Logbook milestones

symmetry, an online magazine about particle physics jointly published by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, regularly features key pages from milestone logbooks. SLAC is represented by:

  • The shortest report: Stanford Linear Electron Accelerator Project, Report No. 7, 4/28/1947 (symmetry, 12/2009)
  • The Blue Book: Richard Neal, Editor, The Stanford Two Mile Accelerator, 1968 (symmetry, 5/2007)
  • J/Psi particle: Burton Richter, 11/10/1974 (symmetry, 9/2005)
  • Tau lepton: Martin Perl, 8/5/1977 (symmetry, 11/2004)
  • First vertex detector: Positron Electron Project (PEP), 1979 (symmetry, 6/2006)
  • First Z at SLC: Roger Erickson, 4/12/1989 (symmetry, 3/2006)

Visit symmetry to see other (non-SLAC) featured logbooks.