Preliminary site plan for SLAC, 1962
Legacy SLACspeak

Historic terms:

0-A      B      C      D      E     F      G      H      I      J      K     L      M     N      O    P      Q      R      S     T      U-V-W      X-Y-Z


Legacy SLACspeak C

C Line     The beam line extending from the BSY to End Station C. The C line was replaced by the Final Focus Test Beam.

C2CR     Colliders to Cosmic Rays, a conference meeting in Prague in Sept 2005.

CA     Collider Arc (North or South).

CALF     Cursor Addressed Limited Facility. A console using only a single Ann Arbor Ambassador terminal.

Calibration     For the BaBar detector: the characterization of the response of the detector and/or detector electronics to known stimuli. The purpose of calibration is to record those responses, in order to provide a better understanding of the physics significance of the event data, and to allow optimization of the detector for taking subsequent event data.

CALICE     CAlorimeter for the LInear Collider with Electrons.

CALICO     Correction Algorithms for Linear COlliders

CALIOPE     Chemical Analysis by Laser Interrogation of Proliferation Effluents

CALS     Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support.

CAM CAMAC     A klystron SDS message indicating that the CAMAC system is malfunctioning at a given station.

CAMAC     Computer Automated Measurement And Control. A system interface between computers and the devices they control. It is a backplane type crate system incorporating a 5Mb/sec serial link. The SLC CAMAC system includes more than 300 crates.

CAMAC Communication     See CAMCOM.

CAMAC DAC Location     See DACL.

CAMAC Serial Repeater     See CSR.

CAMCOM     CAMAC Communication. An interactive program used primarily for diagnostics during early commissioning of new hardware on the

CAMAC system     It allowed users to communicate with CAMAC modules directly from a terminal.

CAMR     CAMeRa.

CAPRI     California Asymmetric Phi factoRI.

CAR     Cable Access Receiver. A triple width CAMAC module with an RF receiver (modem). The CAR converts a serial bit stream to parallel data words.

CARD     Computing and Administrative Resources Division.

CAS-0     CID Analyzing Station. A horizontal bend energy spectrometer.

CAT     Compteur A Trous. (Detector-CERN)

CAT     Cable Access Transmitter. A CAMAC module which broadcasts information to other micros on SLCNET channels, or over a baseband link.

CATER     Computer Aided Trouble Entry and Report. A VAX database program used to manage maintenance issues in which problems and solutions are reported and communicated to the proper department. 'To cater' means to report a problem in this. (Formerly called ARTEMIS.)

CATS     Corrective Action Tracking System. (Superseded by ATS)

CATV     Community Antenna Television. A closed broadband coaxial cable network used for information distribution in campuses, buildings and cities. It is in use at SLAC in the Learning Room in the Library. See also SITN

CB     Crystal Ball (see entry under same)

CBAL     Crystal Ball detector. (See entry under Crystal Ball.)

CBAR     Crystal BARrel detector at CERN-LEAR.

CBE     Cylindrical Beam Expander.

CBOX     Crystal Box at LAMPF.

CBX     Colliding Beam eXperiments

CC     Command Center.

CC     Cloud chamber.

CC     Coordinating Council (ES & H)

CCC     Computer Coordinating Committee SLAC

CCG     Central Computing advisory Group. Also, Computing Coordination Group.

CCNET     A DECNET-based network that includes Carnegie-Mellon, Case Western Reserve, Columbia University, New York University Business School, Stevens Institute of Technology, and Vassar College. Although now part of the Internet, CCNET sites originally communicated with BITNET and MAILNET through gateways.

CCR     Central Control Room. The original control center for the accelerator. Not in use anymore but still wired to some control systems. Located North of the LINAC gallery near Sector 27.

CCS Bump     A betatron phase bump produced with magnets A15, A14, A7, and A6 across the CCS in the SFF or NFF. It produces a small amount of dispersion at the IP to cancel the residual dispersion at the final focus interaction point.

CDHS     Neutrino detector at CERN.

CEA     Cambridge Electron Accelerator, a joint Harvard-Massachusetts Institute of Technology Facility. Laboratory was closed in 1974. 

