Neoparadoxia repenningi (was Paleoparadoxia)

Adele Panofsky with Neoparadoxia model
(SLAC) Adele Panofsky with large cast and small model of Paleoparadoxia, 1996. The fossil has been renamed “Neoparadoxia repenningi” 


Barnes, Lawrence G. A New Genus and Species of Late Miocene Paleoparadoxiid (Mamalia, Desmostylia) from California. 11 September 2013, Contributions in Science, 521:51-114

Panofsky, Adele I. Stanford Paleoparadoxia Fossil Skeleton Mounting. SLAC-PUB-7829, Sep 1998. 143pp.

Doty, Andy. Paleoparadoxia Reassembled: Adele Panofsky's Inspirational Journey.: Stanford Historical Society, Sandstone & Tile V21 no. 1 (Winter 1997)

Stolar, Nina. A Creature in the Works. SLAC, The Interaction Point, March 1995, p.5

Cords, Annette. Paleoparadoxia Earliest Site Visitor. The Interaction Point, July 1991.

Fox, Karen. Paleoparadoxia Dedicated. The Interaction Point, September 1992.

Stanford lab site yields treasure: Campus once domain of sea creatures. SLAC BeamLine, March 1978, p. 2 (reprinted from San Jose Mercury, January 4, 1978

Significant Fossil Find On Site.  SLAC Quasi-Periodical Internal Newsletter Special Edition October 14, 1964

The cast model of Paleoparadoxia (now Neoparadoxia Repenningi) was displayed in an exhibit case in the SLAC Visitor's Center from 1996 to 2014 (shown in photo above). When that building was torn down to make way for construction of the Science and User Support Building (SUSB), the model was placed on long-term loan with the San Mateo County History Association Museum in Redwood City.

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