SLAC Archives Legacy Backlog Processing Project

Processing Scorecard
Archives Legacy Backlog Processing Project Scorecard, 2005-2012 (SLAC AHRO)
Accessioned onsite25702848n/a*205920862228233522252336
Unaccessioned onsite459434n/a*220264233212296251
Accessioned OffSite0497n/a*107714352583265028953037
Unaccessioned OffSite 135502631n/a*258922801116940900861
At Federal Records Center
(FRC-NARA, San Bruno)
TOTAL cubic Feet (cu. ft.)62376093n/a*60626182 26277625464336602
Processing FTE 31.280.6n/a*0.56 for CY2008n/a0.96 for CY2009.64 for CY20101.6 for FY20110.87 for FY2012
Accessions growth (c.f.) since 2005 +800n/a*+1025+1410+2241+2415+2550+2803
Unaccessioned backlog changes (c.f.) since 20054 -944n/a*-1200-1465-2660-2857-2813-2897


  1. Unaccessioned Offsite = Legacy Backlog    
    Legacy Backlog Processing Project initiated in FY08 based on FY07 close-out session recommendation of SLAC AHO Program Review Committee and on research reported in Analysis of the Costs of a Backlog Project in Response to Recommendation 2 of the 2004 Archives and History Office Program Review Committee Report

  2. Net volume of holdings has decreased due to disposal of non-permanent and non-record items, and to packing /storage improvements made during processing.

  3. AHO FY09 goal is to direct .75 FTE to processing.

  4. Decrease in volume of holdings due to space savings gained by compaction and reboxing, as well as by removal and disposal of non-record and non-archival materials.

Scope / Goals of Project

  1. Basic processing of all holdings
  2. All Off-Site holdings processed to Intermediate processing level
  3. All holdings processed to Intermediate processing level (long-term goal)
  4. Selected holdings processed to Full processing level
  5. Selected processed holdings retired to National Archives and Records Administration

Project Methods

  1. Off-Site Unaccessioned holdings
    • Recall
    • Accomplish Basic / Intermediate processing
    • Send Off-Site / keep onsite (decision based on established criteria)
  2. New receipts
    • Basic processing (&Inventory not needed&) of some receipts
    • Intermediate processing of most receipts
    • Send Off-Site / keep onsite (decision based on established criteria)
  3. Previously accessioned, but need improved processing
    • Improve inadequate housing / storage
    • Improve inadequate description / box list
    • Usually discovered during reference or other handling


Accession / accessioned

A group of records or archives from the same source taken into the Archives at the same time and kept together during processing and storage.

"Inventory not needed"

Accessions that are self-indexing, or are indexed elsewhere, receive basic processing only, and "Inventory not needed"is noted in the corresponding SLACARC database record. Examples of accessions not needing inventories are: hard-copies of SLAC numbered publications (indexed in SPIRES-HEP); photographs (indexed in PHOTOINDEX), etc.

Basic Processing

Our goal is to have all records held by the SLAC Archives and History Office processed to this level. During basic processing, an accession number is assigned, a a SLACARC database record is created, and the creator/creating office, general subject of records and beginning and ending dates are noted.

Intermediate Processing

Intermediate processing is usually driven by reference use of the records, unless a special project is undertaken. At this level, a comprehensive folder list is created and further details are added to the description of the accession in the SLACARC database.

Full Processing

Full processing is completed only on the most comprehensive and important collections in the SLAC AHO. (Ex. Director's Office files). Full processing includes the preparation of a traditional archival finding aid with a biography of the creator; a chronological history of the creating person's career or the project's trajectory; a description of the processing methods and practices used on the collection; a detailed series list; and a comprehensive folder list.


Materials received in the SLAC Archives and History office that have not yet undergone basic processing.