA     National Fire Protection Association.

NFPA     No Fixed Point Automorphisms

NFS     Network File System. Protocols developed by Sun Microsystems to allow access to remote files as if they were local. Originally written for Unix but expanded to include PC, MAC and other systems. See also: AFS

NGC     New General Catalog of nebulae and star clusters. (Dreyer, Memoirs of the RAS V49, N.1)

NGLS     Next Generation Light Source. (LBNL)

NGS     Neutrino beam to Gran Sasso

NGST     Next Generation Space Telescope

NGT     Nonsymmetric Gravitational Theory

NHZ     Nominal Hazard Zone.

NIC     The Network Information Center. There are many NICs operated by local, regional, and national networks all over the world. Such centers provide user assistance, document service, and training.

NICADD     Northern Illinois Center for Accelerator and Detector Development.

NICE     Serpukhov nonmagnetic precision spectrometer.

NICER     Neutron star Interior Composition Explorer. (NASA)

NIEHS     National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.

NIF     National Ignition Facility (LLNL).

NIGMS     NIH Institute for General Medical Sciences.

NIH     National Institutes of Health.

Nikhef     Nationaal Instituut voor Kernfysica en Hoge-Energie Fysica (Amsterdam). As of 1998, renamed National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Nikhef is no longer an acronym)

NIM     Normal Incidence Monochromator SSRL

NIOSH     National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

NIRCam     Near InfraRed Camera. (JWST)

NIRNS     National Institute for Research in Nuclear Science.

NIRSpec     Near InfraRed Spectrograph. (JWST)

NIS     Network Information System. A database containing the user names, machine names, and directory names that a Network File System uses to track all machines on a network. Formerly called 'Yellow Pages' (yp).

NIS     Network Information Service (Sun). Major components include the ypserv and ypbind daemons started at boot time in the /etc/rc.local script, these daemons handle NIS database communications for both servers and clients.

NIST     National Institute of Standards and Technology.

NISUS     Near-Infrared Scalable Undulator System.

NJL      Nambu-Jona-Lasinio

NLA     Next-to-leading Logarithmic Approximation.

NLCTA     Next Linear Collider Test Accelerator. A SLAC prototype of a short section of the proposed ILC. 

NLDC     National Laboratory Directors' Council.

NLL     Next-to-leading Logarithmic Level

NLLA     Next-to-Leading Logarithmic Approximation

NLO     Next-to-Leading Order

NLS     Nonlinear Schrödinger

NLSP     Next Lightest Supersymmetric Particle

NMC     Nickel Manganese Cobalt oxide.

NMC     New Muon Collaboration

NMC     Next Muon Collider

NMI     NSF Middleware Initiative.

NMI     Non-Maskable Interrupt.

NML     New Muon Lab (Fermilab)

NMR     Nuclear magnetic resonance.

NMS     Network Management Station. The system responsible for managing a portion of a network. The NMS talks to network management agents, which reside in the managed nodes, via a network management protocol.

NMSSM     Next to Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model

NNAC     Nonproliferation and National Security Advisory Committee (DOE)

NNI     Nearest Neighbor Interaction

NNLL     Next-to-Next-to-Leading Logarithmic.

NNLO     Next-to-Next-to-Leading Order.

NNMI     National Network for Manufacturing and Innovation.

NNSA     National Nuclear Security Administration. (DOE)

NNSAC     Non-proliferation and National Security Advisory Committee. Also known as NNSA. GOV

NO     NonOscillatory

No Observed Effect Level     See NOEL.

NOA     Notice Of Award. (Stanford)

NOAA     National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NOAEL     No Observed Adverse Effect Level.

NOAO     National Optical Astronomical Observatory. (NSF)

Node     Any computer, terminal or peripheral on a network. It is also called a host.

NOEL     No Observed Effect Level. The highest dose in an animal toxicity study for which no effect was observed.

NOI     Notice Of Intent or Inquiry.

Nonattainment Area     See NAA.

