Legacy SLACspeak R
RA1 - RA6 Rate (0 through 120) on time slots 1 through 6.
RAB Receiver ABort.
RADCON Radiological Control manual.
RAMM Remote AMplifier Monitor. A SLC VAX primary.
RB Reverse Bend. The section near the upstream end of each SLC arc where the curvature changes direction so that the beams can be steered around toward the IP.
RCBC Rapid-Cycling Bubble Chamber.
RD Research Division. A SLAC organizational group.
RE Klystron Reflected Energy. A klystron summary display message indicating problems with reflected energy. See also RP.
RED Research Electronics Division. (SLAC)
RESA Research Equipment Storage and Assembly.
Rhumbatron Cavity resonator invented by Hansen to serve as a powerful electron accelerator with relatively modest power consumption. As a particle accelerator, it was surpassed by the Kerst betatron, but it became a crucial part of Stanford's first microwave tube: Varian's klystron.
RIPL The ripple readback from the SAM module.
RND Reducing Nuclear Danger.
Rollfix A system for compensating for the rolls in the SLC arcs.
ROSAT ROentgen SATellite. An X-ray observatory developed through a cooperative program between Germany, the US and the UK. Launched June 1 1990 and turned off February 12, 1999.
RPC Resistive Plate Chamber. (BaBar)
RPC modules Resistive Plate Counter modules for detecting muons and long-lived kaons in the Belle detector (KEKB)
RTL Ring To LINAC. A transport line section that brings the beam from either damping ring back to the LINAC.
Rx Tone Receiver. See Tone Loop.