Legacy SLACspeak H
H1 DESY-HERA detector
HADES High Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer
Handypak Histogram and display package program. Computer graphics software formerly used at SLAC.
Hazardous Experimental Equipment Committee See HEEC.
HBC Hydrogen bubble chamber.
HDBC Hydrogen and deuterium bubble chambers.
HEACC High Energy Accelerator Conference.
HEBC HElium Bubble Chamber.
HEEC Hazardous Experimental Equipment Committee. An ad hoc committee which reviews and approves certain hazardous systems such as pressure vessels or large volumes of hazardous gases or cryogenic liquids for use by experimenters.
HEEP High Energy Equipment Pool. A SLAC organizational group. Also High Energy Electronics Pool.
HEP High Energy Physics. A major SPIRES database maintained jointly by the SLAC and DESY libraries which in 1999 contained > 390,000 references to preprints, journal articles, reports, theses, and conference papers. Used worldwide. Supserseded by InSPIRE-HEP.
HER High Energy Ring for PEP-II, a 9 GeV storage ring for electrons.
HERMES an experiment at DESY.
HESYRL Hefei SYnchrotron Radiation Laboratory.
HLBC Heavy-Liquid Bubble Chamber.
HOME HOMEstake underground scintillation detector (South Dakota).
HOT Sponsored by SLAC Computing Services, this meeting includes a review of scheduled power outages, a discussion of identified problems and outstanding issues, along with a brief recap of the Accelerator Operations daily meeting. The meeting is open to all laboratory staff.
HRS PEP High-Resolution Spectrometer (SLAC).
HSTA Hardware STAtus. A VAX database status bit indicating if a device is on-line or off-line.
HYBR HYBRid: bubble chamber + electronics.
HYC Hard Y Corrector.
Hypercard A kind of programming environment that organizes all forms of information into what appear as stacks of index cards. The user then manipulates those stacks to create applications.