CEA Bypass     Modification to the CEA synchrotron to turn it into a collider.

CEH     Collider Experimental Hall. The pit at the east end of the SLC, housing both the MARK II and the SLD detectors and their associated electronics.

CELL     CELLO detector at DESY. HEP

Central Control Room     See CCR.

CERN ISR     CERN proton-proton Intersecting Storage Rings (62 GeV Ecm).

CERN LEP     CERN Large Electron-Positron collider (161 GeV, as of 1996)

CERN PS     CERN's Proton Synchrotron, a 630-meter-circumference machine that began operation in 1959.

CERN SC     CERN cyclotron (600 MeV/c Plab)

CESR     Cornell Electron-positron Storage Collider (10 GeV).

CG     Computation research Group.

CGWG     Cyber Governance Working Group.

CH     Collider Hall (See also CEH).

CHEER     Canadian High Energy Electron Ring.

Chen Institute     Institute for the study of particle astrophysics and cosmology. Established in 2001 at Stanford University and located at SLAC.

CHF     Central Helium Facility.

CHM2     CHARM-II neutrino detector (glass) at CERN.

CHRM     CHARM neutrino detector (marble) at CERN.

Chromatic Correction Section     See CCS.

CIBS     CERN-IHEP boson spectrometer.

CID     Collider Injector Development. The first accelerator section of the SLC (also called the injector). Also: The general area near the injection guns, or the PPS area going from the guns to K01 accelerator section.

CIFS     Committee on the International Freedom of Scientists.

CISA     Committee on International Scientific Affairs (APS).

CLE     Central Lab Expansion. (Building 084)

CLEO     Cornell magnetic detector at CESR.

CLIC     CERN LInear Collider. CERN design for a two stage RF linear collider, described in a series of several hundred 'CLIC-Notes'. Also 'Compact Linear Collider' (see CLIC Note 302).


Collider Experiment Hall     See CEH.

Computer Aided Trouble Entry and Report     See CATER.

Computer Automated Measurement and Control     See CAMAC.

Console Desk     The central desk in MCC where call-in books, log books and other references are located.

Console on Wheels     See COW.

Continuously Updating Display     See CUD.

COSEPUP     Committee On Science, Engineering, and Public Policy (NAS)

COSWA     Committee on Science and World Affairs.

COW     Console On Wheels. An operator station including an Ann Arbor terminal, a multibus crate with a micro, two displays or CRTs and four to eight control knobs.

CPAPD     Chinese People's Association for Peace and Disarmament

CPDF     Central Personnel Data File.

Crate     A CAMAC card slot chassis and power supply incorporating a backplane which supports CAMAC modules. Crates are connected to each other and to the micro by a 5 Mbit serial link. The crate modules are the last link in the chain which interfaces the computer to the hardware in the SLC control system.

Crate Verifier     A CAMAC module whose purpose is to test and verify the operational condition of its crate. Verifier modules are usually installed in slot 1 of the crate.

CRBE     First interactive system on the SLAC 360/91 (1968). Replaced with WYLBUR in 1970.

CRESST     Cryogenic Rare Event Search with Superconducting Thermometers.

CRID     Cherenkov Ring Imaging Detector. An SLD detection system which identifies particles by measuring their velocities.

Crystal Ball     Crystal Ball detector. Built by a SLAC/Stanford, CalTech, Harvard, Princeton collaboration. Used on SPEAR (at SLAC) from 1978 to 1981

CSD     Computer Science Division (SLAC)

CSE     Cross System Extension.

CSR     CAMAC Serial Repeater. Used where CAMAC crates are separated by long distances as in the arcs. It is an in-line amplifier for CAMAC signals.

CTIM     A database secondary indicating the last time a magnet was successfully calibrated.

CUB     Central Utility Building.

CUD     Continuously Updating Display. A video display unit in MCC indicating faulted devices in the machine. The better term for CUD is 'Status Summary Display (SDS).' There are several of these units in MCC.

Cursor Addressed Limited Facility     See CALF.

CWR     Collaboration-Wide Review (BaBar).