Jean Marie Deken, Senior Archivist


(SLAC - Rogers) Jean Deken, 12 June 2003

  "Archives offer...a sense of identity, locality, history, culture, and personal and collective memory..."

SLAC Archives, History & Records Office 


  • Support Archives, History & Records Office operations
  • Assist in identifying, collecting and preserving the historically, legally, or intrinsically valuable records of SLAC
  • Facilitate access to and use of the records and history of SLAC
  • Provide essential information services to SLAC's research programs
  • Support management of the laboratory's temporary records in compliance with government regulations

Interests, Memberships and Honors

Web pages

Presentations and Publications

Editorial Projects

  • Nix, William D. A Century of Materials Science and Engineering at Stanford. Stanford Historical Society, 2019
  • Nix, William D. Living an American Dream: A Biographical Memoir. Stanford University, 2021
  • Bracewell, Ronald N. Trees of Stanford and Environs. Stanford Historical Society, 2005

(And just for fun: The Archives Song)

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Note: Quote at top of page is from Cook, Terry. " Archival Science and postmodernism: New Formulations for Old Concepts, 2000. Referenced by Mark Greene, The Power of Archives. Presidential Address, American Archivist v72 no 1 p. 36.