Legacy SLACspeak I
I&C Instrumentation and Control. Obsolete. See CD.
IAPCM Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics
IDA Institute for Defense Analysis.
IDIM Isolated Digital Input Module. A CAMAC module with 32 individuals status input bits.
IDOM Isolated Digital Output Module. A CAMAC module with 32 channels of opto-isolated output incorporating full control and read-back of output conditions.
IFB Invitation For Bids.
IFC International Finance Committee (BaBar).
IISS International Institute for Strategic Studies.
IMB Irvine-Michigan-Brookhaven underground Cherenkov detector experiment.
IMB-3 Irvine-Michigan-Brookhaven underground Cherenkov detector experiment.
IMRSS International Monitored Retrievable Storage System.
INSPEC INformation Services for the Physics and Engineering Communities.
IPL Initial Program Load. A klystron CUD message indicating that the klystron PIOP needs to be IPLed.
IPL Initial Program Load. On VAX system, it is used to re-boot or initialize a COW or other micro.
IRG Institutional Reading Group (BaBar).
ISABELLE Intersecting Storage Accelerator + BELLE (beauty): particle physics facility at Brookhaven National Laboratory approved for construction in 1978 but cancelled in 1983. (DOE)
ISG International Study Group (NLC)
ISODARCO International School On Disarmament And Research on COnflicts (Italian Pugwash Group).
ITCAP International Technical Assistance and Cooperation.
ITDS Information Technology Departmental Support group. (SLAC)