Preliminary site plan for SLAC, 1962
Legacy SLACspeak

Historic terms:

0-A      B      C      D      E     F      G      H      I      J      K     L      M     N      O    P      Q      R      S     T      U-V-W      X-Y-Z


Legacy SLACspeak S

S/C     Sub Contract.

SAAC     Scientific and Academic Advisory Committee.

SABER     South Arc Beam Experimental Region.

SAC     Science Advisory Committee.

SAD     SLAC Advanced Design Committee (ca. 1968)

SAIC     Science Applications International Corporation.

SAMMI     SLC Automatic Magnet Measuring Instrument.

SAMPLE     an experiment at MIT-Bates, measuring backward-angle electron scattering from hydrogen and deuterium targets.

SAN     Department of Energy San Francisco Operations Office.

S-BAND Feedback     A feedback system to lock the beam extraction time from Damping Ring to an S-BAND (LINAC RF) reference.

SBIR     Small Business Innovation Research

SBSS     Science-Based Stockpile Stewardship

SCA     SuperConducting Acceleration. Also, SuperConducting Accelerator (Stanford University).

SCC     Serial Crate Controller. A camac module driving an individual crate and used to interface between the serial link multibus and the CAMAC modules in that crate.

SCIP     Stanford Center for Information Processing.

SCP     SLC Control Program (Pronounced SKIP). The process running the COWs and other consoles when they are controlling the SLC machine. Each console can be operated under its own SCP program.

SDC     Solenoidal Detector Collaboration (SSC)

SDI     Strategic Defense Initiative.

SDR     South Damping Ring.

SDS     Status Display Summary. An MCC display that shows the operational status of various SLC devices.

SEAB     Secretary of Energy Advisory Board (DOE).

Secondary     A class of subsignal names in the VAX SLC database. Each primary signal can have up to 255 secondaries or subsignals.

SEP     SSRL Enhancement Project

SERC     Science and Engineering Research Council.

SETL     A magnet parameter indicating the settling time for a power supply to stabilize after a change. A SLC VAX secondary.

SFT     Super Fixed Target beauty Facility. Competing with other B factory ideas, SFT proposed using a 20Tev proton beam to measure CP violation at the SSC Laboratory. The SFT proposal was turned down in review.

SHAP     Supplemental Housing Allowance Program.

SHB     SubHarmonic Buncher. The bunching system after the CID gun that groups the electrons into the two bunches needed by SLC. The two SHB (178.5 MHz) are subharmonics (1/16 of S-Band) of the LINAC RF frequency. It incorporates the following: A) A magnetic mirror to protect the gun, B) Ten solenoids to maintain the beam through the pipe and inhibit the spiraling of the electrons, C) two subharmonic bunchers in which the bunching is accomplished through velocity modulation using a standing wave resonator and two cavities.

SHF     SLAC Hybrid Facility photon collaboration.

SII     SLAC Improvement Initiative.

Simple Timing Buffer     See STB.

SIP     Summary Information Process. A database primary.

SIPRI     Stockholm international Peace Research Institute.

SISE     Summer Internships in Science and Engineering. See ERULFs.

SITN     Stanford Instructional Television Network. Operated through the Stanford Center for Professional Development (SCPD). SCPD broadcasted over 250 Stanford courses a year.

SLAC-LBL detector     Original name of the Mark I detector. One of the first large solid angle detectors. Built by SLAC Group E (Martin Perl and Gary Feldman), Group C, and a Lawrence Berkeley Lab group led by Willy Chinowsky, Gerson Goldhaber, and George Trilling. Detector was later expanded to improve muon detection and then modified to improve the electron and photon detection.

SLAM     SLC LAM Generator. A CAMAC module.

SLC     Stanford Linear Collider (100 GeV Ecm). Originally SLAC Linear Collider.

SLC Control Program     See SCP.

SLC Large Detector     See SLD.

SLCCS     SLC Control System. Software system designed in the early 1980's for accelerator control.

SLCNET     The broadband local area digital network that communicates between the VAX and the micros located in the various SLC areas. This is a custom high speed logic star network using MULTIBUS.

SLD     SLAC Large Detector. A particle physics detector optimized for the SLC interaction point. SLD has also been called the Stanford Large Detector and the SLC Large Detector. Sources close to the experiment confide that SLD was originally called the Slick Little Detector.

SLD-Notes     Publication produced by the SLD Collaboration on an irregular basis.

SLEAP     Stanford Linear Electron Accelerator Project. (1960's name for what eventually became SLAC. Came after Project M name.)

SMC     Stepper Motor Controller. A CAMAC module.

SMP     Strategic Military Panel

SMPS     SMall Power Supply. A SLC VAX primary.

SNOOP     Diagnostic module for Fastbus.

SOB     StandOff Box. (BaBar)

SOPF     Stanford Outdoor Primate Facility

South Injection Tunnel     See SIT.

SPASM     Single-Pass ASseMbler.

SPC     Single Pass Collider.

SPCP     Single Pass Collider Project (Proposed in 1980).

SPI     Sign of Polarization Inverter, a SLC Polarized Light Source Subsystem.

SPIRES     Stanford Public Information REtrieval System. A database management system widely used for large bibliographic databases. At SLAC, BINLIST, HEP, BOOKS, DRAW, CONF, SEMINARS, SERIALS, and INST are some of the databases maintained in SPIRES.

SPRK     Spark chamber.

SRC     Science Research Council.

SSC     Superconducting Super Collider (defunct).

SSC Advisory Panel     See SSCAP.

SSCAP     The SSC Advisory Panel. An international committee of physicists that determined the SSC experimental program.

SSP     Science Simulation Plan

Stanford Public Information Retrieval System     See SPIRES.

STANFORD-PRINCETON STORAGE RINGS     A figure-eight, weak-focusing, electron-electron collider built at Stanford in 1958-1963 by a group led by Gerald K. O'Neill (Princeton) and Burton Richter (Stanford). Using the Stanford MARK III accelerator as an injector, the collider consisted of two rings, each ten feet in diameter, in which electrons circulated in opposite directions, colliding at the intersection point. When built, the rings contained the largest ultra-high vacuum system in the world. The energy lost to synchrotron radiation was compensated for by a radio frequency system which gave an electron a boost of energy as it came through the accelerating cavity. The detector used on the rings was an optical spark chamber.

STEP     A SLC VAX primary which includes stepping motor status and other devices using such motors.

STRC     STReamer Chamber.

Summary Information Process     See SIP.

SUP     Seismic UPgrade.

SuperB     A high-intensity B-factory planned for construction near Frascati in Italy

Supersloop     Working name for 1970's project to convert the SLAC linac to a superconducting accelerator. (Project was canceled)

SUPF     Stanford University Primate Facility (former SLAC neighbor).

System 20 Box     A local network server used by the VAX computers to communicate with their terminals. System 20 uses one frequency band of the CATV network. The box is made by SYTEK.