Sarah E. Church
Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, Freeman-Thornton Chair for the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education and Professor of Physics
Professional and Biographical Information
- BA, Natural Sciences (Physics and Theoretical Physics) Cambridge University 1986
- PhD, Radio Astronomy, Cambridge University 1991
- Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Queen Mary Westfield College, University of London 1989 - 1993
- Post-Graduate Research Physicist, University of California, Berkeley 1994
- Caltech
- Research Fellow 1994
- Senior Research Fellow 1997-1998
- Stanford University
- Terman Fellow 1999 - 1999
- Assistant Professor, Stanford University 1999 - 2005
- Associate Professor, Stanford University 2006 - 2012
- Chambers Fellow, Stanford University 2011 - 2011
- Professor, Stanford University 2012 - Present
- Director, Hanson Experimental Physics Laboratory 2013 - 2016
- Chair, Committee on Undergraduate Standards and Policies 2013 - 2016
- Senior Associate Vice Provost, Vice Provost Undergraduate Education 2016 - 2018
- Senior Associate Vice Provost, Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning 2019 - Present
- Associate Professor by Courtesy, PPA 2007 - 2012
- Kavli Institute for particle Astrophysics and Cosmology (KIPAC) Deputy Director 2007-2011
- KIPAC Faculty 2016-2021
- Professor by Courtesy, SLAC PPA 2012 - Present
- KIPAC Senior Associate Member 2022
- Collaborator, The Carbon Monoxide Mapping Array Pathfinder (COMAP) 2015 - Present
- Curriculum Vitae (PDF)
- Polarized Cosmic Microwave Background, SETI Talks
- Whispers of the Big Bang, SLAC Public Lecture
- CMB Polarization Measurements, SLUO 2008 Annual Meeting
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