Roger Leslie (Les) Anderton Cottrell
IT Staff (Emeritus)
Professional and Biographical Information
- The University of Manchester, 1967, Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics
- Roles
- Manager, SLAC Computer Networking and Telecommunicaitons, 2008-2018
- Assistant Director, SLAC Computing Services, 1982-2008 (Acting Director, 1995-1997)
- Manager, SLAC Computer Network, 1980-1982
- Visiting Scientist, IBM U.K. Laboratories, 1979-1980
- Visiting Scientist (Split Field Magnet experiment), CERN, 1972-1973
- Staff Physicist, 1967-1979
- SLAC Web Wizard
- Chairman, ICFA Standing Committee on Inter-regional Connectivity's (SCIC) Monitoring Group
- Image transformations on an interactive raster scan or matrix display (patent)
Events and Photos
- First Internet Connection to China
- Internet2 Land Speed Record, 2002-2003 and co-leader for the winning team of the SuperComputing Bandwidth Challenge, 2005
Non-technical publications
- For articles by or about Les Cottrell in SLAC newsletters, please go to the SLAC Popular Periodicals archive.
Technical publications
- Book Chapters
- "The Internet, Mobile Computing and Mobile Phones in Developing Countries," in m-Science Sensing, Computing and Disemmination, 2010.
- "Writing CGI Scripts in REXX," in HTML and CGI Unleashed, 1996.
- For a list of Technical Publications, please go to SPIRES HEP.
Cottrell Papers in the SLAC Archives, History & Records Office
The Cottrell papers held by the SLAC Archives, History & Records Office are currently being processed, and are not yet open for research. SLAC staff may access descriptions of his papers by clicking this link and entering his last name in the search box at the upper right on that page.
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