Gregory Loew, 1930 -
SLAC Professor Emeritus
Professional and Biographical Information
- Greg Loew PPA Emeriti Faculty web page
- Greg Loew Personal Website
- Greg Loew Talks website
- Fellow, American Physical Society (1992) "For his contributions to the design, construction, and operation of linear electron accelerators and associated devices, the understanding of relaxed beam-dynamics phenomena, and experimentation with extremely high RF fields."
Events and Photos
- Spotlight Video Series: Greg Loew, SLAC Associate Director Emeritus
- Big Machines and Big Science: 80 Years of Accelerators at Stanford
- Report from the International Linear Collider Technical Review committee. Santa Cruz Linear Collider Retreat, June 26-29, 2002.
- "We Have Accelerated Electrons:" The history of our beginnings at Stanford, 1932-1952. May 23, 2007 talk in Panofsky Auditorium on the occasion of a quadruple anniversary.
Non-technical publications
- The Human Condition: Reality, Science and History by Gregory A. Loew. Mascot Books, August 6, 2019
- Memories from Paris to Stanford: Life, Particles and Politics. by Gregory A. Loew. Regent Press, Berkley CA 2023
Technical publications
For a list of Professor Loew's Technical Publications, please go to his entries in InSpire-HEP and to Google Scholar.
Publications about Loew
- Press Release: Professor Gregory Loew appointed deputy director of SLAC
- Retired SLAC Physicist Gregory Loew Writes a Book about the Human Condition. InMenlo, October 7, 2001
Archival Materials
The Loew papers held by the SLAC Archives, History & Records Office are currently being processed, and are not yet open for research. SLAC staff may access descriptions of his papers by clicking this link and entering his last name in the search box at the upper right on that page.
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to SLAC (SLAC - Zawojski)