Alonzo "Al" Ashley, 1935-2019
SLAC Employee Relations

Professional and Biographical Information
- In Memoriam, SLAC Today, 10/10/2019
- Obituary, Arkansas Democrat Gazette, 10/09/2019
- Al Ashley came to SLAC as the Minority Employment and Training Representative in 1968 and continued his distinguished service in employee relations for 31 years until he retired in 1999.
- In 1969, Ashley founded SLAC’s nationally recognized Summer Science Program (SSP).
- Received Exemplary Service Award from Associate Students of Stanford University, 1987
- Developed programs resulting in SLAC receiving three University Affirmative Action Awards.
- Co-founder, SLAC Skill Training Program to afford disadvantaged students an opportunity to pursue careers in technical fields
- Created SLAC Work Study Program
- Developed first California State-Certified apprenticeship program at SLAC
- Recipient of SLAC 1999 Resolution “in recognition of a unique life’s work…for his significant contributions to the achievement of SLAC’s scientific and humanitarian goals”
- Developed DOE’s Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) program for underrepresented students
- Responsible for SLAC’s charter membership in the National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Science and Engineering (GEM)
- Initiated partnerships with National Society of Black Engineers, Tech Museum of Innovation, and historically black colleges and universities.
- Received 2005 Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring.
- Al Ashley Reflects on His Efforts to Diversify SLAC and Beyond
Archival Materials
Al Ashley papers held by the SLAC Archives, History & Records Office are currently being processed, and are not yet open for research.
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