Legacy SLACspeak G
GAC-SAC General Advisory Committee - Science Advisory Committee. (1960s)
GADC Gated Analog to Digital Converter. A circuit that selectively converts analog signals to a format readable by the computer. A SLC database primary.
Gargamelle CERN Bubble Chamber commissioned in 1971.
GEM Gamma, Electron, and Muon experiment. An SSC experiment which featured the `GEM' detector.
GENIUS GErmanium in NItrogen Underground Setup. A proposal to use a ton or more of naked enriched germanium-76 detectors in a shielding of liquid nitrogen to probe neutrino mass.
GEONET A program for alignment of SLC.
GGM (CERN) GarGaMelle bubble chamber.
GIAT Get-It-All-Together (SLC Group).
GKS Graphic Kernal System. (Obsolete)
GM General Motors.
GOCO Government Owned, Contractor Operated (DOE).
GOLI CERN GOLIath bubble chamber.
Gopher A menu-based system for exploring Internet resources that pre-dates the World Wide Web. Requires a gopher server, which presents its contents as a hierarchically-structured list of files.
Greening The action of trimming a phase, a feedback or a BACT to a nominal value or set-point. The new value as displayed by the VAX on its color monitors will be green (in tolerance) as opposed to red or yellow (out of tolerance).
Grinnel A graphic video display system using the PICT imaging system. Used with the VAX to generate graphics. (The machine is made by Grinnel Systems Corporation).
GSG Graphic Study Group (SCS).
GT-MHR Gas Turbine -- Modular Helium Reactor.
GWP Ground Warfare Panel.