Legacy SLACspeak F
F731 FNAL E-731 Spectrometer-Calorimeter.
FAMIS Facilities Asset Management Information System. A Computer Maintenance Management System (CMMS) used by SLAC ETS.
FAS Federation of American Scientists.
FBC Freon bubble chamber.
FBLJA Forward-Backward Lepton Jet Analyzer.
FCS Future Computing at SLAC.
FCST Federal Council for Science and Technology.
FCTS Fast Control and Timing System (BaBar)
FD Fire Department (under contract from the City of Palo Alto).
FEA Finite Elements Analysis. (BaBar)
FEI Firing Error Indicator.
FID FIDucial.
FIDO FIDucial Output. a chassis which is used as a local timing reference. The FIDO extracts the fiducial pulse from the 476 MHz MDL. The output of the FIDO is a 119 MHz signal with a missing half cycle to indicate T-zero which is fed to a PDU.
Fiducial A pulse created every 2.8 milliseconds, doubled in amplitude, and used as a marker for timing. This double amplitude signal is superimposed on the 476 MHz as it is synchronized to the zero crossings of the 3 phase PG&E signal and to the damping ring revolution frequency. The fiducial is processed by the FIDO and goes to the PDU.
Fiducial Output See FIDO.
FINUDA Experiment conducted at the Frascati National Laboratories (Italy) phi-meson factory DAFNE
FLASH Fluorescence in Air from SHowers. (SLAC-E-165)
Flemming Beam Loading Feedbacks for the SLC damping rings, designed by Flemming Petersen.
FOLA Friends of the Linear Accelerator (SLAC).
FRAB ADONE beta anti beta group detector.
FRAC FRACtional energy gain from the model. A magnet database secondary.
Fractional Energy Gain from the Model See FRAC.
Fractional T1 A communication line consisting of some fraction of a standard T1 line. Fractions are allocated in multiples of 64 Kbps. A T1 line can support up to 24 64-Kbps channels.
FRAG ADONE gamma gamma group detector.
FRAM ADONE MEA group detector.
Fred A SLC operation nickname for a PPS procedure allowing access into the SLC Arcs while the beam is still in the BSY.
FREJ FREJUS Collaboration - modular flash chamber detector (calorimeter).
FRG Federal Republic of Germany.
FSU Former Soviet Union.