Legacy SLACspeak O
OC Original Cataloging.
OCS Office of Confinement Systems.
OER Office of Energy Research.
OLYA Detector at VEPP-2M and VEPP-4, Novosibirsk.
OMEG CERN OMEGA spectrometer.
One-Shot To one-shot refers to an SLC operator manually activating a feedback loop to make one attempt to automatically adjust to within its preset tolerances. This corrects for devices that slowly drift from their ideal settings, without risking the possible malfunctions that might arise if the computer made continuous or frequent adjustments without the operator's monitoring of the results.
OPAC Online Public Access Catalog. The electronic descendant of the library card catalog, an OPAC contains bibliographic records and is interactively searchable. Access to an OPAC maybe limited to members of its generating institution's community, or may be open to a broader set of network users.
OPAL OPAL detector at LEP.
OPCW Organization for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons.
OSP Office of Special Projects.
OSPK Optical SParK chamber.
OST Office of Science and Technology (1962-1973, functions transferred to NSF).