November Revolution in Physics
The world of physics was dazzled in November 1974 when two separate experiments at SLAC and at Brookhaven independently discovered the first of a new set of particle states, the J/Psi particle.
The SLAC experiment was SLAC-SP-017 at SPEAR, which generated 84 publications. Burton Richter, of the SLAC-LBL collaboration, and Sam Ting, of the Brookhaven group, received the 1976 Nobel Prize in Physics "for their pioneering work in the discovery of a heavy elementary particle of a new kind."

in the solenoidal magnetic detector [Mark I] (LBNL)

Gerson Golhaber, Ewan Paterson, Herman Winnick (from the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Project group), and Francois Vannucci. November 10, 1974 at the Stanford Linear Accelerator SPEAR facility. (SLAC - V. Lüth)

Symposium of the 50th Anniversary of the November Revolution, November 8, 2024
Archival material
- SP-0-17 proposal summary
- SP-0-17 proposal "An Experimental Survey of Positron-Electron Annihilation into Multiparticle Final States in the s Range 27 to 74 GeV2"
Personal narratives
- Burton Richter. "Discovery of the Psi Particles: A Personal Perspective," SLAC Beam Line. Vol. 7, No. 11. 11/1976
- Burton Richter. "Inaugural Talk, November 14, 1984: Where Are We Going At SLAC?" SLAC Beam Line. Vol.15, No.11 & 12. 11-12/1984.
- Burton Richter on occasion of 25th Anniversary of Colliding Beams at SPEAR and photos
- Fred Gilman. "The November Revolution," SLAC Beam Line. Vol. 16, No. 1. 1/1985.
- James D. Bjorken. "The November Revolution -- A Theorist Reminisces," SLAC Beam Line. Special Issue No. 8. 7/1985.
Scientific publications produced by the SP-017 collaboration.
General audience publications
- SLAC virtual visitors center explanation of discovery
- Theory of Charm: The 4th Quark, SLAC virtual visitors center explanation
- Page from the logbook in "logbook: J/Ψ particle," symmetry, Vol.2, No.7, September 2005