
The SLAC Archives, History and Records Office (AHRO) photograph collection is a centralized collection of historical photographs of SLAC people, places and events.
The collection is now somewhat indexed in SALLIE, the Stanford ALL-Image Exchange. (Please note SUNet ID login required for access.) Tip: After login, go to the "ALL - Stanford Community” folder and search for SLAC.
If you need assistance locating an image, if you require a higher resolution image than that available through SALLIE,or if the image you require has not yet been scanned to SALLIE, please contact the SLAC Archives, History & Records Office to make arrangements to obtain your selection.
Other photographic collections at or featuring SLAC:
SLAC Flickr site
Current photos and videos
SLAC Communications Office Image Resources
SLAC Linac Coherent Light Source - Image Gallery
Stanford University Historical Photograph Collection
Science Photo Library
(commercial source)
Emilio Segrè Visual Archives
American Institute of Physics collections
Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource Flickr site
photos through 2010
If you have responsibility for a photo collection at SLAC, please notify the Archives (x3091) and let us know the name of the official contact person for that collection. We will be glad to link your collection's web page to this page if you will provide the URL.
Also ...
Long-term preservation of digital and color images presents specialized and complex problems. If you are responsible for a photographic or digital image collections of potential historical value, we advise early consultation with the Archives concerning the preservation of such materials.