Non-ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation     Radiation that does not change the structure of atoms but does heat tissue and may cause harmful biological effects. Sources include laser light, microwaves, radio waves, and low-frequency electromagnetic fields from high-voltage transmission lines.

NOPR     Notice of Public Ruling.

NORM     Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material.

NOS     Network Operating System. An operating system specifically designed to manage and control a network or networks and related services.

NOvA     NuMi Off-axis ve (electron neutrino) Appearance experiment.

NOVO VEPP 2M     NOVOsibirsk VEPP-2M electron-positron storage ring (1.4 GeV Ecm).

NOVO VEPP 4     NOVOsibirsk VEPP-4 electron-positron storage ring (14 GeV Ecm).

NP     Noteworthy Practice.

NP     New Physics.

NPACI     National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure.

NPAS     Nuclear Physics At SLAC.

NPDES     National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. (from CWA)

NPG     Narrow Pulse Generator. A test module used to simulate beam pulses for diagnostic purposes.

NPRCS     No-Permit-Required Confined Space.

NPS     See NPAS.

NPSS     Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society (IEEE).

NQIAC     National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee

NR     Non-Rotatable (flanges)

NRAO     National Radio Astronomy Laboratory.

NRC     Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

NRC     National Response Center.

NRC     National Research Council, in Washington D.C.

NRDC     Natural Resources Defense Council.

NREL     National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (DOE)

NREN     National Research and Education Network.

NRL     Naval Research Laboratory (US)

NRQCD     NonRelativistic QCD

NRQED     NonRelativistic QED

NRT     National Response Team.

NRTL     Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory.

NRY     North Research Yard.

ns     nanosecond

NS    Neveu-Schwarz

NSA     National Security Agency.

NSAC     Nuclear Science Advisory Committee (DOE)

NSC     Nanoscience Safety Committee. (SLAC)

NSCL     National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (Michigan State)

NSF     National Science Foundation.

NSF     National Sanitation Foundation. ENVIRO

NSFNET     The national backbone network, funded by the National Science Foundation and operated by the Merit Corporation, used to interconnect regional networks such as WESTNET to one another.

NSLS    National Synchrotron Light Source (BNL).

NSNS     National Spallation Neutron Source (ORNL).

NSPS     New Source Performance Standards. (from CAA and CWA)

NSR     Neveu-Schwarz-Ramond

NSRC     National Synchrotron Research Centre. (Thailand)

NSRRC     National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (Taiwan).

NSS     Neutron Spallation Source.

NSS     Nuclear Science Symposium.




Windows NT is a 32-bit operating system that supports preemptive multitasking. There are two versions of Windows NT: a network server and a workstation.

NTF     No Trouble Found.

NTF     Neutron Therapy Facility

NTG     Neue Technologien GmbH. (German engineering company)

NTIA     National Telecommunications Information Administration.

NTIS     National Technical Information Service (U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Springfield, VA).

nTOF     neutron Time-Of-Flight facility. (CERN)

NTP     Need To Proceed

NTP     National Toxicology Program. A part of USPHS.


Network Time Protocol

NTS     Non-compliance Tracking System.

Nu     The Greek letter (n). See TUNE.

Nuclear Instrumentation Methods     See NIM.

Nuclear Physics Injector     See NPI.

NUFO     National Users Facilities Organization.

NuMI     NeUtrinos at the Main Injector. An experiment that fires neutrinos from the Main Injector at FermiLab toward an underground target 730 km (about 430 miles) away in Soudan, Minnesota.

NuPECC     Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee.

NuPNET     Nuclear Physics NETwork.

NuSAG     Neutrino Scientific Assessment Group.

NUST     National University of Sciences and Technology. (Pakistan)

NuSTAR     Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope ARray.

NUSX     Mont Blanc NUSEX underground detector.

NUT     Newman-Unti-Tamburino

NuTeV     NeUtrinos at the TEVatron experiment (FNAL).

NVBL     National Virtual Biotechnology Laboratory (DOE)

NWPA     Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982.

NZE     Near Zero Emittance.